Commit f6a32362 authored by Chinmay Garde's avatar Chinmay Garde

Initial Commit

// Copyright (c) 2015, <your name>. All rights reserved. Use of this source code
// is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// The cassowary library.
library cassowary;
part 'constraint.dart';
part 'expression.dart';
part 'term.dart';
part 'variable.dart';
part 'equation_member.dart';
part 'constant_member.dart';
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of cassowary;
class ConstantMember extends EquationMember {
double value = 0.0;
Expression operator +(EquationMember m) {
if (m is ConstantMember) {
return new Expression([], this.value + m.value);
if (m is Variable) {
return new Expression([new Term(m, 1.0)], this.value);
if (m is Term) {
return new Expression([m], this.value);
if (m is Expression) {
return new Expression(new List.from(m.terms), this.value + m.constant);
return null;
Expression operator -(EquationMember m) {
if (m is ConstantMember) {
return new Expression([], this.value - m.value);
if (m is Variable) {
return new Expression([new Term(m, -1.0)], this.value);
if (m is Term) {
return new Expression([new Term(m.variable, -m.coefficient)], this.value);
if (m is Expression) {
var negatedTerms = m.terms.fold(new List<Term>(), (list, term) => list
..add(new Term(term.variable, -term.coefficient)));
return new Expression(negatedTerms, this.value - m.constant);
return null;
EquationMember operator *(double m) {
return new ConstantMember(this.value * m);
EquationMember operator /(double m) {
return new ConstantMember(this.value / m);
ConstantMember CM(num value) {
return new ConstantMember(value);
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of cassowary;
enum Relation { equalTo, lessThanOrEqualTo, greaterThanOrEqualTo, }
class Constraint {
final Relation relation;
final Expression expression;
double priority = 1000.0;
Constraint(this.expression, this.relation);
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of cassowary;
abstract class EquationMember {}
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of cassowary;
class Expression extends EquationMember {
final List<Term> terms;
final double constant;
double get value => terms.fold(constant, (value, term) => value + term.value);
Expression(this.terms, this.constant);
Constraint _createConstraint(double value, Relation relation) {
return new Constraint(
new Expression(this.terms, this.constant + value), relation);
Constraint operator >=(double value) =>
_createConstraint(-value, Relation.greaterThanOrEqualTo);
Constraint operator <=(double value) =>
_createConstraint(-value, Relation.lessThanOrEqualTo);
operator ==(double value) => _createConstraint(-value, Relation.equalTo);
Expression operator +(EquationMember m) {
if (m is ConstantMember) {
return new Expression(new List.from(this.terms), this.constant + m.value);
if (m is Variable) {
return new Expression(
new List.from(this.terms)..add(new Term(m, 1.0)), this.constant);
if (m is Term) {
return new Expression(new List.from(this.terms)..add(m), this.constant);
if (m is Expression) {
return new Expression(new List.from(this.terms)..addAll(m.terms),
this.constant + m.constant);
return null;
Expression operator -(EquationMember m) {
if (m is ConstantMember) {
return new Expression(new List.from(this.terms), this.constant - m.value);
if (m is Variable) {
return new Expression(
new List.from(this.terms)..add(new Term(m, -1.0)), this.constant);
if (m is Term) {
return new Expression(new List.from(this.terms)
..add(new Term(m.variable, -m.coefficient)), this.constant);
if (m is Expression) {
var copiedTerms = new List<Term>.from(this.terms);
(t) => copiedTerms.add(new Term(t.variable, -t.coefficient)));
return new Expression(copiedTerms, this.constant - m.constant);
return null;
EquationMember operator *(double m) {
var terms = this.terms.fold(new List<Term>(), (list, term) => list
..add(new Term(term.variable, term.coefficient * m)));
return new Expression(terms, this.constant);
// TODO(csg): Figure out how to dry this up.
