Unverified Commit ed63e708 authored by Chris Bracken's avatar Chris Bracken Committed by GitHub

It's time to #deleteDart1 (#18293)

Eliminates support for Dart 1 in flutter_tools, and drops our Dart 1
benchmarks. All commands now run in Dart 1 mode only.

Eliminates --preview-dart-2 / --no-preview-dart-2 support.
parent e186a164
......@@ -68,12 +68,8 @@ Future<Null> _generateDocs() async {
Future<Null> _verifyInternationalizations() async {
final EvalResult genResult = await _evalCommand(
path.join('dev', 'tools', 'gen_localizations.dart'),
final EvalResult genResult = await _evalCommand(dart,
<String>[ '--preview-dart-2', path.join('dev', 'tools', 'gen_localizations.dart'), ],
workingDirectory: flutterRoot,
......@@ -32,14 +32,6 @@ void main() async {
return new TaskResult.failure(errorMessage);
section('gradlew assembleDebug no-preview-dart-2');
await project.runGradleTask('assembleDebug', options: <String>['-Ppreview-dart-2=false']);
errorMessage = _validateSnapshotDependency(project,
if (errorMessage != null) {
return new TaskResult.failure(errorMessage);
section('gradlew assembleProfile');
await project.runGradleTask('assembleProfile');
// Copyright (c) 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter_devicelab/tasks/hot_mode_tests.dart';
import 'package:flutter_devicelab/framework/framework.dart';
Future<Null> main() async {
await task(createHotModeTest(isPreviewDart2: false));
// Copyright (c) 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter_devicelab/tasks/hot_mode_tests.dart';
import 'package:flutter_devicelab/framework/framework.dart';
import 'package:flutter_devicelab/framework/adb.dart';
Future<Null> main() async {
deviceOperatingSystem = DeviceOperatingSystem.ios;
await task(createHotModeTest(isPreviewDart2: false));
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import '../framework/utils.dart';
final Directory _editedFlutterGalleryDir = dir(path.join(Directory.systemTemp.path, 'edited_flutter_gallery'));
final Directory flutterGalleryDir = dir(path.join(flutterDirectory.path, 'examples/flutter_gallery'));
TaskFunction createHotModeTest({ bool isPreviewDart2 = true }) {
TaskFunction createHotModeTest() {
return () async {
final Device device = await devices.workingDevice;
await device.unlock();
......@@ -25,10 +25,6 @@ TaskFunction createHotModeTest({ bool isPreviewDart2 = true }) {
final List<String> options = <String>[
'--hot', '-d', device.deviceId, '--benchmark', '--verbose', '--resident'
if (isPreviewDart2)
int hotReloadCount = 0;
Map<String, dynamic> twoReloadsData;
......@@ -92,8 +88,8 @@ TaskFunction createHotModeTest({ bool isPreviewDart2 = true }) {
// start `flutter run` again to make sure it loads from the previous state
// (in case of --preview-dart-2 frontend loads up from previously generated kernel files).
// start `flutter run` again to make sure it loads from the previous
// state; frontend loads up from previously generated kernel files.
final Process process = await startProcess(
path.join(flutterDirectory.path, 'bin', 'flutter'),
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ TaskFunction createMicrobenchmarkTask() {
final Device device = await devices.workingDevice;
await device.unlock();
Future<Map<String, double>> _runMicrobench(String benchmarkPath, {bool previewDart2 = true}) async {
Future<Map<String, double>> _runMicrobench(String benchmarkPath) async {
Future<Map<String, double>> _run() async {
print('Running $benchmarkPath');
final Directory appDir = dir(
......@@ -38,10 +38,6 @@ TaskFunction createMicrobenchmarkTask() {
if (previewDart2)
return await _startFlutter(
......@@ -61,26 +57,6 @@ TaskFunction createMicrobenchmarkTask() {
allResults.addAll(await _runMicrobench('lib/gestures/velocity_tracker_bench.dart'));
allResults.addAll(await _runMicrobench('lib/stocks/animation_bench.dart'));
// Run micro-benchmarks once again in --no-preview-dart-2 mode.
