Unverified Commit ff838bca authored by Tae Hyung Kim's avatar Tae Hyung Kim Committed by GitHub

Add locale-specific DateTime formatting syntax (#129573)

Based on the [message format
This adds new syntax to the current Flutter messageFormat parser which
should allow developers to add locale-specific date formatting.

## Usage example
  "datetimeTest": "Today is {today, date, ::yMd}",
  "@datetimeTest": {
    "placeholders": {
      "today": {
        "description": "The date placeholder",
        "type": "DateTime"
compiles to
  String datetimeTest(DateTime today) {
    String _temp0 = intl.DateFormat.yMd(localeName).format(today);
    return 'Today is $_temp0';

Fixes https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/127304.
parent f3a7485b
......@@ -1157,6 +1157,7 @@ class LocalizationsGenerator {
// When traversing through a placeholderExpr node, return "$placeholderName".
// When traversing through a pluralExpr node, return "$tempVarN" and add variable declaration in "tempVariables".
// When traversing through a selectExpr node, return "$tempVarN" and add variable declaration in "tempVariables".
// When traversing through an argumentExpr node, return "$tempVarN" and add variable declaration in "tempVariables".
// When traversing through a message node, return concatenation of all of "generateVariables(child)" for each child.
String generateVariables(Node node, { bool isRoot = false }) {
switch (node.type) {
......@@ -1259,6 +1260,34 @@ The plural cases must be one of "=0", "=1", "=2", "zero", "one", "two", "few", "
.replaceAll('@(selectCases)', selectLogicArgs.join('\n'))
return '\$$tempVarName';
case ST.argumentExpr:
requiresIntlImport = true;
assert(node.children[1].type == ST.identifier);
assert(node.children[3].type == ST.argType);
assert(node.children[7].type == ST.identifier);
final String identifierName = node.children[1].value!;
final Node formatType = node.children[7];
// Check that formatType is a valid intl.DateFormat.
if (!validDateFormats.contains(formatType.value)) {
throw L10nParserException(
'Date format "${formatType.value!}" for placeholder '
'$identifierName does not have a corresponding DateFormat '
"constructor\n. Check the intl library's DateFormat class "
'constructors for allowed date formats, or set "isCustomDateFormat" attribute '
'to "true".',
final String tempVarName = getTempVariableName();
.replaceAll('@(varName)', tempVarName)
.replaceAll('@(formatType)', formatType.value!)
.replaceAll('@(argument)', identifierName)
return '\$$tempVarName';
// ignore: no_default_cases
throw Exception('Cannot call "generateHelperMethod" on node type ${node.type}');
......@@ -157,6 +157,9 @@ const String selectVariableTemplate = '''
const String dateVariableTemplate = '''
String @(varName) = intl.DateFormat.@(formatType)(localeName).format(@(argument));''';
const String classFileTemplate = '''
@(header)@(requiresIntlImport)import '@(fileName)';
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import 'message_parser.dart';
// * <https://pub.dev/packages/intl>
// * <https://pub.dev/documentation/intl/latest/intl/DateFormat-class.html>
// * <https://api.dartlang.org/stable/2.7.0/dart-core/DateTime-class.html>
const Set<String> _validDateFormats = <String>{
const Set<String> validDateFormats = <String>{
......@@ -244,13 +244,14 @@ class Placeholder {
String? type;
bool isPlural = false;
bool isSelect = false;
bool isDateTime = false;
bool requiresDateFormatting = false;
bool get requiresFormatting => requiresDateFormatting || requiresNumFormatting;
bool get requiresDateFormatting => type == 'DateTime';
bool get requiresNumFormatting => <String>['int', 'num', 'double'].contains(type) && format != null;
bool get hasValidNumberFormat => _validNumberFormats.contains(format);
bool get hasNumberFormatWithParameters => _numberFormatsWithNamedParameters.contains(format);
bool get hasValidDateFormat => _validDateFormats.contains(format);
bool get hasValidDateFormat => validDateFormats.contains(format);
static String? _stringAttribute(
String resourceId,
......@@ -488,7 +489,12 @@ class Message {
final List<Node> traversalStack = <Node>[parsedMessages[locale]!];
while (traversalStack.isNotEmpty) {
final Node node = traversalStack.removeLast();
if (<ST>[ST.placeholderExpr, ST.pluralExpr, ST.selectExpr].contains(node.type)) {
if (<ST>[
].contains(node.type)) {
final String identifier = node.children[1].value!;
Placeholder? placeholder = getPlaceholder(identifier);
if (placeholder == null) {
......@@ -499,6 +505,14 @@ class Message {
placeholder.isPlural = true;
} else if (node.type == ST.selectExpr) {
placeholder.isSelect = true;
} else if (node.type == ST.argumentExpr) {
placeholder.isDateTime = true;
} else {
// Here the node type must be ST.placeholderExpr.
