Commit f0671edf authored by Devon Carew's avatar Devon Carew Committed by GitHub

workaround adb logcat -T (#4798)

parent 8c535ad7
......@@ -640,8 +640,20 @@ class _AdbLogReader extends DeviceLogReader {
// Start the adb logcat process.
List<String> args = <String>['logcat', '-v', 'tag'];
String lastTimestamp = device.lastLogcatTimestamp;
if (lastTimestamp != null)
args.addAll(<String>['-T', lastTimestamp]);
if (lastTimestamp != null) {
bool supportsLastTimestamp = false;
// Check to see if this copy of adb supports -T.
try {
// "logcat: invalid option -- T", "Unrecognized Option"
// logcat -g will finish immediately; it will print an error to stdout if -T isn't supported.
String result = runSync(device.adbCommandForDevice(<String>['logcat', '-g', '-T', lastTimestamp]));
supportsLastTimestamp = !result.contains('logcat: invalid option') && !result.contains('Unrecognized Option');
} catch (_) { }
if (supportsLastTimestamp)
args.addAll(<String>['-T', lastTimestamp]);
runCommand(device.adbCommandForDevice(args)).then((Process process) {
_process = process;
_process.stdout.transform(UTF8.decoder).transform(const LineSplitter()).listen(_onLine);
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