1. 14 Sep, 2023 1 commit
  2. 07 Sep, 2023 1 commit
  3. 14 Aug, 2023 1 commit
  4. 10 Aug, 2023 2 commits
  5. 09 Aug, 2023 2 commits
    • Zachary Anderson's avatar
      Allows adding a storage 'realm' to the storage base URL (#131951) · 118c2df7
      Zachary Anderson authored
      Context: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/131862
      This PR injects a "realm" component to the storage base URL when the contents of the file `bin/internal/engine.realm` is non-empty.
      As documented in the PR, when the realm is `flutter_archives_v2`, and `bin/internal/engine.version` contains the commit hash for a commit in a `flutter/engine` PR, then the artifacts pulled by the tool will be the artifacts built by the presubmit checks for the PR.
      This works for everything but the following two cases:
      1. Fuchsia artifacts are not uploaded to CIPD by the Fuchsia presubmit builds.
      2. Web artifacts are not uploaded to gstatic by the web engine presubmit builds.
      For (1), the flutter/flutter presubmit `fuchsia_precache` is driven by a shell script outside of the repo. It will fail when the `engine.version` and `engine.realm` don't point to a post-submit engine commit.
      For (2), the flutter/flutter web presubmit tests that refer to artifacts in gstatic hang when the artifacts aren't found, so this PR skips them.
    • Ian Hickson's avatar
      Sample code for ImageProvider (#131952) · 9c8f3950
      Ian Hickson authored
      - minor improvements to documentation
      - wrap one of our test error messages in a manner more consistent with other messages
  6. 03 Aug, 2023 1 commit
  7. 21 Jul, 2023 1 commit
  8. 17 Jul, 2023 1 commit
    • Michael Goderbauer's avatar
      Stand-alone widget tree with multiple render trees to enable multi-view rendering (#125003) · 6f09064e
      Michael Goderbauer authored
      This change enables Flutter to generate multiple Scenes to be rendered into separate FlutterViews from a single widget tree. Each Scene is described by a separate render tree, which are all associated with the single widget tree.
      This PR implements the framework-side mechanisms to describe the content to be rendered into multiple views. Separate engine-side changes are necessary to provide these views to the framework and to draw the framework-generated Scene into them.
      ## Summary of changes
      The details of this change are described in [flutter.dev/go/multiple-views](https://flutter.dev/go/multiple-views). Below is a high-level summary organized by layers.
      ### Rendering layer changes
      * The `RendererBinding` no longer owns a single `renderView`. In fact, it doesn't OWN any `RenderView`s at all anymore. Instead, it offers an API (`addRenderView`/`removeRenderView`) to add and remove `RenderView`s that then will be MANAGED by the binding. The `RenderView` itself is now owned by a higher-level abstraction (e.g. the `RawView` Element of the widgets layer, see below), who is also in charge of adding it to the binding. When added, the binding will interact with the `RenderView` to produce a frame (e.g. by calling `compositeFrame` on it) and to perform hit tests for incoming pointer events. Multiple `RenderView`s can be added to the binding (typically one per `FlutterView`) to produce multiple Scenes.
      * Instead of owning a single `pipelineOwner`, the `RendererBinding` now owns the root of the `PipelineOwner` tree (exposed as `rootPipelineOwner` on the binding). Each `PipelineOwner` in that tree (except for the root) typically manages its own render tree typically rooted in one of the `RenderView`s mentioned in the previous bullet. During frame production, the binding will instruct each `PipelineOwner` of that tree to flush layout, paint, semantics etc. A higher-level abstraction (e.g. the widgets layer, see below) is in charge of adding `PipelineOwner`s to this tree.
      * Backwards compatibility: The old `renderView` and `pipelineOwner` properties of the `RendererBinding` are retained, but marked as deprecated. Care has been taken to keep their original behavior for the deprecation period, i.e. if you just call `runApp`, the render tree bootstrapped by this call is rooted in the deprecated `RendererBinding.renderView` and managed by the deprecated `RendererBinding.pipelineOwner`.
      ### Widgets layer changes
      * The `WidgetsBinding` no longer attaches the widget tree to an existing render tree. Instead, it bootstraps a stand-alone widget tree that is not backed by a render tree. For this, `RenderObjectToWidgetAdapter` has been replaced by `RootWidget`.
