Unverified Commit f5cf209a authored by Jason Simmons's avatar Jason Simmons Committed by GitHub

Remove appbundle build steps that are required for APKs but not AABs (#32515)

Some parts of the appbundle build process were based on the logic for building
APK packages.  However, these steps (copying to a directory shared by all
build variants, and calculating a SHA) are not necessary for an appbundle.
parent 41ff8408
......@@ -495,14 +495,6 @@ Future<void> _buildGradleProjectV2(
final File bundleFile = _findBundleFile(project, buildInfo);
if (bundleFile == null)
throwToolExit('Gradle build failed to produce an Android bundle package.');
// Copy the bundle to app.aab, so `flutter run`, `flutter install`, etc. can find it.
printTrace('calculateSha: ${project.bundleDirectory}/app.aab');
final File bundleShaFile = project.bundleDirectory.childFile('app.aab.sha1');
String appSize;
if (buildInfo.mode == BuildMode.debug) {
......@@ -539,12 +531,8 @@ File _findBundleFile(GradleProject project, BuildInfo buildInfo) {
if (bundleFileName == null)
return null;
File bundleFile = fs.file(fs.path.join(project.bundleDirectory.path, bundleFileName));
if (bundleFile.existsSync()) {
return bundleFile;
final String modeName = camelCase(buildInfo.modeName);
bundleFile = fs.file(fs.path.join(project.bundleDirectory.path, modeName, bundleFileName));
File bundleFile = fs.file(fs.path.join(project.bundleDirectory.path, modeName, bundleFileName));
if (bundleFile.existsSync())
return bundleFile;
if (buildInfo.flavor != null) {
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