1. 06 Jun, 2017 1 commit
  2. 05 Jun, 2017 1 commit
  3. 24 May, 2017 3 commits
  4. 19 May, 2017 2 commits
  5. 18 May, 2017 1 commit
  6. 17 May, 2017 1 commit
  7. 16 May, 2017 1 commit
  8. 09 May, 2017 4 commits
  9. 08 May, 2017 2 commits
  10. 04 May, 2017 1 commit
  11. 24 Apr, 2017 2 commits
  12. 21 Apr, 2017 2 commits
  13. 18 Apr, 2017 3 commits
  14. 17 Apr, 2017 1 commit
  15. 15 Apr, 2017 1 commit
  16. 14 Apr, 2017 1 commit
    • Brian Slesinsky's avatar
      flutter create: enable Java support in IDEA (#9335) · 5cb90979
      Brian Slesinsky authored
      Generates an android.iml file and a package-level library for flutter.jar.
      Does not set up an Android SDK in IDEA; this isn't possible with a
      template-based approach. But IDEA shows a clear warning, so the
      user can fix this by setting the SDK.
      (When creating a Flutter project from within IDEA, we can fix this up
      afterwards in the plugin.)
  17. 11 Apr, 2017 1 commit
    • xster's avatar
      Rename State.config to widget everywhere (#9273) · 89a7fdfc
      xster authored
      Rename State.config to State.widget
      Rename State.didUpdateConfig to State.didUpdateWidget
      Renamed all State subclasses' local variables named config to something else
  18. 10 Apr, 2017 1 commit
    • Jakob Andersen's avatar
      Inject plugin registration. (#9216) · 7ffa82aa
      Jakob Andersen authored
      Added a PluginRegistry to the new project template. The registry files will be automatically updated at build time to register the native plugins.
      Fixes #7814.
  19. 08 Apr, 2017 1 commit
  20. 05 Apr, 2017 2 commits
    • Ian Hickson's avatar
      Update the examples/ README and associated fixes. (#9090) · a52c7b47
      Ian Hickson authored
      This yak shave went as follows:
      Fix https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/8795 by adding stocks to
      the examples README.
      Notice the layers entry in that README isn't quite right either.
      Update that.
      Check the layers/README file is worth pointing at.
      Update the layers/README.
      Let's run some of the layer tests to see if they still work.
      Oops, need to update them to gradle.
      Ok let's try running them again.
      Oops, sector is broken.
      Add a test for sector.
      Fix sector. Find you need to add an assert to a const constructor.
      Notice we need to turn const asserts on for the analyzer.
      Notice the analysis_options files are out of sync with each other and
      with the full list of lints.
      Turn on the lints that should be on.
      Fix the bugs that finds.
    • Collin Jackson's avatar
  21. 04 Apr, 2017 1 commit
    • Jakob Andersen's avatar
      Android: Set evaluationDependsOn for plugin subprojects. (#9179) · 5541d71b
      Jakob Andersen authored
      Gradle projects are evaluated in lexicographical order, and the plugin
      projects are at the same level as the :app project, so if a plugin has
      a name that comes before 'app' (like, for example, any name that starts
      with a capital letter), the plugin project will be evaluated before
      Since :app applies the Flutter Gradle plugin, which tries to
      modify the dependencies of the plugin projects, we have a problem if the
      plugin projects have already been evaluated. Adding
      evaluationDependsOn(':app') to the plugin projects fixes this.
      Updated example projects to the latest (plugin-enabled) Gradle build
      Also removed two unused imports in `pluginClass.java.tmpl`.
  22. 03 Apr, 2017 1 commit
  23. 30 Mar, 2017 4 commits
  24. 23 Mar, 2017 2 commits
    • Jakob Andersen's avatar
      Automatically wire dependencies for native plugins (#8891) · b61e1690
      Jakob Andersen authored
      Go through all packages brought in by pub, and write the name and path of every one that is a flutter plugin into .flutter-plugins.
      In android/settings.gradle and ios/Podfile, read in .flutter-plugins, if that file exists. The Android / iOS code from the plugins is automatically added as dependencies of the native code of the app.
    • Chris Bracken's avatar
      Build Flutter app as a framework on iOS (#8971) · 0ee3f57a
      Chris Bracken authored
      **THIS IS A BREAKING CHANGE.** See below for migration steps for
      existing projects.
      Previously, Flutter app code was built as a raw dylib on iOS.  Dynamic
      libraries outside of a framework bundle are not supported on iOS, except
      for the system Swift libraries provided by Xcode.
      * Migrates Xcode build from app.dylib to App.framework
      * Migrates flutter create template
      * Migrates example projects
      Migration steps for existing projects
      The following steps should be taken from the root of your Flutter
      1. Edit `ios/.gitignore`: add `/Flutter/App.framework` on a new line.
      2. In the Xcode project navigator, remove `app.dylib` from the Flutter
         folder. Delete this file from the `ios/Flutter` directory in your project.
      3. Run a build to generate `ios/Flutter/App.framework`. From the command
         line, run `flutter build ios`. If you have not configured app signing
         in Xcode, an alternative method is to open the simulator, then run
         `flutter run -d iP`.
      4. In the Xcode project navigator, select the `Runner` project. In the
         project settings that are displayed in the main view, ensure that the
         `Runner` target is selected. You can verify this by exposing the
         sidebar using the [| ] icon in the upper-left corner of the main
      5. Select the *General* tab in the project settings. Under the
         *Embedded Binaries* section, click '+' to add `App.framework`. In the
         sheet that drops down, click the *Add Other...* button. Navigate to
         the `ios/Flutter` directory and select `App.framework`. Click *Open*.
         In the sheet that drops down, select *Create folder references*, then
         click *Finish*.
      6. In the project settings, verify that `App.framework` has been added to the
         *Embedded Binaries* and *Linked Frameworks and Libraries* lists.
      7. In the Xcode project navigator, drag `App.framework` under the
         Flutter folder.
      8. In the Xcode project navigator, select `Flutter` then from the
         *File* menu, select *Add Files to "Runner"...*. Navigate to the
         `ios/Flutter` directory, select `AppFrameworkInfo.plist` and click
         the *Add* button.
      9. From the command line, in your project directory, run
         `flutter build clean`, then `flutter run`.
      At this point your project should be fully migrated.