Unverified Commit fab03bd1 authored by Jenn Magder's avatar Jenn Magder Committed by GitHub

Shard Cirrus build_tests (#56735)

parent dfc955a8
......@@ -236,7 +236,17 @@ task:
- name: web_tests-7_last-linux # last Web shard must end with _last
- name: build_tests-linux
- name: build_tests-0-linux
# With 1 CPU and 4G of RAM, as of October 2019, build_tests-linux would get OOM-killed.
# Increasing the RAM to 12G allowed it to finish in about 30 minutes, any extra CPU (tried 2
# and 4) reduced that to just over 20 minutes. 6G was enough not to get OOM-killed.
CPU: 2
- dart --enable-asserts ./dev/bots/test.dart
- name: build_tests-1_last-linux
# With 1 CPU and 4G of RAM, as of October 2019, build_tests-linux would get OOM-killed.
# Increasing the RAM to 12G allowed it to finish in about 30 minutes, any extra CPU (tried 2
......@@ -289,7 +299,7 @@ task:
- name: firebase_test_lab_tests-1-linux
- name: firebase_test_lab_tests-2-linux
- name: firebase_test_lab_tests-2_last-linux
- name: web_smoke_test
......@@ -436,7 +446,18 @@ task:
# TODO(ianh): Enable Web tests on Windows
- name: build_tests-windows
- name: build_tests-0-windows
only_if: "changesInclude('.cirrus.yml', 'dev/**', 'bin/internal/**') || $CIRRUS_PR == ''" # https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/41941
# As of December 2019, the build_tests-windows shard requires 6 GB RAM to pass.
# Emperically, using 6 CPUs and 10 GB RAM yielded optimal results (~33 minutes);
# bumping beyond these limits yielded no extra gain.
CPU: 6
- dart --enable-asserts dev\bots\test.dart
- name: build_tests-1_last-windows
only_if: "changesInclude('.cirrus.yml', 'dev/**', 'bin/internal/**') || $CIRRUS_PR == ''" # https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/41941
# As of December 2019, the build_tests-windows shard requires 6 GB RAM to pass.
......@@ -577,7 +598,12 @@ task:
# TODO(ianh): Enable Web tests on macOS.
- name: build_tests-macos
- name: build_tests-0-macos
only_if: "changesInclude('.cirrus.yml', 'dev/**', 'bin/internal/**') || $CIRRUS_PR == ''" # https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/41940
- dart --enable-asserts ./dev/bots/test.dart
- name: build_tests-1_last-macos
only_if: "changesInclude('.cirrus.yml', 'dev/**', 'bin/internal/**') || $CIRRUS_PR == ''" # https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/41940
- dart --enable-asserts ./dev/bots/test.dart
......@@ -61,6 +61,12 @@ final bool useFlutterTestFormatter = Platform.environment['FLUTTER_TEST_FORMATTE
/// and make sure it runs _all_ shards.
const int kDeviceLabShardCount = 4;
/// The number of Cirrus jobs that run build tests in parallel.
/// WARNING: if you change this number, also change .cirrus.yml
/// and make sure it runs _all_ shards.
const int kBuildTestShardCount = 2;
/// The number of Cirrus jobs that run Web tests in parallel.
/// The default is 8 shards. Typically .cirrus.yml would define the
......@@ -336,45 +342,55 @@ Future<void> _runBuildTests() async {
final List<FileSystemEntity> exampleDirectories = Directory(path.join(flutterRoot, 'examples')).listSync()
..add(Directory(path.join(flutterRoot, 'dev', 'integration_tests', 'non_nullable')))
..add(Directory(path.join(flutterRoot, 'dev', 'integration_tests', 'flutter_gallery')));
for (final FileSystemEntity fileEntity in exampleDirectories) {
// Only verify caching with flutter gallery.
final bool verifyCaching = fileEntity.path.contains('flutter_gallery');
if (fileEntity is! Directory) {
final String examplePath = fileEntity.path;
final bool hasNullSafety = File(path.join(examplePath, 'null_safety')).existsSync();
final List<String> additionalArgs = hasNullSafety
? <String>['--enable-experiment', 'non-nullable']
: <String>[];
if (Directory(path.join(examplePath, 'android')).existsSync()) {
await _flutterBuildApk(examplePath, release: false, additionalArgs: additionalArgs, verifyCaching: verifyCaching);
await _flutterBuildApk(examplePath, release: true, additionalArgs: additionalArgs, verifyCaching: verifyCaching);
} else {
print('Example project ${path.basename(examplePath)} has no android directory, skipping apk');
if (Platform.isMacOS) {
if (Directory(path.join(examplePath, 'ios')).existsSync()) {
await _flutterBuildIpa(examplePath, release: false, additionalArgs: additionalArgs, verifyCaching: verifyCaching);
await _flutterBuildIpa(examplePath, release: true, additionalArgs: additionalArgs, verifyCaching: verifyCaching);
} else {
print('Example project ${path.basename(examplePath)} has no ios directory, skipping ipa');
final String branch = Platform.environment['CIRRUS_BRANCH'];
if (branch != 'beta' && branch != 'stable') {
// Web compilation tests.
await _flutterBuildDart2js(
path.join('dev', 'integration_tests', 'web'),
path.join('lib', 'main.dart'),
// Should not fail to compile with dart:io.
await _flutterBuildDart2js(
path.join('dev', 'integration_tests', 'web_compile_tests'),
path.join('lib', 'dart_io_import.dart'),
// The tests are randomly distributed into subshards so as to get a uniform
// distribution of costs, but the seed is fixed so that issues are reproducible.
final List<ShardRunner> tests = <ShardRunner>[
for (final FileSystemEntity exampleDirectory in exampleDirectories)
() => _runExampleProjectBuildTests(exampleDirectory),
if (branch != 'beta' && branch != 'stable')
// Web compilation tests.
