1. 18 Sep, 2015 2 commits
    • Hixie's avatar
      Introduce a showPopupMenu() function · a3ae46b9
      Hixie authored
      Instead of having to manage the popup menu from your app's build
      function, you now just call showPopupMenu() with the menu's position and
      it takes care of everything for you.
      This solves the problem that the popup menu was trying to mutate the
      state of the navigator from within its own initState() function.
      Also, remove the "route" argument to RouteBase.build() since it equals
      "this" by definition...
      Also, remove ModalOverlay, and instead put that logic in the navigator.
    • Adam Barth's avatar
      Move theme into material.dart · 4467a268
      Adam Barth authored
      Also, introduce Colors and Typography to hold the material colors and the
      typography declarations. Previously we expected clients of these libraries to
      import them into a namespace, but that doesn't play nice with re-exporting them
      from material.dart.
  2. 08 Sep, 2015 1 commit
    • Adam Barth's avatar
      Introduce package:sky/animation.dart · b356d146
      Adam Barth authored
      Move the animation libraries into src/animation and change importers to use
      package:sky/animation.dart. Also, move scheduler.dart into the animation
      library so that the animation library can be self-contained.
  3. 07 Sep, 2015 1 commit
  4. 21 Aug, 2015 1 commit
  5. 19 Aug, 2015 2 commits
    • Adam Barth's avatar
      Add package:sky/rendering.dart · dea3a092
      Adam Barth authored
      Similar to widgets.dart, rendering.dart exports the entire rendering layer.
      Also, update the examples to use rendering.dart and widgets.dart. Also clean up
      some exports so that the examples have more sensible imports.
    • Adam Barth's avatar
      Split box.dart into many files · 50bfdedb
      Adam Barth authored
      Sadly, box.dart has grown much longer than 1000 lines. This patch splits it up
      into several files based on the class hierarchy. Fortunately, many of these
      classes are loosely coupled to each other.
  6. 08 Aug, 2015 1 commit
  7. 03 Aug, 2015 1 commit
  8. 30 Jul, 2015 1 commit
  9. 28 Jul, 2015 2 commits
  10. 25 Jul, 2015 1 commit
    • Hixie's avatar
      Scoped focus, so you can have a dialog with input controls and not lose your... · 60177a71
      Hixie authored
      Scoped focus, so you can have a dialog with input controls and not lose your focus in the background.
      This introduces a GlobalKey registry so that you can tell when a key
      has gone away (so you can unfocus dead dialogs).
      Also I added an assert that you're not calling setState() during a
      build. It turns out that doing so means you have a bug, because since
      you're dirty already (you're building), you won't get rebuilt.
      The focus code itself is gnarly. It uses a Component and an internal
      Inherited TagNode to manage the focus state, and does crazy things
      like updating its state during build to pretend retroactively that it
      was built with some other state, once someone asks for focus the first
      time (i.e. the first time it's examined, so you can't tell that it was
      in a different state before). It does this so that it can autofocus
      controls which otherwise wouldn't be focused.
      This moves all the focus management into Navigator and showDialog(),
      so the complexity is all buried deep and not visible to apps,
      To do something like two tabs that each have an Input widget that
      needs to be focused when you switch panes, you'd need to have two
      Focus objects, one in each tab, and you need to set their autofocus to
      true (maybe that should be the default?).
  11. 24 Jul, 2015 2 commits
  12. 16 Jul, 2015 1 commit