Unverified Commit feb16d8d authored by Chris Bracken's avatar Chris Bracken Committed by GitHub

Build App.framework for all requested architectures (#17296)

In debug mode iOS builds, we build a stub App.framework with no
functionality, since the engine itself loads the code from the included
bundle and subsequently via hot reload. This is simply done for
consistency with profile/release AOT app structure.

To satisfy the linker, ensure that we're building this code for all
build architectures, not just CURRENT_ARCH.

This is pre-work for supporting arbitrary iOS architectures (armv7,
arm64, universal) in Flutter.
parent 43c74341
......@@ -130,8 +130,16 @@ BuildApp() {
RunCommand cp -r -- "${build_dir}/aot/App.framework" "${derived_dir}"
RunCommand mkdir -p -- "${derived_dir}/App.framework"
# Build stub for all requested architectures.
local arch_flags=""
read -r -a archs <<< "$ARCHS"
for arch in "${archs[@]}"; do
arch_flags="${arch_flags}-arch $arch "
RunCommand eval "$(echo "static const int Moo = 88;" | xcrun clang -x c \
-arch "$CURRENT_ARCH" \
${arch_flags} \
-dynamiclib \
-Xlinker -rpath -Xlinker '@executable_path/Frameworks' \
-Xlinker -rpath -Xlinker '@loader_path/Frameworks' \
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