Unverified Commit f5b02e3c authored by Jonah Williams's avatar Jonah Williams Committed by GitHub

Bump minimum ios_deploy version (#24550)

parent 19b97ae5
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ class IOSValidator extends DoctorValidator {
Future<bool> get hasIosDeploy => exitsHappyAsync(<String>['ios-deploy', '--version']);
String get iosDeployMinimumVersion => '1.9.2';
String get iosDeployMinimumVersion => '1.9.4';
Future<String> get iosDeployVersionText async => (await runAsync(<String>['ios-deploy', '--version'])).processResult.stdout.replaceAll('\n', '');
......@@ -105,6 +105,12 @@ class IMobileDevice {
Future<bool> get isWorking async {
if (!isInstalled)
return false;
// If usage info is printed in a hyphenated id, we need to update.
const String fakeIphoneId = '00008020-001C2D903C42002E';
final ProcessResult ideviceResult = (await runAsync(<String>['ideviceinfo', '-u', fakeIphoneId])).processResult;
if (ideviceResult.stdout.contains('Usage: ideviceinfo')) {
return false;
// If no device is attached, we're unable to detect any problems. Assume all is well.
final ProcessResult result = (await runAsync(<String>['idevice_id', '-l'])).processResult;
......@@ -162,6 +162,42 @@ void main() {
CocoaPods: () => cocoaPods,
testUsingContext('Emits partial status when libimobiledevice is installed but not working', () async {
.thenReturn('Xcode 8.2.1\nBuild version 8C1002\n');
<String>['ideviceinfo', '-u', '00008020-001C2D903C42002E'],
workingDirectory: anyNamed('workingDirectory'),
environment: anyNamed('environment')),
).thenAnswer((Invocation _) async {
final MockProcessResult result = MockProcessResult();
Usage: ideviceinfo [OPTIONS]
Show information about a connected device.
-d, --debug enable communication debugging
-s, --simple use a simple connection to avoid auto-pairing with the device
-u, --udid UDID target specific device by its 40-digit device UDID
-q, --domain NAME set domain of query to NAME. Default: None
-k, --key NAME only query key specified by NAME. Default: All keys.
-x, --xml output information as xml plist instead of key/value pairs
-h, --help prints usage information
final IOSWorkflowTestTarget workflow = IOSWorkflowTestTarget();
final ValidationResult result = await workflow.validate();
expect(result.type, ValidationType.partial);
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
ProcessManager: () => processManager,
Xcode: () => xcode,
CocoaPods: () => cocoaPods,
testUsingContext('Emits partial status when ios-deploy is not installed', () async {
......@@ -313,12 +349,13 @@ class MockIMobileDevice extends IMobileDevice {
class MockXcode extends Mock implements Xcode {}
class MockProcessManager extends Mock implements ProcessManager {}
class MockCocoaPods extends Mock implements CocoaPods {}
class MockProcessResult extends Mock implements ProcessResult {}
class IOSWorkflowTestTarget extends IOSValidator {
this.hasHomebrew = true,
bool hasIosDeploy = true,
String iosDeployVersionText = '1.9.2',
String iosDeployVersionText = '1.9.4',
bool hasIDeviceInstaller = true,
}) : hasIosDeploy = Future<bool>.value(hasIosDeploy),
iosDeployVersionText = Future<String>.value(iosDeployVersionText),
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