() => _flutterBuildDart2js(
path.join('dev', 'integration_tests', 'web'),
path.join('lib', 'main.dart'),
// Should not fail to compile with dart:io.
() => _flutterBuildDart2js(
path.join('dev', 'integration_tests', 'web_compile_tests'),
path.join('lib', 'dart_io_import.dart'),
await _selectIndexedSubshard(tests, kBuildTestShardCount);
Future<void> _runExampleProjectBuildTests(FileSystemEntity exampleDirectory) async {
// Only verify caching with flutter gallery.
final bool verifyCaching = exampleDirectory.path.contains('flutter_gallery');
if (exampleDirectory is! Directory) {
final String examplePath = exampleDirectory.path;
final bool hasNullSafety = File(path.join(examplePath, 'null_safety')).existsSync();
final List<String> additionalArgs = hasNullSafety
? <String>['--enable-experiment', 'non-nullable']
: <String>[];
if (Directory(path.join(examplePath, 'android')).existsSync()) {
await _flutterBuildApk(examplePath, release: false, additionalArgs: additionalArgs, verifyCaching: verifyCaching);
await _flutterBuildApk(examplePath, release: true, additionalArgs: additionalArgs, verifyCaching: verifyCaching);
} else {
print('Example project ${path.basename(examplePath)} has no android directory, skipping apk');
if (Platform.isMacOS) {
if (Directory(path.join(examplePath, 'ios')).existsSync()) {
await _flutterBuildIpa(examplePath, release: false, additionalArgs: additionalArgs, verifyCaching: verifyCaching);
await _flutterBuildIpa(examplePath, release: true, additionalArgs: additionalArgs, verifyCaching: verifyCaching);
} else {
print('Example project ${path.basename(examplePath)} has no ios directory, skipping ipa');
......@@ -646,21 +662,15 @@ Future<void> _runFirebaseTestLabTests() async {
final Map<String, ShardRunner> subshards = <String, ShardRunner>{};
final String firebaseScript = path.join(flutterRoot, 'dev', 'bots', 'firebase_testlab.sh');
final String integrationTestDirectory = path.join(flutterRoot, 'dev', 'integration_tests');
for (int index = 0; index < integrationTests.length; index += 1) {
final String integrationTestPath = path.join(integrationTestDirectory, integrationTests[index]);
subshards['$index'] = () => runCommand(
<String>[ integrationTestPath ],
workingDirectory: flutterRoot,
final List<ShardRunner> tests = integrationTests.map((String integrationTest) =>
() => runCommand(firebaseScript, <String>[ path.join(integrationTestDirectory, integrationTest) ])
await selectSubshard(subshards);
await _selectIndexedSubshard(tests, integrationTests.length);
Future<void> _runFrameworkCoverage() async {
......@@ -1169,27 +1179,7 @@ Future<void> _runHostOnlyDeviceLabTests() async {
if (Platform.isLinux) () => _runDevicelabTest('web_benchmarks_canvaskit', environment: kChromeVariables),
final int testsPerShard = tests.length ~/ kDeviceLabShardCount;
final Map<String, ShardRunner> subshards = <String, ShardRunner>{};
for (int subshard = 0; subshard < kDeviceLabShardCount; subshard += 1) {
String last = '';
List<ShardRunner> sublist;
if (subshard < kDeviceLabShardCount - 1) {
sublist = tests.sublist(subshard * testsPerShard, (subshard + 1) * testsPerShard);
} else {
sublist = tests.sublist(subshard * testsPerShard, tests.length);
// We make sure the last shard ends in _last so it's easier to catch mismatches
// between `.cirrus.yml` and `test.dart`.
last = '_last';
subshards['$subshard$last'] = () async {
for (final ShardRunner test in sublist)
await test();
await selectSubshard(subshards);
await _selectIndexedSubshard(tests, kDeviceLabShardCount);
Future<void> _runDevicelabTest(String testName, {
......@@ -1366,6 +1356,37 @@ Future<String> verifyVersion(File file) async {
return null;
/// Parse (zero-)index-named subshards and equally distribute [tests]
/// between them. Last shard should end in "_last" to catch mismatches
/// between `.cirrus.yml` and `test.dart`. See [selectShard] for naming details.
/// Examples:
/// build_tests-0-linux
/// build_tests-1-linux
/// build_tests-2_last-linux
Future<void> _selectIndexedSubshard(List<ShardRunner> tests, int numberOfShards) async {
final int testsPerShard = tests.length ~/ numberOfShards;
final Map<String, ShardRunner> subshards = <String, ShardRunner>{};
for (int subshard = 0; subshard < numberOfShards; subshard += 1) {
String last = '';
List<ShardRunner> sublist;
if (subshard < numberOfShards - 1) {
sublist = tests.sublist(subshard * testsPerShard, (subshard + 1) * testsPerShard);
} else {
sublist = tests.sublist(subshard * testsPerShard, tests.length);
// We make sure the last shard ends in _last.
last = '_last';
subshards['$subshard$last'] = () async {
for (final ShardRunner test in sublist)
await test();
await selectSubshard(subshards);
/// If the CIRRUS_TASK_NAME environment variable exists, we use that to determine
/// the shard and sub-shard (parsing it in the form shard-subshard-platform, ignoring
/// the platform).
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