Commit f0a62d64 authored by Jason Simmons's avatar Jason Simmons

Merge pull request #1410 from jason-simmons/tracing_pull

Allow collection of trace files when adbd is not running as root
parents 9352c6c3 58ba5129
......@@ -447,47 +447,20 @@ class AndroidDevice extends Device {
static String _threeDigits(int n) {
if (n >= 100) return "$n";
if (n >= 10) return "0$n";
return "00$n";
// Return the most recent timestamp in the Android log. The format can be
// passed to logcat's -T option.
String lastLogcatTimestamp() {
String output = runCheckedSync(adbCommandForDevice(['logcat', '-v', 'time', '-t', '1']));
RegExp timeRegExp = new RegExp(r'^\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{3}', multiLine: true);
Match timeMatch = timeRegExp.firstMatch(output);
return timeMatch[0];
static String _twoDigits(int n) {
if (n >= 10) return "$n";
return "0$n";
static String _logcatDateFormat(DateTime dt) {
// Doing this manually, instead of using package:intl for simplicity.
// adb logcat -T wants "%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3q"
String m = _twoDigits(dt.month);
String d = _twoDigits(;
String H = _twoDigits(dt.hour);
String M = _twoDigits(dt.minute);
String S = _twoDigits(dt.second);
String q = _threeDigits(dt.millisecond);
return "$m-$d $H:$M:$S.$q";
// TODO(eseidel): This is fragile, there must be a better way!
DateTime timeOnDevice() {
// Careful: Android's date command is super-lame, any arguments are taken as
// attempts to set the timezone and will screw your device.
String output = runCheckedSync(adbCommandForDevice(['shell', 'date'])).trim();
// format: Fri Dec 18 13:22:07 PST 2015
// intl doesn't handle timezones:
// So we use the local date command to parse dates for us.
String seconds = runSync(['date', '--date', output, '+%s']);
// Although '%s' is supposed to be UTC, date appears to be ignoring the
// timezone in the passed string, so using isUTC: false here.
return new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(int.parse(seconds) * 1000, isUtc: false);
String stopTracing(AndroidApk apk, { String outPath: null }) {
Future<String> stopTracing(AndroidApk apk, { String outPath: null }) async {
// Workaround for logcat -c not always working:
String beforeStop = _logcatDateFormat(timeOnDevice());
String beforeStop = lastLogcatTimestamp();
......@@ -512,10 +485,23 @@ class AndroidDevice extends Device {
if (tracePath != null) {
String localPath = (outPath != null) ? outPath : path.basename(tracePath);
runSync(adbCommandForDevice(['shell', 'run-as',, 'chmod', '777', tracePath]));
runCheckedSync(adbCommandForDevice(['pull', tracePath, localPath]));
runSync(adbCommandForDevice(['shell', 'rm', tracePath]));
// Run cat via ADB to print the captured trace file. (adb pull will be unable
// to access the file if it does not have root permissions)
IOSink catOutput = new File(localPath).openWrite();
List<String> catCommand = adbCommandForDevice(
<String>['shell', 'run-as',, 'cat', tracePath]
Process catProcess = await Process.start(catCommand[0],
catCommand.getRange(1, catCommand.length).toList());
int exitCode = await catProcess.exitCode;
if (exitCode != 0)
throw 'Error code $exitCode returned when running ${catCommand.join(" ")}';
<String>['shell', 'run-as',, 'rm', tracePath]
return localPath;
logging.warning('No trace file detected. '
......@@ -43,17 +43,18 @@ class TraceCommand extends FlutterCommand {;
await new Future.delayed(
new Duration(seconds: int.parse(argResults['duration'])),
() => _stopTracing(, androidApp));
() => _stopTracing(, androidApp)
} else if (argResults['stop']) {
_stopTracing(, androidApp);
await _stopTracing(, androidApp);
} else {;
return 0;
void _stopTracing(AndroidDevice android, AndroidApk androidApp) {
String tracePath = android.stopTracing(androidApp, outPath: argResults['out']);
Future _stopTracing(AndroidDevice android, AndroidApk androidApp) async {
String tracePath = await android.stopTracing(androidApp, outPath: argResults['out']);
if (tracePath == null) {
logging.warning('No trace file saved.');
} else {
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