Unverified Commit f8c9f72b authored by Andrew Kolos's avatar Andrew Kolos Committed by GitHub

URI-decode asset paths before writing them to the asset manifest (#112415)

parent ecdfa953
......@@ -105,14 +105,12 @@ void main() {
bundle: testAssetBundle,
// we have the exact match for this scale, let's use it
.then(expectAsync1((AssetBundleImageKey bundleKey) {
expect(bundleKey.name, mainAssetPath);
expect(bundleKey.scale, 1.0);
// we also have the exact match for this scale, let's use it
bundle: testAssetBundle,
devicePixelRatio: 3.0,
......@@ -122,7 +120,7 @@ void main() {
test('When high-res device and high-res asset not present in bundle then return main variant', () {
test('When high-res device and high-res asset not present in bundle then return main variant', () {
const String mainAssetPath = 'assets/normalFolder/normalFile.png';
final Map<String, List<String>> assetBundleMap =
......@@ -644,7 +644,12 @@ class ManifestAssetBundle implements AssetBundle {
final List<_Asset> sortedKeys = jsonEntries.keys.toList()
..sort((_Asset left, _Asset right) => left.entryUri.path.compareTo(right.entryUri.path));
for (final _Asset main in sortedKeys) {
jsonObject[main.entryUri.path] = jsonEntries[main]!;
final String decodedEntryPath = Uri.decodeFull(main.entryUri.path);
final List<String> rawEntryVariantsPaths = jsonEntries[main]!;
final List<String> decodedEntryVariantPaths = rawEntryVariantsPaths
.map((String value) => Uri.decodeFull(value))
jsonObject[decodedEntryPath] = decodedEntryVariantPaths;
return DevFSStringContent(json.encode(jsonObject));
......@@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ $assetsSection
writePubspecFile('pubspec.yaml', 'test');
final List<String> assets = <String>['a/foo', 'a/foo[x]'];
final List<String> assets = <String>['a/foo', 'a/foo [x]'];
......@@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ $assetsSection
writeAssets('p/p/', assets);
const String expectedAssetManifest =
'"packages/test_package/a/foo [x]":["packages/test_package/a/foo [x]"]}';
await buildAndVerifyAssets(
......@@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ void main() {
return parsedManifest;
group('AssetBundle asset variants (with POSIX-style paths)', () {
late final Platform platform;
late final FileSystem fs;
group('AssetBundle asset variants (with Unix-style paths)', () {
late Platform platform;
late FileSystem fs;
setUpAll(() {
setUp(() {
platform = FakePlatform();
fs = MemoryFileSystem.test();
Cache.flutterRoot = Cache.defaultFlutterRoot(
......@@ -87,10 +87,10 @@ flutter:
final Map<String, List<String>> manifest = await extractAssetManifestFromBundle(bundle);
final List<String> variantsForImage = manifest[image]!;
expect(variantsForImage, contains(image2xVariant));
expect(variantsForImage, isNot(contains(imageNonVariant)));
expect(manifest, hasLength(2));
expect(manifest[image], equals(<String>[image, image2xVariant]));
expect(manifest[imageNonVariant], equals(<String>[imageNonVariant]));
testWithoutContext('Asset directories are recursively searched for assets', () async {
......@@ -122,11 +122,40 @@ flutter:
final Map<String, List<String>> manifest = await extractAssetManifestFromBundle(bundle);
expect(manifest, contains(secondLevelImage));
expect(manifest, contains(topLevelImage));
expect(manifest[secondLevelImage], hasLength(2));
expect(manifest[secondLevelImage], contains(secondLevelImage));
expect(manifest[secondLevelImage], contains(secondLevel2xVariant));
expect(manifest, hasLength(2));
expect(manifest[topLevelImage], equals(<String>[topLevelImage]));
expect(manifest[secondLevelImage], equals(<String>[secondLevelImage, secondLevel2xVariant]));
testWithoutContext('Asset paths should never be URI-encoded', () async {
const String image = 'assets/normalFolder/i have URI-reserved_characters.jpg';
const String imageVariant = 'assets/normalFolder/3x/i have URI-reserved_characters.jpg';
final List<String> assets = <String>[
for (final String asset in assets) {
final File assetFile = fs.file(asset);
assetFile.createSync(recursive: true);
final ManifestAssetBundle bundle = ManifestAssetBundle(
logger: BufferLogger.test(),
fileSystem: fs,
platform: platform,
await bundle.build(
packagesPath: '.packages',
flutterProject: FlutterProject.fromDirectoryTest(fs.currentDirectory),
final Map<String, List<String>> manifest = await extractAssetManifestFromBundle(bundle);
expect(manifest, hasLength(1));
expect(manifest[image], equals(<String>[image, imageVariant]));
......@@ -135,13 +164,7 @@ flutter:
late final Platform platform;
late final FileSystem fs;
String correctPathSeparators(String path) {
// The in-memory file system is strict about slashes on Windows being the
// correct way. See https://github.com/google/file.dart/issues/112.