      * Multiple render trees can be bootstrapped and attached to the widget tree with the help of the `View` widget, which internally is backed by a `RawView` widget. Configured with a `FlutterView` to render into, the `RawView` creates a new `PipelineOwner` and a new `RenderView` for the new render tree. It adds the new `RenderView` to the `RendererBinding` and its `PipelineOwner` to the pipeline owner tree.
      * The `View` widget can only appear in certain well-defined locations in the widget tree since it bootstraps a new render tree and does not insert a `RenderObject` into an ancestor. However, almost all Elements expect that their children insert `RenderObject`s, otherwise they will not function properly. To produce a good error message when the `View` widget is used in an illegal location, the `debugMustInsertRenderObjectIntoSlot` method has been added to Element, where a child can ask whether a given slot must insert a RenderObject into its ancestor or not. In practice, the `View` widget can be used as a child of the `RootWidget`, inside the `view` slot of the `ViewAnchor` (see below) and inside a `ViewCollection` (see below). In those locations, the `View` widget may be wrapped in other non-RenderObjectWidgets (e.g. InheritedWidgets).
      * The new `ViewAnchor` can be used to create a side-view inside a parent `View`. The `child` of the `ViewAnchor` widget renders into the parent `View` as usual, but the `view` slot can take on another `View` widget, which has access to all inherited widgets above the `ViewAnchor`. Metaphorically speaking, the view is anchored to the location of the `ViewAnchor` in the widget tree.
      * The new `ViewCollection` widget allows for multiple sibling views as it takes a list of `View`s as children. It can be used in all the places that accept a `View` widget.
      ## Google3
      As of July 5, 2023 this change passed a TAP global presubmit (TGP) in google3: tap/OCL:544707016:BASE:545809771:1688597935864:e43dd651
      ## Note to reviewers
      This change is big (sorry). I suggest focusing the initial review on the changes inside of `packages/flutter` first. The majority of the changes describe above are implemented in (listed in suggested review order):
      * `rendering/binding.dart`
      * `widgets/binding.dart`
      * `widgets/view.dart`
      * `widgets/framework.dart`
      All other changes included in the PR are basically the fallout of what's implemented in those files. Also note that a lot of the lines added in this PR are documentation and tests.
      I am also very happy to walk reviewers through the code in person or via video call, if that is helpful.
      I appreciate any feedback.
      ## Feedback to address before submitting ("TODO")
  9. 27 Jun, 2023 1 commit
  10. 21 Jun, 2023 1 commit
    • Yegor's avatar
      [framework,web] add FlutterTimeline and semantics benchmarks that use it (#128366) · 07772a3d
      Yegor authored
      ## FlutterTimeline
      Add a new class `FlutterTimeline` that's a drop-in replacement for `Timeline` from `dart:developer`. In addition to forwarding invocations of `startSync`, `finishSync`, `timeSync`, and `instantSync` to `dart:developer`, provides the following extra methods that make is easy to collect timings for code blocks on a frame-by-frame basis:
      * `debugCollect()` - aggregates timings since the last reset, or since the app launched.
      * `debugReset()` - forgets all data collected since the previous reset, or since the app launched. This allows clearing data from previous frames so timings can be attributed to the current frame.
      * `now` - this was enhanced so that it works on the web by calling `window.performance.now` (in `Timeline` this is a noop in Dart web compilers).
      * `collectionEnabled` - a field that controls whether `FlutterTimeline` stores timings in memory. By default this is disabled to avoid unexpected overhead (although the class is designed for minimal and predictable overhead). Specific benchmarks can enable collection to report to Skia Perf.
      ## Semantics benchmarks
      Add `BenchMaterial3Semantics` that benchmarks the cost of semantics when constructing a screen full of Material 3 widgets from nothing. It is expected that semantics will have non-trivial cost in this case, but we should strive to keep it much lower than the rendering cost. This is the case already. This benchmark shows that the cost of semantics is <10%.
      Add `BenchMaterial3ScrollSemantics` that benchmarks the cost of scrolling a previously constructed screen full of Material 3 widgets. The expectation should be that semantics will have trivial cost, since we're just shifting some widgets around. As of today, the numbers are not great, with semantics taking >50% of frame time, which is what prompted this PR in the first place. As we optimize this, we want to see this number improve.