// A DateTime placeholder must require date formatting.
if (placeholder.type == 'DateTime') {
placeholder.requiresDateFormatting = true;
......@@ -510,9 +524,16 @@ class Message {
..sort((MapEntry<String, Placeholder> p1, MapEntry<String, Placeholder> p2) => p1.key.compareTo(p2.key))
bool atMostOneOf(bool x, bool y, bool z) {
return x && !y && !z
|| !x && y && !z
|| !x && !y && z
|| !x && !y && !z;
for (final Placeholder placeholder in placeholders.values) {
if (placeholder.isPlural && placeholder.isSelect) {
throw L10nException('Placeholder is used as both a plural and select in certain languages.');
if (!atMostOneOf(placeholder.isPlural, placeholder.isDateTime, placeholder.isSelect)) {
throw L10nException('Placeholder is used as plural/select/datetime in certain languages.');
} else if (placeholder.isPlural) {
if (placeholder.type == null) {
placeholder.type = 'num';
......@@ -526,6 +547,12 @@ class Message {
} else if (placeholder.type != 'String') {
throw L10nException("Placeholders used in selects must be of type 'String'");
} else if (placeholder.isDateTime) {
if (placeholder.type == null) {
placeholder.type = 'DateTime';
} else if (placeholder.type != 'DateTime') {
throw L10nException("Placeholders used in datetime expressions much be of type 'DateTime'");
placeholder.type ??= 'Object';
......@@ -22,11 +22,16 @@ enum ST {
// Nonterminal Types
......@@ -34,6 +39,8 @@ enum ST {
// The grammar of the syntax.
......@@ -43,6 +50,7 @@ Map<ST, List<List<ST>>> grammar = <ST, List<List<ST>>>{
<ST>[ST.placeholderExpr, ST.message],
<ST>[ST.pluralExpr, ST.message],
<ST>[ST.selectExpr, ST.message],
<ST>[ST.argumentExpr, ST.message],
ST.placeholderExpr: <List<ST>>[
......@@ -73,6 +81,13 @@ Map<ST, List<List<ST>>> grammar = <ST, List<List<ST>>>{
<ST>[ST.number, ST.openBrace, ST.message, ST.closeBrace],
<ST>[ST.other, ST.openBrace, ST.message, ST.closeBrace],
ST.argumentExpr: <List<ST>>[
<ST>[ST.openBrace, ST.identifier, ST.comma, ST.argType, ST.comma, ST.colon, ST.colon, ST.identifier, ST.closeBrace],
ST.argType: <List<ST>>[
class Node {
......@@ -100,6 +115,8 @@ class Node {
Node.selectKeyword(this.positionInMessage): type = ST.select, value = 'select';
Node.otherKeyword(this.positionInMessage): type = ST.other, value = 'other';
Node.empty(this.positionInMessage): type = ST.empty, value = '';
Node.dateKeyword(this.positionInMessage): type = ST.date, value = 'date';
Node.timeKeyword(this.positionInMessage): type = ST.time, value = 'time';
String? value;
late ST type;
......@@ -162,6 +179,7 @@ RegExp numeric = RegExp(r'[0-9]+');
RegExp alphanumeric = RegExp(r'[a-zA-Z0-9|_]+');
RegExp comma = RegExp(r',');
RegExp equalSign = RegExp(r'=');
RegExp colon = RegExp(r':');
// List of token matchers ordered by precedence
Map<ST, RegExp> matchers = <ST, RegExp>{
......@@ -169,6 +187,7 @@ Map<ST, RegExp> matchers = <ST, RegExp>{
ST.number: numeric,
ST.comma: comma,
ST.equalSign: equalSign,
ST.colon: colon,
ST.identifier: alphanumeric,
......@@ -312,6 +331,10 @@ class Parser {
matchedType = ST.select;
case 'other':
matchedType = ST.other;
case 'date':
matchedType = ST.date;
case 'time':
matchedType = ST.time;