// Append "_dart1" suffix to the result keys to distinguish them from
// the original results.
void addDart1Results(Map<String, double> benchmarkResults) {
benchmarkResults.forEach((String key, double result) {
allResults[key + '_dart1'] = result;
addDart1Results(await _runMicrobench(
'lib/stocks/layout_bench.dart', previewDart2: false));
addDart1Results(await _runMicrobench(
'lib/stocks/layout_bench.dart', previewDart2: false));
addDart1Results(await _runMicrobench(
'lib/stocks/build_bench.dart', previewDart2: false));
addDart1Results(await _runMicrobench(
'lib/gestures/velocity_tracker_bench.dart', previewDart2: false));
addDart1Results(await _runMicrobench(
'lib/stocks/animation_bench.dart', previewDart2: false));
return new TaskResult.success(allResults, benchmarkScoreKeys: allResults.keys.toList());
......@@ -205,23 +205,13 @@ class CompileTest {
final Map<String, dynamic> metrics = <String, dynamic>{}
..addAll(await _compileAot())
..addAll(await _compileApp())
..addAll(await _compileDebug())
..addAll(_suffix(await _compileAot(previewDart2: false), '__dart1'))
..addAll(_suffix(await _compileApp(previewDart2: false), '__dart1'))
..addAll(_suffix(await _compileDebug(previewDart2: false), '__dart1'));
..addAll(await _compileDebug());
return new TaskResult.success(metrics, benchmarkScoreKeys: metrics.keys.toList());
static Map<String, dynamic> _suffix(Map<String, dynamic> map, String suffix) {
return new Map<String, dynamic>.fromIterables(
map.keys.map<String>((String key) => '$key$suffix'),
static Future<Map<String, dynamic>> _compileAot({ bool previewDart2 = true }) async {
static Future<Map<String, dynamic>> _compileAot() async {
// Generate blobs instead of assembly.
await flutter('clean');
final Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch()..start();
......@@ -240,10 +230,6 @@ class CompileTest {
if (previewDart2)
final String compileLog = await evalFlutter('build', options: options);
......@@ -258,15 +244,11 @@ class CompileTest {
return metrics;
static Future<Map<String, dynamic>> _compileApp({ bool previewDart2 = true }) async {
static Future<Map<String, dynamic>> _compileApp() async {
await flutter('clean');
final Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();
int releaseSizeInBytes;
final List<String> options = <String>['--release'];
if (previewDart2)
switch (deviceOperatingSystem) {
case DeviceOperatingSystem.ios:
......@@ -299,14 +281,10 @@ class CompileTest {
static Future<Map<String, dynamic>> _compileDebug({ bool previewDart2 = true }) async {
static Future<Map<String, dynamic>> _compileDebug() async {
await flutter('clean');
final Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();
final List<String> options = <String>['--debug'];
if (previewDart2)
switch (deviceOperatingSystem) {
case DeviceOperatingSystem.ios:
......@@ -154,21 +154,6 @@ tasks:
stage: devicelab
required_agent_capabilities: ["mac/android"]
description: >
Measures the performance of Dart VM hot patching feature under
--no-preview-dart-2 option, that disables Dart 2.0 frontend.
stage: devicelab
required_agent_capabilities: ["mac/android"]
description: >
Measures the performance of Dart VM hot patching feature under
--no-preview-dart-2 option, that disables Dart 2.0 frontend.
stage: devicelab_ios
required_agent_capabilities: ["mac/ios"]
flaky: true
description: >
Measures memory usage of the scroll performance test.
