Unverified Commit f9c58bea authored by Jonah Williams's avatar Jonah Williams Committed by GitHub

[flutter_tools] also listen to web stderr stream (#53949)

parent f5fe1e3e
......@@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ abstract class ResidentWebRunner extends ResidentRunner {
ConnectionResult _connectionResult;
StreamSubscription<vmservice.Event> _stdOutSub;
StreamSubscription<vmservice.Event> _stdErrSub;
bool _exited = false;
WipConnection _wipConnection;
......@@ -143,6 +144,7 @@ abstract class ResidentWebRunner extends ResidentRunner {
await _stdOutSub?.cancel();
await _stdErrSub?.cancel();
await device.device.stopApp(null);
try {
_generatedEntrypointDirectory?.deleteSync(recursive: true);
......@@ -652,16 +654,14 @@ class _ResidentWebRunner extends ResidentWebRunner {
_connectionResult = await webDevFS.connect(useDebugExtension);
// Cleanup old subscriptions. These will throw if there isn't anything
// listening, which is fine because that is what we want to ensure.
try {
await _vmService.streamCancel(vmservice.EventStreams.kStdout);
await _vmService.streamListen(vmservice.EventStreams.kStdout);
} on vmservice.RPCError {
// It is safe to ignore this error because we expect an error to be
// thrown if we're not already subscribed.
try {
await _vmService.streamListen(vmservice.EventStreams.kStdout);
await _vmService.streamListen(vmservice.EventStreams.kStderr);
} on vmservice.RPCError {
// It is safe to ignore this error because we expect an error to be
// thrown if we're not already subscribed.
......@@ -674,7 +674,11 @@ class _ResidentWebRunner extends ResidentWebRunner {
_stdOutSub = _vmService.onStdoutEvent.listen((vmservice.Event log) {
final String message = utf8.decode(base64.decode(log.bytes));
globals.printStatus(message, newline: false);
_stdErrSub = _vmService.onStderrEvent.listen((vmservice.Event log) {
final String message = utf8.decode(base64.decode(log.bytes));
globals.printStatus(message, newline: false);
unawaited(_vmService.registerService('reloadSources', 'FlutterTools'));
_vmService.registerServiceCallback('reloadSources', (Map<String, Object> params) async {
......@@ -116,6 +116,9 @@ void main() {
when(mockVmService.onStdoutEvent).thenAnswer((Invocation _) {
return const Stream<Event>.empty();
when(mockVmService.onStderrEvent).thenAnswer((Invocation _) {
return const Stream<Event>.empty();
when(mockVmService.onDebugEvent).thenAnswer((Invocation _) {
return const Stream<Event>.empty();
......@@ -249,20 +252,30 @@ void main() {
expect(await residentWebRunner.run(), 0);
test('Listens to stdout streams before running main', () => testbed.run(() async {
test('Listens to stdout and stderr streams before running main', () => testbed.run(() async {
final Completer<DebugConnectionInfo> connectionInfoCompleter = Completer<DebugConnectionInfo>();
final StreamController<Event> controller = StreamController<Event>.broadcast();
final StreamController<Event> stdoutController = StreamController<Event>.broadcast();
final StreamController<Event> stderrController = StreamController<Event>.broadcast();
when(mockVmService.onStdoutEvent).thenAnswer((Invocation _) {
return controller.stream;
return stdoutController.stream;
when(mockVmService.onStderrEvent).thenAnswer((Invocation _) {
return stderrController.stream;
when(mockAppConnection.runMain()).thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) {
controller.add(Event.parse(<String, Object>{
stdoutController.add(Event.parse(<String, Object>{
'type': 'Event',
'kind': 'WriteEvent',
'timestamp': 1569473488296,
'bytes': base64.encode('THIS MESSAGE IS IMPORTANT'.codeUnits),
stderrController.add(Event.parse(<String, Object>{
'type': 'Event',
'kind': 'WriteEvent',
'timestamp': 1569473488296,
'bytes': base64.encode('SO IS THIS'.codeUnits),
connectionInfoCompleter: connectionInfoCompleter,
......@@ -270,6 +283,7 @@ void main() {
await connectionInfoCompleter.future;
expect(testLogger.statusText, contains('THIS MESSAGE IS IMPORTANT'));
expect(testLogger.statusText, contains('SO IS THIS'));
test('Does not run main with --start-paused', () => testbed.run(() async {
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