Commit f4a13bc7 authored by Chris Bracken's avatar Chris Bracken Committed by GitHub

Eliminate CocoaPods install step (#8694)

If the developer is relying on CocoaPods and hasn't done a pod install,
they'll get a build failure indicating the issue.

This also avoids a hard dependency on CocoaPods in the tool and allows
developers to customize their Xcode steps to use alternatives such as
Carthage if they prefer.
parent 3146e134
......@@ -211,7 +211,6 @@ String runCheckedSync(List<String> cmd, {
String workingDirectory,
bool allowReentrantFlutter: false,
bool hideStdout: false,
Map<String, String> environment,
}) {
return _runWithLoggingSync(
......@@ -220,7 +219,6 @@ String runCheckedSync(List<String> cmd, {
hideStdout: hideStdout,
checked: true,
noisyErrors: true,
environment: environment,
......@@ -261,13 +259,12 @@ String _runWithLoggingSync(List<String> cmd, {
String workingDirectory,
bool allowReentrantFlutter: false,
bool hideStdout: false,
Map<String, String> environment,
}) {
_traceCommand(cmd, workingDirectory: workingDirectory);
final ProcessResult results = processManager.runSync(
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
environment: _environment(allowReentrantFlutter, environment),
environment: _environment(allowReentrantFlutter),
printTrace('Exit code ${results.exitCode} from: ${cmd.join(' ')}');
......@@ -41,10 +41,6 @@ class IOSWorkflow extends DoctorValidator implements Workflow {
bool get hasPythonSixModule => exitsHappy(<String>['python', '-c', 'import six']);
bool get hasCocoaPods => exitsHappy(<String>['pod', '--version']);
String get cocoaPodsVersionText => runSync(<String>['pod', '--version']).trim();
bool get _iosDeployIsInstalledAndMeetsVersionCheck {
if (!hasIosDeploy)
return false;
......@@ -62,7 +58,6 @@ class IOSWorkflow extends DoctorValidator implements Workflow {
ValidationType xcodeStatus = ValidationType.missing;
ValidationType pythonStatus = ValidationType.missing;
ValidationType brewStatus = ValidationType.missing;
ValidationType podStatus = ValidationType.missing;
String xcodeVersionInfo;
if (xcode.isInstalled) {
......@@ -167,19 +162,8 @@ class IOSWorkflow extends DoctorValidator implements Workflow {
if (hasCocoaPods) {
podStatus = ValidationType.installed;
messages.add(new ValidationMessage('CocoaPods version $cocoaPodsVersionText'));
} else {
podStatus = ValidationType.missing;
messages.add(new ValidationMessage.error(
'CocoaPods not installed; this is used for iOS development.\n'
'Install by running: \'brew install cocoapods\''
return new ValidationResult(
<ValidationType>[xcodeStatus, pythonStatus, brewStatus, podStatus].reduce(_mergeValidationTypes),
<ValidationType>[xcodeStatus, pythonStatus, brewStatus].reduce(_mergeValidationTypes),
statusInfo: xcodeVersionInfo
......@@ -123,10 +123,8 @@ Future<XcodeBuildResult> buildXcodeProject({
// Before the build, all service definitions must be updated and the dylibs
// copied over to a location that is suitable for Xcodebuild to find them.
final Directory appDirectory =;
await _addServicesToBundle(appDirectory);
_installCocoaPods(appDirectory, flutterFrameworkDir(mode));
await _addServicesToBundle(;
final List<String> commands = <String>[
......@@ -317,26 +315,6 @@ bool _checkXcodeVersion() {
return true;
bool _checkCocoaPodsInstalled() {
if (!platform.isMacOS)
return false;
return exitsHappy(<String>['pod', '--version']);
void _installCocoaPods(Directory bundle, String engineDirectory) {
if (fs.file(fs.path.join(bundle.path, 'Podfile')).existsSync()) {
if (!_checkCocoaPodsInstalled()) {
printError('Warning: CocoaPods not installed. Not running pod install.');
<String>['pod', 'install'],
workingDirectory: bundle.path,
environment: <String, String>{'FLUTTER_FRAMEWORK_DIR': engineDirectory},
Future<Null> _addServicesToBundle(Directory bundle) async {
final List<Map<String, String>> services = <Map<String, String>>[];
printTrace("Trying to resolve native pub services.");
......@@ -12,10 +12,6 @@ import '../globals.dart';
final RegExp _settingExpr = new RegExp(r'(\w+)\s*=\s*(\S+)');
final RegExp _varExpr = new RegExp(r'\$\((.*)\)');
String flutterFrameworkDir(BuildMode mode) {
return fs.path.normalize(fs.path.dirname(artifacts.getArtifactPath(Artifact.flutterFramework, TargetPlatform.ios, mode)));
void updateXcodeGeneratedProperties(String projectPath, BuildMode mode, String target) {
final StringBuffer localsBuffer = new StringBuffer();
......@@ -38,7 +34,8 @@ void updateXcodeGeneratedProperties(String projectPath, BuildMode mode, String t
final String flutterFrameworkDir = fs.path.normalize(fs.path.dirname(artifacts.getArtifactPath(Artifact.flutterFramework, TargetPlatform.ios, mode)));
if (artifacts is LocalEngineArtifacts) {
final LocalEngineArtifacts localEngineArtifacts = artifacts;
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