......@@ -102,13 +102,6 @@ BuildApp() {
local preview_dart_2_flag=""
if [[ -n "$PREVIEW_DART_2" ]]; then
local track_widget_creation_flag=""
if [[ -n "$TRACK_WIDGET_CREATION" ]]; then
......@@ -127,7 +120,6 @@ BuildApp() {
--${build_mode} \
--ios-arch="${archs}" \
${local_engine_flag} \
${preview_dart_2_flag} \
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
......@@ -167,12 +159,10 @@ BuildApp() {
${verbose_flag} \
build bundle \
--target="${target_path}" \
--snapshot="${build_dir}/snapshot_blob.bin" \
--depfile="${build_dir}/snapshot_blob.bin.d" \
--asset-dir="${derived_dir}/flutter_assets" \
${precompilation_flag} \
${local_engine_flag} \
${preview_dart_2_flag} \
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
......@@ -260,10 +260,6 @@ class FlutterPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
if (project.hasProperty('verbose')) {
verboseValue = project.property('verbose').toBoolean()
Boolean previewDart2Value = true
if (project.hasProperty('preview-dart-2')) {
previewDart2Value = project.property('preview-dart-2').toBoolean()
String[] fileSystemRootsValue = null
if (project.hasProperty('filesystem-roots')) {
fileSystemRootsValue = project.property('filesystem-roots').split('\\|')
......@@ -315,7 +311,6 @@ class FlutterPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
localEngineSrcPath this.localEngineSrcPath
targetPath target
verbose verboseValue
previewDart2 previewDart2Value
fileSystemRoots fileSystemRootsValue
fileSystemScheme fileSystemSchemeValue
trackWidgetCreation trackWidgetCreationValue
......@@ -360,8 +355,6 @@ abstract class BaseFlutterTask extends DefaultTask {
@Optional @Input
Boolean verbose
@Optional @Input
Boolean previewDart2
@Optional @Input
String[] fileSystemRoots
@Optional @Input
String fileSystemScheme
......@@ -383,12 +376,10 @@ abstract class BaseFlutterTask extends DefaultTask {
if (buildMode != 'debug') {
// For AOT builds, include the gen_snapshot depfile.
FileCollection depfiles = project.files("${intermediateDir}/snapshot.d")
if (previewDart2) {
// For Dart 2, also include the kernel compiler depfile, since
// kernel compile is the first stage of AOT build in this mode,
// and it includes all the Dart sources.
depfiles += project.files("${intermediateDir}/kernel_compile.d")
// Include the kernel compiler depfile, since kernel compile is the
// first stage of AOT build in this mode, and it includes all the
// Dart sources.
depfiles += project.files("${intermediateDir}/kernel_compile.d")
return depfiles
return project.files("${intermediateDir}/snapshot_blob.bin.d")
......@@ -415,11 +406,6 @@ abstract class BaseFlutterTask extends DefaultTask {
args "--target", targetPath
args "--target-platform", "android-arm"
args "--output-dir", "${intermediateDir}"
if (previewDart2) {
args "--preview-dart-2"
} else {
args "--no-preview-dart-2"
if (trackWidgetCreation) {
args "--track-widget-creation"
......@@ -452,11 +438,6 @@ abstract class BaseFlutterTask extends DefaultTask {
if (verbose) {
args "--verbose"
if (previewDart2) {
args "--preview-dart-2"
} else {
args "--no-preview-dart-2"
if (fileSystemRoots != null) {
for (root in fileSystemRoots) {
args "--filesystem-root", root
......@@ -475,9 +456,6 @@ abstract class BaseFlutterTask extends DefaultTask {
args "--precompiled"
} else {
args "--depfile", "${intermediateDir}/snapshot_blob.bin.d"
if (!previewDart2) {
args "--snapshot", "${intermediateDir}/snapshot_blob.bin"
args "--asset-dir", "${intermediateDir}/flutter_assets"
......@@ -533,9 +511,7 @@ class FlutterTask extends BaseFlutterTask {
// We have a dependencies file. Add a dependency on gen_snapshot as well, since the
// snapshots have to be rebuilt if it changes.
sources += readDependencies(project.file("${intermediateDir}/gen_snapshot.d"))
if (previewDart2) {
sources += readDependencies(project.file("${intermediateDir}/frontend_server.d"))
sources += readDependencies(project.file("${intermediateDir}/frontend_server.d"))
if (localEngineSrcPath != null) {
sources += project.files("$localEngineSrcPath/$localEngine")
......@@ -327,21 +327,16 @@ Future<Null> _buildGradleProjectV2(String gradle, BuildInfo buildInfo, String ta
if (target != null) {
if (buildInfo.previewDart2) {
if (buildInfo.trackWidgetCreation)
if (buildInfo.extraFrontEndOptions != null)
if (buildInfo.extraGenSnapshotOptions != null)
if (buildInfo.fileSystemRoots != null && buildInfo.fileSystemRoots.isNotEmpty)
if (buildInfo.fileSystemScheme != null)
} else {
if (buildInfo.trackWidgetCreation)
if (buildInfo.extraFrontEndOptions != null)
if (buildInfo.extraGenSnapshotOptions != null)
if (buildInfo.fileSystemRoots != null && buildInfo.fileSystemRoots.isNotEmpty)
if (buildInfo.fileSystemScheme != null)
if (buildInfo.buildSharedLibrary && androidSdk.ndk != null) {
......@@ -64,70 +64,6 @@ class GenSnapshot {
/// Dart snapshot builder.