tokens.add(Node(matchedType!, startIndex, value: match.group(0)));
startIndex = match.end;
......@@ -354,9 +377,9 @@ class Parser {
switch (symbol) {
case ST.message:
if (tokens.isEmpty) {
parseAndConstructNode(ST.message, 4);
parseAndConstructNode(ST.message, 5);
} else if (tokens[0].type == ST.closeBrace) {
parseAndConstructNode(ST.message, 4);
parseAndConstructNode(ST.message, 5);
} else if (tokens[0].type == ST.string) {
parseAndConstructNode(ST.message, 0);
} else if (tokens[0].type == ST.openBrace) {
......@@ -364,6 +387,8 @@ class Parser {
parseAndConstructNode(ST.message, 2);
} else if (3 < tokens.length && tokens[3].type == ST.select) {
parseAndConstructNode(ST.message, 3);
} else if (3 < tokens.length && (tokens[3].type == ST.date || tokens[3].type == ST.time)) {
parseAndConstructNode(ST.message, 4);
} else {
parseAndConstructNode(ST.message, 1);
......@@ -373,6 +398,16 @@ class Parser {
case ST.placeholderExpr:
parseAndConstructNode(ST.placeholderExpr, 0);
case ST.argumentExpr:
parseAndConstructNode(ST.argumentExpr, 0);
case ST.argType:
if (tokens.isNotEmpty && tokens[0].type == ST.date) {
parseAndConstructNode(ST.argType, 0);
} else if (tokens.isNotEmpty && tokens[0].type == ST.time) {
parseAndConstructNode(ST.argType, 1);
} else {
throw L10nException('ICU Syntax Error. Found unknown argument type.');
case ST.pluralExpr:
parseAndConstructNode(ST.pluralExpr, 0);
case ST.pluralParts:
......@@ -1759,6 +1759,67 @@ import 'output-localization-file_en.dart' deferred as output-localization-file_e
group('argument messages', () {
testWithoutContext('should generate proper calls to intl.DateFormat', () {
setupLocalizations(<String, String>{
'en': '''
"datetime": "{today, date, ::yMd}"
expect(getGeneratedFileContent(locale: 'en'), contains('intl.DateFormat.yMd(localeName).format(today)'));
testWithoutContext('should generate proper calls to intl.DateFormat when using time', () {
setupLocalizations(<String, String>{
'en': '''
"datetime": "{current, time, ::jms}"
expect(getGeneratedFileContent(locale: 'en'), contains('intl.DateFormat.jms(localeName).format(current)'));
testWithoutContext('should not complain when placeholders are explicitly typed to DateTime', () {
setupLocalizations(<String, String>{
'en': '''
"datetime": "{today, date, ::yMd}",
"@datetime": {
"placeholders": {
"today": { "type": "DateTime" }
expect(getGeneratedFileContent(locale: 'en'), contains('String datetime(DateTime today) {'));
testWithoutContext('should automatically infer date time placeholders that are not explicitly defined', () {
setupLocalizations(<String, String>{
'en': '''
"datetime": "{today, date, ::yMd}"
expect(getGeneratedFileContent(locale: 'en'), contains('String datetime(DateTime today) {'));
testWithoutContext('should throw on invalid DateFormat', () {
try {
setupLocalizations(<String, String>{
'en': '''
"datetime": "{today, date, ::yMMMMMd}"
} on L10nException {
expect(logger.errorText, contains('Date format "yMMMMMd" for placeholder today does not have a corresponding DateFormat constructor'));
// All error handling for messages should collect errors on a per-error
// basis and log them out individually. Then, it will throw an L10nException.
