Unverified Commit f2004b8f authored by KyleWong's avatar KyleWong Committed by GitHub

Add android studio process logic for JetBrainsToolbox (#27687)

* Make plugin path search logic use version check as a fallback.

* In JetBrainsToolbox, Info.plist would be just some kind of wrapper, we need a double check before get the real one.

* Use Regex to get content instead of `default command` to avoid error output as there could be no JetBrainsToolboxApp key/value for a normal Info.plist(Android Studio.)
parent 199ebaa6
......@@ -26,21 +26,37 @@ AndroidStudio get androidStudio => context[AndroidStudio];
final RegExp _dotHomeStudioVersionMatcher =
final RegExp _pathsSelectorMatcher =
RegExp(r'"idea.paths.selector" = "AndroidStudio[^;]+"');
String get javaPath => androidStudio?.javaPath;
class AndroidStudio implements Comparable<AndroidStudio> {
{Version version, this.configured, this.studioAppName = 'AndroidStudio', this.pathsSelectorPath})
{Version version, this.configured, this.studioAppName = 'AndroidStudio', this.presetPluginsPath})
: version = version ?? Version.unknown {
factory AndroidStudio.fromMacOSBundle(String bundlePath) {
final String studioPath = fs.path.join(bundlePath, 'Contents');
final String plistFile = fs.path.join(studioPath, 'Info.plist');
String studioPath = fs.path.join(bundlePath, 'Contents');
String plistFile = fs.path.join(studioPath, 'Info.plist');
String plistValue = iosWorkflow.getPlistValueFromFile(
final RegExp _pathsSelectorMatcher = RegExp(r'"idea.paths.selector" = "[^;]+"');
final RegExp _jetBrainsToolboxAppMatcher = RegExp(r'JetBrainsToolboxApp = "[^;]+"');
// As AndroidStudio managed by JetBrainsToolbox could have a wrapper pointing to the real Android Studio.
// Check if we've found a JetBrainsToolbox wrapper and deal with it properly.
final String jetBrainsToolboxAppBundlePath = extractStudioPlistValueWithMatcher(plistValue, _jetBrainsToolboxAppMatcher);
if (jetBrainsToolboxAppBundlePath != null) {
studioPath = fs.path.join(jetBrainsToolboxAppBundlePath, 'Contents');
plistFile = fs.path.join(studioPath, 'Info.plist');
plistValue = iosWorkflow.getPlistValueFromFile(
final String versionString = iosWorkflow.getPlistValueFromFile(
......@@ -50,12 +66,11 @@ class AndroidStudio implements Comparable<AndroidStudio> {
if (versionString != null)
version = Version.parse(versionString);
final String plistValue = iosWorkflow.getPlistValueFromFile(
final String pathsSelectorValue = _pathsSelectorMatcher.stringMatch(plistValue).split('=').last.trim().replaceAll('"', '');
return AndroidStudio(studioPath, version: version, pathsSelectorPath: pathsSelectorValue);
final String pathsSelectorValue = extractStudioPlistValueWithMatcher(plistValue, _pathsSelectorMatcher);
final String presetPluginsPath = pathsSelectorValue == null
? null
: fs.path.join(homeDirPath, 'Library', 'Application Support', '$pathsSelectorValue');
return AndroidStudio(studioPath, version: version, presetPluginsPath: presetPluginsPath);
factory AndroidStudio.fromHomeDot(Directory homeDotDir) {
......@@ -91,9 +106,8 @@ class AndroidStudio implements Comparable<AndroidStudio> {
final String studioAppName;
final Version version;
final String configured;
final String pathsSelectorPath;
final String presetPluginsPath;
String _pluginsPath;
String _javaPath;
bool _isValid = false;
final List<String> _validationMessages = <String>[];
......@@ -103,23 +117,23 @@ class AndroidStudio implements Comparable<AndroidStudio> {
bool get isValid => _isValid;
String get pluginsPath {
if (_pluginsPath == null) {
final int major = version.major;
final int minor = version.minor;
if (platform.isMacOS) {
_pluginsPath = fs.path.join(
'Application Support',
} else {
_pluginsPath = fs.path.join(homeDirPath,
if (presetPluginsPath != null) {
return presetPluginsPath;
final int major = version?.major;
final int minor = version?.minor;
if (platform.isMacOS) {
return fs.path.join(
'Application Support',
} else {
return fs.path.join(homeDirPath,
return _pluginsPath;
List<String> get validationMessages => _validationMessages;
......@@ -250,6 +264,13 @@ class AndroidStudio implements Comparable<AndroidStudio> {
return studios;
static String extractStudioPlistValueWithMatcher(String plistValue, RegExp keyMatcher) {
if (plistValue == null || keyMatcher == null) {
return null;
return keyMatcher?.stringMatch(plistValue)?.split('=')?.last?.trim()?.replaceAll('"', '');
void _init() {
_isValid = false;
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