return path.replaceAll('/', fs.path.separator);
setUpAll(() {
setUp(() {
platform = FakePlatform(operatingSystem: 'windows');
fs = MemoryFileSystem.test(style: FileSystemStyle.windows);
Cache.flutterRoot = Cache.defaultFlutterRoot(
......@@ -165,19 +188,16 @@ flutter:
testWithoutContext('Only images in folders named with device pixel ratios (e.g. 2x, 3.0x) should be considered as variants of other images', () async {
const String image = 'assets/image.jpg';
const String image2xVariant = 'assets/2x/image.jpg';
const String imageNonVariant = 'assets/notAVariant/image.jpg';
final List<String> assets = <String>[
testWithoutContext('Variant detection works with windows-style filepaths', () async {
const List<String> assets = <String>[
for (final String asset in assets) {
final File assetFile = fs.file(correctPathSeparators(asset));
final File assetFile = fs.file(asset);
assetFile.createSync(recursive: true);
......@@ -194,46 +214,10 @@ flutter:
final Map<String, List<String>> manifest = await extractAssetManifestFromBundle(bundle);
final List<String> variantsForImage = manifest[image]!;
expect(variantsForImage, contains(image2xVariant));
expect(variantsForImage, isNot(contains(imageNonVariant)));
testWithoutContext('Asset directories are recursively searched for assets', () async {
const String topLevelImage = 'assets/image.jpg';
const String secondLevelImage = 'assets/folder/secondLevel.jpg';
const String secondLevel2xVariant = 'assets/folder/2x/secondLevel.jpg';
final List<String> assets = <String>[
for (final String asset in assets) {
final File assetFile = fs.file(correctPathSeparators(asset));
assetFile.createSync(recursive: true);
final ManifestAssetBundle bundle = ManifestAssetBundle(
logger: BufferLogger.test(),
fileSystem: fs,
platform: platform,
await bundle.build(
packagesPath: '.packages',
flutterProject: FlutterProject.fromDirectoryTest(fs.currentDirectory),
final Map<String, List<String>> manifest = await extractAssetManifestFromBundle(bundle);
expect(manifest, contains(secondLevelImage));
expect(manifest, contains(topLevelImage));
expect(manifest[secondLevelImage], hasLength(2));
expect(manifest[secondLevelImage], contains(secondLevelImage));
expect(manifest[secondLevelImage], contains(secondLevel2xVariant));
expect(manifest, hasLength(2));
expect(manifest['assets/foo.jpg'], equals(<String>['assets/foo.jpg', 'assets/2x/foo.jpg']));
expect(manifest['assets/somewhereElse/bar.jpg'], equals(<String>['assets/somewhereElse/bar.jpg', 'assets/somewhereElse/2x/bar.jpg']));
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