EquationMember operator /(double m) {
var terms = this.terms.fold(new List<Term>(), (list, term) => list
..add(new Term(term.variable, term.coefficient / m)));
return new Expression(terms, this.constant);
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of cassowary;
class Term extends EquationMember {
final Variable variable;
final double coefficient;
double get value => coefficient * variable.value;
Term(this.variable, this.coefficient);
Expression operator +(EquationMember m) {
if (m is ConstantMember) {
return new Expression([this], m.value);
if (m is Variable) {
return new Expression([this, new Term(m, 1.0)], 0.0);
if (m is Term) {
return new Expression([this, m], 0.0);
if (m is Expression) {
return new Expression(
new List.from(m.terms)..insert(0, this), m.constant);
return null;
Expression operator -(EquationMember m) {
if (m is ConstantMember) {
return new Expression([this], -m.value);
if (m is Variable) {
return new Expression([this, new Term(m, -1.0)], 0.0);
if (m is Term) {
return new Expression([this, new Term(m.variable, -m.coefficient)], 0.0);
if (m is Expression) {
var negatedTerms = m.terms.fold(new List<Term>(),
(list, t) => list..add(new Term(t.variable, -t.coefficient)));
return new Expression(negatedTerms..insert(0, this), -m.constant);
return null;
EquationMember operator *(double m) {
return new Term(this.variable, this.coefficient * m);
EquationMember operator /(double m) {
return new Term(this.variable, this.coefficient / m);
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of cassowary;
class Variable extends EquationMember {
double value = 0.0;
Expression operator +(EquationMember m) {
if (m is ConstantMember) {
return new Expression([new Term(this, 1.0)], m.value);
if (m is Variable) {
return new Expression([new Term(this, 1.0), new Term(m, 1.0)], 0.0);
if (m is Term) {
return new Expression([new Term(this, 1.0), m], 0.0);
if (m is Expression) {
return new Expression(
new List.from(m.terms)..insert(0, new Term(this, 1.0)), m.constant);
return null;
Expression operator -(EquationMember m) {
if (m is ConstantMember) {
return new Expression([new Term(this, 1.0)], -m.value);
if (m is Variable) {
return new Expression([new Term(this, 1.0), new Term(m, -1.0)], 0.0);
if (m is Term) {
return new Expression(
[new Term(this, 1.0), new Term(m.variable, -m.coefficient)], 0.0);
if (m is Expression) {
var negatedTerms = m.terms.fold(new List<Term>(),
(list, t) => list..add(new Term(t.variable, -t.coefficient)));
negatedTerms.insert(0, new Term(this, 1.0));
return new Expression(negatedTerms, -m.constant);
return null;
EquationMember operator *(double m) {
return new Term(this, m);
EquationMember operator /(double m) {
return new Term(this, 1.0 / m);
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library cassowary.test;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:cassowary/cassowary.dart';
void main() {
test('variable', () {
var v = new Variable(22.0);
expect(v.value, 22);
test('variable1', () {
var v = new Variable(22.0);
expect((v + CM(22.0)).value, 44.0);
expect((v - CM(20.0)).value, 2.0);
test('term', () {
var t = new Term(new Variable(22.0), 2.0);
expect(t.value, 44);
test('expression', () {
var terms = [
new Term(new Variable(22.0), 2.0),
new Term(new Variable(1.0), 1.0),
var e = new Expression(terms, 40.0);
expect(e.value, 85.0);
test('expression1', () {
var v1 = new Variable(10.0);
var v2 = new Variable(10.0);
var v3 = new Variable(22.0);
expect(v1 is Variable, true);
expect(v1 + CM(20.0) is Expression, true);
expect(v1 + v2 is Expression, true);
expect((v1 + v2).value, 20.0);
expect((v1 - v2).value, 0.0);
expect((v1 + v2 + v3) is Expression, true);
expect((v1 + v2 + v3).value, 42.0);
test('expression2', () {
var e = new Variable(10.0) + CM(5.0);
expect(e.value, 15.0);
expect(e is Expression, true);
// Constant
expect((e + CM(2.0)) is Expression, true);
expect((e + CM(2.0)).value, 17.0);
expect((e - CM(2.0)) is Expression, true);
expect((e - CM(2.0)).value, 13.0);
expect(e.value, 15.0);
// Variable
var v = new Variable(2.0);
expect((e + v) is Expression, true);
expect((e + v).value, 17.0);
expect((e - v) is Expression, true);
expect((e - v).value, 13.0);
expect(e.value, 15.0);
// Term
var t = new Term(v, 2.0);
expect((e + t) is Expression, true);
