Unverified Commit faa4b663 authored by Jonah Williams's avatar Jonah Williams Committed by GitHub

[flutter_tools] try deleting the web cache directory before copying new web sdk (#66461)

Delete the destination directory for the web sdk before copying the new contents. This might fix an error where the OS refuses to overwrite the files on dev
parent ca6fea5e
......@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ class Cache {
_artifacts.add(FlutterWebSdk(this, platform: _platform));
_artifacts.add(WindowsEngineArtifacts(this, platform: _platform));
......@@ -691,11 +691,15 @@ class MaterialFonts extends CachedArtifact {
/// This SDK references code within the regular Dart sdk to reduce download size.
class FlutterWebSdk extends CachedArtifact {
FlutterWebSdk(Cache cache) : super(
FlutterWebSdk(Cache cache, {Platform platform})
: _platform = platform ?? globals.platform,
final Platform _platform;
Directory get location => cache.getWebSdkDirectory();
......@@ -706,22 +710,26 @@ class FlutterWebSdk extends CachedArtifact {
Future<void> updateInner(ArtifactUpdater artifactUpdater) async {
String platformName = 'flutter-web-sdk-';
if (globals.platform.isMacOS) {
if (_platform.isMacOS) {
platformName += 'darwin-x64';
} else if (globals.platform.isLinux) {
} else if (_platform.isLinux) {
platformName += 'linux-x64';
} else if (globals.platform.isWindows) {
} else if (_platform.isWindows) {
platformName += 'windows-x64';
final Uri url = Uri.parse('${cache.storageBaseUrl}/flutter_infra/flutter/$version/$platformName.zip');
if (location.existsSync()) {
location.deleteSync(recursive: true);
await artifactUpdater.downloadZipArchive('Downloading Web SDK...', url, location);
// This is a temporary work-around for not being able to safely download into a shared directory.
final FileSystem fileSystem = location.fileSystem;
for (final FileSystemEntity entity in location.listSync(recursive: true)) {
if (entity is File) {
final List<String> segments = globals.fs.path.split(entity.path);
final List<String> segments = fileSystem.path.split(entity.path);
final String newPath = globals.fs.path.joinAll(segments);
final File newFile = globals.fs.file(newPath);
final String newPath = fileSystem.path.joinAll(segments);
final File newFile = fileSystem.file(newPath);
if (!newFile.existsSync()) {
newFile.createSync(recursive: true);
......@@ -1556,7 +1564,11 @@ class ArtifactUpdater {
final IOSink ioSink = tempFile.openWrite();
await _download(url, ioSink);
await ioSink.flush();
await ioSink.close();
if (!tempFile.existsSync()) {
throw Exception('Did not find downloaded file ${tempFile.path}');
} on Exception catch (err) {
retries -= 1;
......@@ -636,6 +636,28 @@ void main() {
expect(logger.errorText, contains('Failed to delete some stamp files'));
testWithoutContext('FlutterWebSdk deletes previous directory contents', () {
final MemoryFileSystem fileSystem = MemoryFileSystem.test();
final Directory webStuff = fileSystem.directory('web-stuff');
final MockCache cache = MockCache();
final MockArtifactUpdater artifactUpdater = MockArtifactUpdater();
final FlutterWebSdk webSdk = FlutterWebSdk(cache, platform: FakePlatform(operatingSystem: 'linux'));
when(artifactUpdater.downloadZipArchive('Downloading Web SDK...', any, any))
.thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) async {
final Directory location = invocation.positionalArguments[2] as Directory;
location.createSync(recursive: true);
webStuff.childFile('bar').createSync(recursive: true);
expect(webStuff.childFile('foo'), exists);
expect(webStuff.childFile('bar'), isNot(exists));
testWithoutContext('Cache handles exception thrown if stamp file cannot be parsed', () {
final FileSystem fileSystem = MemoryFileSystem.test();
final Logger logger = BufferLogger.test();
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