  11. 20 Jun, 2023 1 commit
    • William Hesse's avatar
      Fix detection that tests are running on monorepo bots (#129173) · 6ae22ef4
      William Hesse authored
      Automatic CI testing runs on monorepo bots that tests the heads
      of the Dart SDK, Flutter engine, and Flutter framework together.
      These tests previously ran on bots called HHH (triple-headed),
      and the logic for detecting this used the machine name of the test machine.
      Extend that detection logic to cover the test machine hostnames that
      run monorepo testing, that start with either 'dart-tests-' or 'luci-dart-'.
      None of the machines used to run Flutter release builds have names
      like this, even though they are in an internal Dart luci project.
      Bug: b/231927187
  12. 26 May, 2023 1 commit
  13. 16 May, 2023 1 commit
  14. 02 May, 2023 1 commit
    • Jenn Magder's avatar
      Migrate Xcode projects last version checks to Xcode 14.3 (#125827) · 1861ac47
      Jenn Magder authored
      1. Add iOS and macOS migration to mark "last upgraded" Xcode version to 14.3 to prevent `Update to recommended settings` warning.
      2. Update iOS and macOS templates to same.
      3. Update iOS template to set `BuildIndependentTargetsInParallel` to YES as suggested.  I didn't add a migration for this since it seems like a minor optimization and I don't think it's worth a potentially botched/corrupted migration.
      4. Run all example/integration test project to see migrator work.
      5. Add some missing test projects to the build shard since I noticed they were missing and I had to build those manually outside `SHARD=build_tests`.
      Fixes https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/125817
      See https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/90304 for Xcode 13 example.
  15. 11 Apr, 2023 1 commit
  16. 04 Apr, 2023 1 commit
  17. 03 Apr, 2023 1 commit
  18. 29 Mar, 2023 1 commit
  19. 24 Mar, 2023 1 commit
  20. 22 Mar, 2023 1 commit
  21. 20 Mar, 2023 1 commit
  22. 17 Mar, 2023 2 commits
  23. 07 Mar, 2023 1 commit
  24. 21 Feb, 2023 1 commit
    • stuartmorgan's avatar
      Switch analysis to flutter/packages (#120908) · c564007f
      stuartmorgan authored
      In preparation for the merge of flutter/plugins into flutter/packaegs,
      update the cross-repo analysis to flutter/packages rather than
      The flutter_plugins.version file is left intentionally for now to avoid
      issues with the roller; it will be removed when the roller has been
      updated to roll the other repository.
  25. 08 Feb, 2023 1 commit
    • Greg Price's avatar
      Fix hang on successful dev/bots/analyze.dart (#117660) · 98b3e48e
      Greg Price authored
      Fixes #117659
      It turns out this was due to the output-suppression timer introduced
      recently as part of cleaning up the output (#109206); on success, the
      script would wait 10 minutes for the timeout to expire.  This didn't
      affect CI because this feature doesn't apply in CI (as detected by
      lack of color on stdout.)
      Fix the issue by cleaning up the timer on success in the same way
      as on failure.
      While here, clean up the final summary messages slightly,
      and also cut the trailing space that printProgress was leaving
      on each line.
  26. 02 Feb, 2023 1 commit
    • Jesús S Guerrero's avatar
      Parser machine logs (#118707) · d63987f7
      Jesús S Guerrero authored
      * remove file reporter optional
      * decouple stack trace from metric collections
      * update tests; add collect metrics option
      * add failed tests property
      * add test for multiple stack failed
      * change path on result
      * create factory method
      * throw exception when test file failed to generate
      * remove catch of file exception
      * handle when no stacktrace on file reporter
  27. 21 Jan, 2023 1 commit
  28. 10 Jan, 2023 1 commit
  29. 22 Dec, 2022 1 commit
  30. 21 Dec, 2022 1 commit
  31. 18 Dec, 2022 1 commit
    • alanwutang11's avatar
      Fix is canvas kit bool (#116944) · c0dddacb
      alanwutang11 authored
      * isCanvasKit implement and test
      * isCanvasKit implement and test
      * ++
      * forgot license
      * make isCanvasKit a getter
      * addressed comments
      * forgot to change names of integration test files
      * typo
      * simplified tests
      * comments
  32. 25 Oct, 2022 1 commit
  33. 21 Oct, 2022 2 commits
  34. 30 Sep, 2022 1 commit
  35. 28 Sep, 2022 1 commit
  36. 12 Sep, 2022 1 commit