expect((e + t).value, 19.0);
expect((e - t) is Expression, true);
expect((e - t).value, 11.0);
expect(e.value, 15.0);
// Expression
var e2 = new Variable(7.0) + new Variable(3.0);
expect((e + e2) is Expression, true);
expect((e + e2).value, 25.0);
expect((e - e2) is Expression, true);
expect((e - e2).value, 5.0);
expect(e.value, 15.0);
test('term2', () {
var t = new Term(new Variable(12.0), 1.0);
// Constant
var c = CM(2.0);
expect((t + c) is Expression, true);
expect((t + c).value, 14.0);
expect((t - c) is Expression, true);
expect((t - c).value, 10.0);
// Variable
var v = new Variable(2.0);
expect((t + v) is Expression, true);
expect((t + v).value, 14.0);
expect((t - v) is Expression, true);
expect((t - v).value, 10.0);
// Term
var t2 = new Term(new Variable(1.0), 2.0);
expect((t + t2) is Expression, true);
expect((t + t2).value, 14.0);
expect((t - t2) is Expression, true);
expect((t - t2).value, 10.0);
// Expression
var exp = new Variable(1.0) + CM(1.0);
expect((t + exp) is Expression, true);
expect((t + exp).value, 14.0);
expect((t - exp) is Expression, true);
expect((t - exp).value, 10.0);
test('variable3', () {
var v = new Variable(3.0);
// Constant
var c = CM(2.0);
expect((v + c) is Expression, true);
expect((v + c).value, 5.0);
expect((v - c) is Expression, true);
expect((v - c).value, 1.0);
// Variable
var v2 = new Variable(2.0);
expect((v + v2) is Expression, true);
expect((v + v2).value, 5.0);
expect((v - v2) is Expression, true);
expect((v - v2).value, 1.0);
// Term
var t2 = new Term(new Variable(1.0), 2.0);
expect((v + t2) is Expression, true);
expect((v + t2).value, 5.0);
expect((v - t2) is Expression, true);
expect((v - t2).value, 1.0);
// Expression
var exp = new Variable(1.0) + CM(1.0);
expect(exp.terms.length, 1);
expect((v + exp) is Expression, true);
expect((v + exp).value, 5.0);
expect((v - exp) is Expression, true);
expect((v - exp).value, 1.0);
test('constantmember', () {
var c = CM(3.0);
// Constant
var c2 = CM(2.0);
expect((c + c2) is Expression, true);
expect((c + c2).value, 5.0);
expect((c - c2) is Expression, true);
expect((c - c2).value, 1.0);
// Variable
var v2 = new Variable(2.0);
expect((c + v2) is Expression, true);
expect((c + v2).value, 5.0);
expect((c - v2) is Expression, true);
expect((c - v2).value, 1.0);
// Term
var t2 = new Term(new Variable(1.0), 2.0);
expect((c + t2) is Expression, true);
expect((c + t2).value, 5.0);
expect((c - t2) is Expression, true);
expect((c - t2).value, 1.0);
// Expression
var exp = new Variable(1.0) + CM(1.0);
expect((c + exp) is Expression, true);
expect((c + exp).value, 5.0);
expect((c - exp) is Expression, true);
expect((c - exp).value, 1.0);
test('constraint2', () {
var left = new Variable(10.0);
var right = new Variable(100.0);
var c = right - left >= 25.0;
expect(c is Constraint, true);
// TODO(csg): Address API inconsistency where the multipliers and divisors
// are doubles instead of equation members
test('simple_multiplication', () {
// Constant
var c = CM(20.0);
expect((c * 2.0).value, 40.0);
// Variable
var v = new Variable(20.0);
expect((v * 2.0).value, 40.0);
// Term
var t = new Term(v, 1.0);
expect((t * 2.0).value, 40.0);
// Expression
var e = new Expression([t], 0.0);
expect((e * 2.0).value, 40.0);
test('simple_division', () {
// Constant
var c = CM(20.0);
expect((c / 2.0).value, 10.0);
// Variable
var v = new Variable(20.0);
expect((v / 2.0).value, 10.0);
// Term
var t = new Term(v, 1.0);
expect((t / 2.0).value, 10.0);
// Expression
var e = new Expression([t], 0.0);
expect((e / 2.0).value, 10.0);
// TODO: Support and test cases where the multipliers and divisors are more
// than just simple constants.
test('full_constraints_setup', () {
var left = new Variable(2.0);
var right = new Variable(10.0);
var c1 = right - left >= 20.0;
expect(c1 is Constraint, true);
expect(c1.expression.constant, -20.0);
expect(c1.relation, Relation.greaterThanOrEqualTo);
var c2 = (right - left == 30.0) as Constraint;
expect(c2 is Constraint, true);
expect(c2.expression.constant, -30.0);
expect(c2.relation, Relation.equalTo);
var c3 = right - left <= 30.0;
expect(c3 is Constraint, true);
expect(c3.expression.constant, -30.0);
expect(c3.relation, Relation.lessThanOrEqualTo);
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