Commit f993cc36 authored by Zachary Anderson's avatar Zachary Anderson Committed by P.Y. Laligand

[flutter_tool] Fix fuchsia_reload command for new .packages location (#12825)

parent 9ae893bd
......@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ class FuchsiaReloadCommand extends FlutterCommand {
throwToolExit('Couldn\'t find application entry point at $_target.');
final String packagesFileName = '${_projectName}_dart_package.packages';
_dotPackagesPath = '$_fuchsiaRoot/out/$_buildType/gen/$_projectRoot/$packagesFileName';
_dotPackagesPath = '$_fuchsiaRoot/out/$_buildType/dartlang/gen/$_projectRoot/$packagesFileName';
if (!_fileExists(_dotPackagesPath))
throwToolExit('Couldn\'t find .packages file at $_dotPackagesPath.');
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