/// Builds Dart snapshots in one of three modes:
/// * Script snapshot: architecture-independent snapshot of a Dart script
/// and core libraries.
/// * AOT snapshot: architecture-specific ahead-of-time compiled snapshot
/// suitable for loading with `mmap`.
/// * Assembly AOT snapshot: architecture-specific ahead-of-time compile to
/// assembly suitable for compilation as a static or dynamic library.
class ScriptSnapshotter {
/// Builds an architecture-independent snapshot of the specified script.
Future<int> build({
@required String mainPath,
@required String snapshotPath,
@required String depfilePath,
@required String packagesPath
}) async {
final SnapshotType snapshotType = new SnapshotType(null, BuildMode.debug);
final String vmSnapshotData = artifacts.getArtifactPath(Artifact.vmSnapshotData);
final String isolateSnapshotData = artifacts.getArtifactPath(Artifact.isolateSnapshotData);
final List<String> args = <String>[
final Fingerprinter fingerprinter = new Fingerprinter(
fingerprintPath: '$depfilePath.fingerprint',
paths: <String>[
properties: <String, String>{
'buildMode': snapshotType.mode.toString(),
'targetPlatform': snapshotType.platform?.toString() ?? '',
'entryPoint': mainPath,
depfilePaths: <String>[depfilePath],
if (await fingerprinter.doesFingerprintMatch()) {
printTrace('Skipping script snapshot build. Fingerprints match.');
return 0;
// Build the snapshot.
final int exitCode = await genSnapshot.run(
snapshotType: snapshotType,
packagesPath: packagesPath,
depfilePath: depfilePath,
additionalArgs: args,
if (exitCode != 0)
return exitCode;
await fingerprinter.writeFingerprint();
return exitCode;
class AOTSnapshotter {
/// Builds an architecture-specific ahead-of-time compiled snapshot of the specified script.
Future<int> build({
......@@ -136,7 +72,6 @@ class AOTSnapshotter {
@required String mainPath,
@required String packagesPath,
@required String outputPath,
@required bool previewDart2,
@required bool buildSharedLibrary,
IOSArch iosArch,
List<String> extraGenSnapshotOptions = const <String>[],
......@@ -192,12 +127,10 @@ class AOTSnapshotter {
if (previewDart2) {
if (extraGenSnapshotOptions != null && extraGenSnapshotOptions.isNotEmpty) {
printTrace('Extra gen_snapshot options: $extraGenSnapshotOptions');
......@@ -252,7 +185,6 @@ class AOTSnapshotter {
'buildMode': buildMode.toString(),
'targetPlatform': platform.toString(),
'entryPoint': mainPath,
'dart2': previewDart2.toString(),
'sharedLib': buildSharedLibrary.toString(),
'extraGenSnapshotOptions': extraGenSnapshotOptions.join(' '),
......@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import 'globals.dart';
/// Information about a build to be performed or used.
class BuildInfo {
const BuildInfo(this.mode, this.flavor, {
this.previewDart2 = false,
this.trackWidgetCreation = false,
......@@ -33,9 +32,6 @@ class BuildInfo {
/// Mode-Flavor (e.g. Release-Paid).
final String flavor;
/// Whether build should be done using Dart2 Frontend parser.