group('error handling tests', () {
......@@ -306,6 +306,25 @@ void main() {
expect(Parser('argumentTest', 'app_en.arb', 'Today is {date, date, ::yMMd}').parse(), equals(
Node(ST.message, 0, children: <Node>[
Node(ST.string, 0, value: 'Today is '),
Node(ST.argumentExpr, 9, children: <Node>[
Node(ST.openBrace, 9, value: '{'),
Node(ST.identifier, 10, value: 'date'),
Node(ST.comma, 14, value: ','),
Node(ST.argType, 16, children: <Node>[
Node(ST.date, 16, value: 'date'),
Node(ST.comma, 20, value: ','),
Node(ST.colon, 22, value: ':'),
Node(ST.colon, 23, value: ':'),
Node(ST.identifier, 24, value: 'yMMd'),
Node(ST.closeBrace, 28, value: '}'),
......@@ -126,46 +126,49 @@ void main() {
'#l10n 73 (he)\n'
'#l10n 74 (they)\n'
'#l10n 75 (she)\n'
'#l10n 76 (--- es ---)\n'
'#l10n 77 (ES - Hello world)\n'
'#l10n 78 (ES - Hello _NEWLINE_ World)\n'
'#l10n 79 (ES - Hola \$ Mundo)\n'
'#l10n 80 (ES - Hello Mundo)\n'
'#l10n 81 (ES - Hola Mundo)\n'
'#l10n 82 (ES - Hello World on viernes, 1 de enero de 1960)\n'
'#l10n 83 (ES - Hello world argument on 1/1/1960 at 0:00)\n'
'#l10n 84 (ES - Hello World from 1960 to 2020)\n'
'#l10n 85 (ES - Hello for 123)\n'
'#l10n 86 (ES - Hello)\n'
'#l10n 87 (ES - Hello World)\n'
'#l10n 88 (ES - Hello two worlds)\n'
'#l10n 89 (ES - Hello)\n'
'#l10n 90 (ES - Hello nuevo World)\n'
'#l10n 91 (ES - Hello two nuevo worlds)\n'
'#l10n 92 (ES - Hello on viernes, 1 de enero de 1960)\n'
'#l10n 93 (ES - Hello World, on viernes, 1 de enero de 1960)\n'
'#l10n 94 (ES - Hello two worlds, on viernes, 1 de enero de 1960)\n'
'#l10n 95 (ES - Hello other 0 worlds, with a total of 100 citizens)\n'
'#l10n 96 (ES - Hello World of 101 citizens)\n'
'#l10n 97 (ES - Hello two worlds with 102 total citizens)\n'
'#l10n 98 (ES - [Hola] -Mundo- #123#)\n'
'#l10n 99 (ES - \$!)\n'
'#l10n 100 (ES - One \$)\n'
"#l10n 101 (ES - Flutter's amazing!)\n"
"#l10n 102 (ES - Flutter's amazing, times 2!)\n"
'#l10n 103 (ES - Flutter is "amazing"!)\n'
'#l10n 104 (ES - Flutter is "amazing", times 2!)\n'
'#l10n 105 (ES - 16 wheel truck)\n'
"#l10n 106 (ES - Sedan's elegance)\n"
'#l10n 107 (ES - Cabriolet has "acceleration")\n'
'#l10n 108 (ES - Oh, she found ES - 1 itemES - !)\n'
'#l10n 109 (ES - Indeed, ES - they like ES - Flutter!)\n'
'#l10n 110 (--- es_419 ---)\n'
'#l10n 111 (ES 419 - Hello World)\n'
