Commit fc47909e authored by Devon Carew's avatar Devon Carew Committed by GitHub

send application files to the observatory's devfs (#4572)

* send application files to the observatory's devfs

* update comment
parent 7fcaf093
......@@ -59,6 +59,10 @@ class RunCommand extends RunCommandBase {
defaultsTo: true,
help: 'Don\'t terminate the \'flutter run\' process after starting the application.');
// Hidden option to ship all the sources of the current project over to the
// embedder via the DevFS observatory API.
argParser.addFlag('devfs', negatable: false, hide: true);
// Hidden option to enable a benchmarking mode. This will run the given
// application, measure the startup time and the app restart time, write the
// results out to 'refresh_benchmark.json', and exit. This flag is intended
......@@ -116,7 +120,8 @@ class RunCommand extends RunCommandBase {
RunAndStayResident runner = new RunAndStayResident(
target: target,
debuggingOptions: options
debuggingOptions: options,
useDevFS: argResults['devfs']
......@@ -168,10 +168,8 @@ class Observatory {
// Write multiple files into a file system.
Future<Response> writeDevFSFiles(String fsName, {
String path,
List<DevFSFile> files
}) {
assert(path != null);
assert(files != null);
return sendRequest('_writeDevFSFiles', <String, dynamic> {
......@@ -188,8 +186,10 @@ class Observatory {
/// The complete list of a file system.
Future<List<String>> listDevFSFiles() {
return sendRequest('_listDevFSFiles').then((Response response) {
Future<List<String>> listDevFSFiles(String fsName) {
return sendRequest('_listDevFSFiles', <String, dynamic> {
'fsName': fsName
}).then((Response response) {
return response.response['files'];
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import 'build_info.dart';
import 'commands/build_apk.dart';
import 'commands/install.dart';
import 'commands/trace.dart';
import 'dart/package_map.dart';
import 'device.dart';
import 'globals.dart';
import 'observatory.dart';
......@@ -35,13 +36,15 @@ class RunAndStayResident {
this.device, {,
this.usesTerminalUI: true
this.usesTerminalUI: true,
this.useDevFS: false
final Device device;
final String target;
final DebuggingOptions debuggingOptions;
final bool usesTerminalUI;
final bool useDevFS;
ApplicationPackage _package;
String _mainPath;
......@@ -250,6 +253,8 @@ class RunAndStayResident {
} else if (lower == 'q' || code == AnsiTerminal.KEY_F10) {
// F10, exit
} else if (useDevFS && lower == 'd') {
......@@ -288,9 +293,78 @@ class RunAndStayResident {
DevFS devFS;
Future<Null> _updateDevFS() async {
if (devFS == null) {
devFS = new DevFS(Directory.current, observatory);
try {
await devFS.init();
} catch (error) {
devFS = null;
printError('Error initing DevFS: $error');
return null;
// Send the root and lib directories.
Directory directory = Directory.current;
_sendFiles(directory, '', _dartFiles(directory.listSync()));
directory = new Directory('lib');
_sendFiles(directory, 'lib', _dartFiles(directory.listSync(recursive: true, followLinks: false)));
// Send the packages.
if (FileSystemEntity.isFileSync(kPackagesFileName)) {
PackageMap packageMap = new PackageMap(kPackagesFileName);
for (String packageName in {
Uri uri =[packageName];
// Ignore self-references.
if (uri.toString() == 'lib/')
Directory directory = new Directory.fromUri(uri);
if (directory.existsSync()) {
_dartFiles(directory.listSync(recursive: true, followLinks: false))
try {
await devFS.flush();
} catch (error) {
printError('Error sending DevFS files: $error');
void _sendFiles(Directory base, String prefix, List<File> files) {
String basePath = base.path;
for (File file in files) {
String devPath = file.path.substring(basePath.length);
if (devPath.startsWith('/'))
devPath = devPath.substring(1);
devFS.stageFile(prefix.isEmpty ? devPath : '$prefix/$devPath', file);
List<File> _dartFiles(List<FileSystemEntity> entities) {
return new List<File>.from(entities
.where((FileSystemEntity entity) => entity is File)
.where((File file) => file.path.endsWith('.dart')));
void _printHelp() {
String restartText = device.supportsRestart ? ', "r" or F5 to restart the app,' : '';
printStatus('Type "h" or F1 for help$restartText and "q", F10, or ctrl-c to quit.');
if (useDevFS)
printStatus('Type "d" to send modified project files to the the client\'s DevFS.');
void _stopLogger() {
......@@ -341,3 +415,71 @@ void writeRunBenchmarkFile(Stopwatch startTime, [Stopwatch restartTime]) {
new File(benchmarkOut).writeAsStringSync(toPrettyJson(data));
printStatus('Run benchmark written to $benchmarkOut ($data).');
class DevFS {
DevFS(, this.observatory) {
fsName = path.basename(directory.path);
final Directory directory;
final Observatory observatory;
String fsName;
Map<String, DevFSFileEntry> entries = <String, DevFSFileEntry>{};
Future<dynamic> init() => observatory.createDevFS(fsName);
void stageFile(String devPath, File file) {
entries.putIfAbsent(devPath, () => new DevFSFileEntry(devPath, file));
/// Flush any modified files to the devfs.
Future<Null> flush() async {
List<DevFSFileEntry> toSend = entries.values
.where((DevFSFileEntry entry) => entry.isModified)
for (DevFSFileEntry entry in toSend) {
printTrace('sending devfs://$fsName/${entry.devPath}');
Status status = logger.startProgress('Sending ${toSend.length} files...');
if (toSend.isEmpty) {
status.stop(showElapsedTime: true);
await observatory.writeDevFSFiles(fsName, files: entry) {
return new _DevFSFile('/${entry.devPath}', entry.file);
}).toList()).whenComplete(() {
status.stop(showElapsedTime: true);
Future<List<String>> listDevFSFiles() => observatory.listDevFSFiles(fsName);
class DevFSFileEntry {
DevFSFileEntry(this.devPath, this.file);
String devPath;
File file;
DateTime lastModified;
bool get isModified => lastModified == null || file.lastModifiedSync().isAfter(lastModified);
void updateLastModified() {
lastModified = file.lastModifiedSync();
class _DevFSFile extends DevFSFile {
_DevFSFile(String path, this.file) : super(path);
final File file;
List<int> getContents() => file.readAsBytesSync();
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