- 30 Sep, 2015 18 commits
Hans Muller authored
Adam Barth authored
This argument isn't needed anymore now that State has a getter for context.
Adam Barth authored
Adam Barth authored
Add widgets_next.dart to help folks transition to fn3
Adam Barth authored
Also, fix analyzer warning in fn2.
Ian Hickson authored
Dynamic named routes
Hixie authored
Make it possible for named routes to be generated on the fly. To demonstrate this, you can now long-press a stock to open it. Next steps: - transitions between (named) states that follow full material logic, e.g. in the case of the stock row to stock page transition, expanding the row into a raised sheet of material and expanding it to fit the screen, leaving the toolbar in place but cross-fading the old contents to the new contents. - more information in the stock view. While I was here I also made Material have an opinion about default text style, so if you forget to set one, it just uses body1. Also, fixed bugs introduced recently that made RouteState and MenuRoute not work properly.
mdakin authored
Ian Hickson authored
Change OverflowBox API to allow min and max values
Ian Hickson authored
Make Stocks demo list rows clickable
Adam Barth authored
Fix a couple of analyzer warnings
Hixie authored
Introduce a Draggable class that wraps all the logic of dragging something and dropping it on a DragTarget. Update examples/widgets/drag_and_drop.dart accordingly. Make the performance/transition part of routes optional.
Hixie authored
Not having them clickable was making it hard to notice InkSplash bugs. Also, this paves the way to having a stock page.
Ian Hickson authored
Make hit testing work in horizontal scrolling list
Ian Hickson authored
fn3: toString() and toStringDeep() debugging aids
Ian Hickson authored
Require giving a GlobalKey to UniqueComponent
Ian Hickson authored
Make the checkbox in the stocks popup menu work.
Hixie authored
Previously OverflowBox was only useful to set a tight constraint on the child. Now it can be used to set any constraint, it just overrides any constraint from the parent that is not set to null on the RenderOverflowBox object when giving the constraints to the child.
- 29 Sep, 2015 17 commits
Hixie authored
Previously, hitTestChildren in RenderBlockViewport just didn't support horizontal scrolling, due to an oversight.
Hans Muller authored
Land snap_scrolling_test.dart
Andrew Wilson authored
Hans Muller authored
Ian Hickson authored
Make the FAB move up when a Snack Bar slides in.
Hans Muller authored
Fix _scrollOffsetIsInBounds analayzer warning
Hans Muller authored
Hans Muller authored
Jason Simmons authored
* Unused import in editable_text.dart * Type mismatch in append_child_test.dart
Jason Simmons authored
Allow the Input/EditableText widget to scroll horizontally
Collin Jackson authored
pressing back button should close app if there is no previous route
Collin Jackson authored
Hans Muller authored
Hans Muller authored
Hans Muller authored
Initial snap offset support for ScrollableWidgetList (and ScrollableList<T>) and ScrollableMixedWidgetList. If a ```toSnapOffset(scrollOffset)``` function is provided, fling Scrolls will coast to the returned value. If ```alignmentOffset``` is specified then fling scrolls conclude when toSnapOffset's value lines up with the Scrollable widget's origin + alignmentOffset. For example if the Scrollable widget's height was 200.0, and alignmentOffset:100.0 was specified, then fling scrolls would end with the value returned by toSnapOffset() lined up with the center of the Scrollable. This approach to Scrollable snapping assumes that the layout of whatever the Scrollable contains is known at the outset. This is often true however a ScrollableMixedWidgetList may not know its items' sizes until they've been reached by scrolling. This is a first cut at snapping support. Among the things that remain to be done: - Scrolling limits trump snapping. Snapping should probably trump scrolling limits. - Drag scrolls aren't snapped. This may be desirable so perhaps the feature should be controlled with a flag. - Specifying alignmentOffset as a percentage would probably be more convenient. - It would be nice if one could wrap items in a SnapOffset value like: ```new SnapOffset(0.5, child: myItem)``` to snap to the center of the item. Updated the CardCollection example: snapping and fixed size items can be turned on/off with Drawer checkboxes.
Jason Simmons authored
EditableText is now rendered using a custom RenderObject (RenderEditableParagraph). RenderEditableParagraph draws the cursor, handles scroll offsets, and provides feedback about the size of the text for use by the scroll behavior.
Hixie authored
- 28 Sep, 2015 5 commits
Devon Carew authored
customize the generated dartdoc to look like flutter.io
Hixie authored
Having UniqueComponent automatically generate its own key is a trap. If anyone ever creates a UniqueComponent in a build function (rather than ahead of time) and forgets to pass a key, then that entire subtree is going to be rebuilt, including layout, every time it's updated. Since there's basically no way for us to catch this, we should at least force the author to see the explicit "new GlobalKey()" call in their code.
Hixie authored
Tapping on the menu item didn't animate the checkbox because the menu takes 300ms to animate entirely away while the checkbox takes 200ms to animate checked, and since the item with the checkbox was at the bottom, we were only seeing about 60ms of the entire checkbox animation, which isn't enough to notice it. So I moved it to the top of the menu. Tapping on the checkbox didn't animate because nothing caused the menu to rebuild when the callback was invoked. To trigger a rebuild, I now call navigator.setState() explicitly, after changing out local state. To make tapping the checkbox remove the menu, I also explicitly call navigator.pop() in the code that handles the check. (I still explicitly change the checkbox to show that that's possible. In principle one could just treat the checkbox as an inert widget that happens to trigger pop, and do all the checking/unchecking in the switch statement.) I also made some minor style tweaks to files I was looking at while dealing with this issue.
Hixie authored
This changes how SnackBar works so you can use it anywhere, not just on the bottom edge of the screen (it used to rely on overflowing its bounds and having negative offsets... I'm not really sure how hit testing worked on it before!). To do this I introduced a new RenderBox, RenderOverflowBox, that lets you set your child's size independent of your own. I needed this so that the snack bar could use a SquashTransition to change its size, while not affecting the layout of its child. This is exposed as OverflowBox in fn3. I'm not sure if it's the best API. It doesn't let you position the child (which is an issue if the size you give is smaller), it doesn't let you give a loose constraint (which maybe you might want?). But it handles this use case, so for now it's probably ok. Making the FAB get repositioned out of the way of the Snack Bar is now done in the Scaffold, which is in charge of positioning both of those and is the place that knows that both exist.
Adam Barth authored
This patch makes a number of changes: 1) buildDirtyComponents now prevents all calls to setState, not just those higher in the tree. This change is necessary for consistency with MixedViewport and HomogeneousViewport because those widgets already build subwidgets with that restriction. If the "normal" build didn't enforce that rule, then some widgets would break when put inside a mixed or homogeneous viewport. 2) We now notify global key listeners in a microtask after beginFrame. That means setState is legal in these callbacks and that we'll produce another frame if someone calls setState in such a callback.