'#l10n 112 (ES 419 - Hello)\n'
'#l10n 76 (6/26/2023)\n'
'#l10n 77 (5:23:00 AM)\n'
'#l10n 78 (--- es ---)\n'
'#l10n 79 (ES - Hello world)\n'
'#l10n 80 (ES - Hello _NEWLINE_ World)\n'
'#l10n 81 (ES - Hola \$ Mundo)\n'
'#l10n 82 (ES - Hello Mundo)\n'
'#l10n 83 (ES - Hola Mundo)\n'
'#l10n 84 (ES - Hello World on viernes, 1 de enero de 1960)\n'
'#l10n 85 (ES - Hello world argument on 1/1/1960 at 0:00)\n'
'#l10n 86 (ES - Hello World from 1960 to 2020)\n'
'#l10n 87 (ES - Hello for 123)\n'
'#l10n 88 (ES - Hello)\n'
'#l10n 89 (ES - Hello World)\n'
'#l10n 90 (ES - Hello two worlds)\n'
'#l10n 91 (ES - Hello)\n'
'#l10n 92 (ES - Hello nuevo World)\n'
'#l10n 93 (ES - Hello two nuevo worlds)\n'
'#l10n 94 (ES - Hello on viernes, 1 de enero de 1960)\n'
'#l10n 95 (ES - Hello World, on viernes, 1 de enero de 1960)\n'
'#l10n 96 (ES - Hello two worlds, on viernes, 1 de enero de 1960)\n'
'#l10n 97 (ES - Hello other 0 worlds, with a total of 100 citizens)\n'
'#l10n 98 (ES - Hello World of 101 citizens)\n'
'#l10n 99 (ES - Hello two worlds with 102 total citizens)\n'
'#l10n 100 (ES - [Hola] -Mundo- #123#)\n'
'#l10n 101 (ES - \$!)\n'
'#l10n 102 (ES - One \$)\n'
"#l10n 103 (ES - Flutter's amazing!)\n"
"#l10n 104 (ES - Flutter's amazing, times 2!)\n"
'#l10n 105 (ES - Flutter is "amazing"!)\n'
'#l10n 106 (ES - Flutter is "amazing", times 2!)\n'
'#l10n 107 (ES - 16 wheel truck)\n'
"#l10n 108 (ES - Sedan's elegance)\n"
'#l10n 109 (ES - Cabriolet has "acceleration")\n'
'#l10n 110 (ES - Oh, she found ES - 1 itemES - !)\n'
'#l10n 111 (ES - Indeed, ES - they like ES - Flutter!)\n'
'#l10n 112 (--- es_419 ---)\n'
'#l10n 113 (ES 419 - Hello World)\n'
'#l10n 114 (ES 419 - Hello two worlds)\n'
'#l10n 114 (ES 419 - Hello)\n'
'#l10n 115 (ES 419 - Hello World)\n'
'#l10n 116 (ES 419 - Hello two worlds)\n'
'#l10n END\n'
......@@ -232,6 +232,8 @@ class Home extends StatelessWidget {
"${localizations.selectInPlural('male', 1)}",
"${localizations.selectInPlural('male', 2)}",
"${localizations.selectInPlural('female', 1)}",
'${localizations.datetime1(DateTime(2023, 6, 26))}',
'${localizations.datetime2(DateTime(2023, 6, 26, 5, 23))}',
......@@ -682,7 +684,9 @@ void main() {
"type": "num"
"datetime1": "{today, date, ::yMd}",
"datetime2": "{current, time, ::jms}"
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