1. 04 Feb, 2016 1 commit
  2. 03 Feb, 2016 1 commit
  3. 01 Feb, 2016 1 commit
  4. 31 Jan, 2016 1 commit
    • Adam Barth's avatar
      Adds the ability to move the caret by tapping · 36099383
      Adam Barth authored
      Now the text input control knows how to move the caret when you tap
      inside the string. There's still some rough edges to polish up, but this
      patch is the first step.
      Fixes #108
  5. 30 Jan, 2016 1 commit
  6. 27 Jan, 2016 1 commit
  7. 23 Jan, 2016 1 commit
  8. 19 Jan, 2016 1 commit
  9. 18 Jan, 2016 2 commits
    • Ian Hickson's avatar
      Reimplement the theme transition animation by actually animating the Theme. · 73c9ebab
      Ian Hickson authored
      As part of this:
       - A lot of classes got new lerp functions, including e.g. TextStyle.
       - Theme's constructor story got overhauled. You can now configure
         everything if you really want to, and we're better about defaults.
       - Material no longer automatically animates its background color.
         (It still does for its shadow.)
       - Tabs try to get the indicator color from the theme.
       - The fields in ThemeData got reordered for sanity.
       - Theme.== and Theme.hashCode got fixed.
       - Typography got a bit of a spring cleaning.
      Fixes #613.
    • Ian Hickson's avatar
      More elaborate RenderBox example · 51566aef
      Ian Hickson authored
      Also, some trivial fixes for things that I found while playing with
      the rendering library directly.
  10. 15 Jan, 2016 1 commit
  11. 14 Jan, 2016 1 commit
  12. 02 Jan, 2016 1 commit
    • Adam Barth's avatar
      Generalize grid layout · 46a178dc
      Adam Barth authored
      This patch make grid layout much more flexible. The behavior is factored
      out into a GridDelegate that's modeled after the custom layout
      delegates. The patch includes a MaxTileWidthGridDelegate that implements
      the old behavior and a FixedColumnCountGridDelegate that implements a
      grid layout with a fixed number of columns.
      Fixes #1048
  13. 30 Dec, 2015 1 commit
  14. 24 Dec, 2015 1 commit
    • Ian Hickson's avatar
      RenderFractionalTranslation · 9bad312a
      Ian Hickson authored
      - Add RenderFractionalTranslation, a render box that does a
        translation based on a FractionalOffset.
      - Make FractionalOffset more like Offset
        - dx/dy instead of x/y
        - add /, ~/, %
        - add .zero
      - Add alongOffset and alongSize to FractionalOffset so that you can
        easily apply FractionalOffset to Offsets and Sizes. (Better name
        suggestions welcome.)
      - Add transformHitTests boolean to RenderTransform (also on
        RenderFractionalTranslation), and to classes based on it.
      - Remove the fade from Dismissable. We can add it back using the
        builder-with-child pattern like Draggable if we need it. See #1003
        for tha feature request.
      - Rename a bunch of variables in dismissable.dart.
      - Change the test for dismissable to not handle leftwards dismisses
        one pixel different from rightwards dismisses, and cleaned up the
        resulting effect on the test (mostly making sure we had the right
        number of pumps, with comments explaining what each one was).
      Fixes #174.
  15. 14 Dec, 2015 1 commit
  16. 12 Dec, 2015 1 commit
  17. 11 Dec, 2015 1 commit
    • Adam Barth's avatar
      Add dartdoc for image classes · 40dda1ed
      Adam Barth authored
       - Adds dartdoc for all the `of` functions.
       - Renames Image to RawImage. This widget is rarely used and shouldn't take up
         such a nice global name.
      Fixes #361
  18. 10 Dec, 2015 2 commits
  19. 09 Dec, 2015 1 commit
  20. 08 Dec, 2015 1 commit
    • Ian Hickson's avatar
      Make BoxDecoration replaceable. · 2afa87df
      Ian Hickson authored
      Factor out a reusable interface called Decoration from BoxDecoration.
      Make all the consumers of BoxDecoration and the erstwhile BoxPainter
      into consumers of Decoration.
      Make a BoxPainter be something you get from a Decoration, rather than
      something to which you pass a BoxDecoration.
      Rename Shape to BoxShape now that it's documented specifically as
      applying to boxes.
      Move EdgeDims to its own file.
      Move FractionalOffset up so that it's with the other helper classes in
      its file rather than alone at the end.
      Minor change to RenderClipOval's hit testing to avoid taking an
      unnecessary square root.
      Rename BoxDecorationPosition to DecorationPosition since
      RenderDecoratedBox now takes any Decoration.
      Implement hit testing for rounded rects.
      Rename AnimatedBoxDecorationValue to AnimatedDecorationValue, and make
      it support lerping across any Decoration (by deferring to the objects
  21. 05 Dec, 2015 2 commits
  22. 04 Dec, 2015 1 commit
  23. 26 Nov, 2015 1 commit
  24. 22 Nov, 2015 1 commit
  25. 20 Nov, 2015 2 commits
  26. 19 Nov, 2015 2 commits
  27. 18 Nov, 2015 1 commit
    • Hans Muller's avatar
      Update shadow rendering · d9153a13
      Hans Muller authored
      Shadows now render as three seprate MaskFilter.blur components per the most recent Material spec.
      The shadows Map was replaced by a similar Map called elevationToShadow with entries that match the 10 elevations specifed by http://www.google.com/design/spec/what-is-material/elevation-shadows.html.
      The "level" property (many classes) is now called "elevation", to match the Material spec.
      BoxShadow now includes a spreadRadius parameter - as in CSS box-shadow. Renamed the BoxShadow blur property to blurRadius to further align BoxShadow with CSS box-shadow.
  28. 11 Nov, 2015 1 commit
  29. 04 Nov, 2015 1 commit
  30. 03 Nov, 2015 1 commit
  31. 27 Oct, 2015 1 commit
  32. 26 Oct, 2015 2 commits
    • Adam Barth's avatar
      Right-aligned text paints offscreen sometimes · 69a0689a
      Adam Barth authored
      We were assuming that the text extended from 0.0 to its max content width.
      That's not correct for right-aligned text. Instead, we need to layout the text
      again at the width we want it to occupy.
    • Adam Barth's avatar
      Be explicit about whether text styles inherit · 7a811e5a
      Adam Barth authored
      Now TextStyle has a boolean "inherit" value, which controls whether null values
      should use should inherit from the current default text style or whether they
      should use their initial values.
  33. 23 Oct, 2015 2 commits