final bool previewDart2;
final List<String> fileSystemRoots;
final String fileSystemScheme;
......@@ -93,7 +89,6 @@ class BuildInfo {
BuildInfo withTargetPlatform(TargetPlatform targetPlatform) =>
new BuildInfo(mode, flavor,
previewDart2: previewDart2,
trackWidgetCreation: trackWidgetCreation,
extraFrontEndOptions: extraFrontEndOptions,
extraGenSnapshotOptions: extraGenSnapshotOptions,
......@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ import 'dart:async';
import 'artifacts.dart';
import 'asset.dart';
import 'base/build.dart';
import 'base/common.dart';
import 'base/file_system.dart';
import 'build_info.dart';
......@@ -24,7 +23,6 @@ String get defaultApplicationKernelPath => fs.path.join(getBuildDirectory(), 'ap
const String defaultPrivateKeyPath = 'privatekey.der';
const String _kKernelKey = 'kernel_blob.bin';
const String _kSnapshotKey = 'snapshot_blob.bin';
const String _kVMSnapshotData = 'vm_snapshot_data';
const String _kIsolateSnapshotData = 'isolate_snapshot_data';
const String _kDylibKey = 'libapp.so';
......@@ -33,13 +31,11 @@ const String _kPlatformKernelKey = 'platform.dill';
Future<void> build({
String mainPath = defaultMainPath,
String manifestPath = defaultManifestPath,
String snapshotPath,
String applicationKernelFilePath,
String depfilePath,
String privateKeyPath = defaultPrivateKeyPath,
String assetDirPath,
String packagesPath,
bool previewDart2 = false,
bool precompiledSnapshot = false,
bool reportLicensedPackages = false,
bool trackWidgetCreation = false,
......@@ -47,32 +43,13 @@ Future<void> build({
List<String> fileSystemRoots,
String fileSystemScheme,
}) async {
snapshotPath ??= defaultSnapshotPath;
depfilePath ??= defaultDepfilePath;
assetDirPath ??= getAssetBuildDirectory();
packagesPath ??= fs.path.absolute(PackageMap.globalPackagesPath);
applicationKernelFilePath ??= defaultApplicationKernelPath;
File snapshotFile;
if (!precompiledSnapshot && !previewDart2) {
// In a precompiled snapshot, the instruction buffer contains script
// content equivalents
final int result = await new ScriptSnapshotter().build(
mainPath: mainPath,
snapshotPath: snapshotPath,
depfilePath: depfilePath,
packagesPath: packagesPath,
if (result != 0)
throwToolExit('Failed to run the Flutter compiler. Exit code: $result', exitCode: result);
snapshotFile = fs.file(snapshotPath);
DevFSContent kernelContent;
if (!precompiledSnapshot && previewDart2) {
if (!precompiledSnapshot) {
if ((extraFrontEndOptions != null) && extraFrontEndOptions.isNotEmpty)
printTrace('Extra front-end options: $extraFrontEndOptions');
......@@ -109,7 +86,6 @@ Future<void> build({
await assemble(
assetBundle: assets,
kernelContent: kernelContent,
snapshotFile: snapshotFile,
privateKeyPath: privateKeyPath,
assetDirPath: assetDirPath,
......@@ -143,7 +119,6 @@ Future<AssetBundle> buildAssets({
Future<void> assemble({
AssetBundle assetBundle,
DevFSContent kernelContent,
File snapshotFile,
File dylibFile,
String privateKeyPath = defaultPrivateKeyPath,
String assetDirPath,
......@@ -152,21 +127,16 @@ Future<void> assemble({
printTrace('Building bundle');
final Map<String, DevFSContent> assetEntries = new Map<String, DevFSContent>.from(assetBundle.entries);
final String vmSnapshotData = artifacts.getArtifactPath(Artifact.vmSnapshotData);
final String isolateSnapshotData = artifacts.getArtifactPath(Artifact.isolateSnapshotData);
if (kernelContent != null) {
final String platformKernelDill = artifacts.getArtifactPath(Artifact.platformKernelDill);
final String vmSnapshotData = artifacts.getArtifactPath(Artifact.vmSnapshotData);
final String isolateSnapshotData = artifacts.getArtifactPath(Artifact.isolateSnapshotData);
assetEntries[_kKernelKey] = kernelContent;
assetEntries[_kPlatformKernelKey] = new DevFSFileContent(fs.file(platformKernelDill));
assetEntries[_kVMSnapshotData] = new DevFSFileContent(fs.file(vmSnapshotData));
assetEntries[_kIsolateSnapshotData] = new DevFSFileContent(fs.file(isolateSnapshotData));
if (snapshotFile != null) {
assetEntries[_kSnapshotKey] = new DevFSFileContent(snapshotFile);
assetEntries[_kVMSnapshotData] = new DevFSFileContent(fs.file(vmSnapshotData));
assetEntries[_kIsolateSnapshotData] = new DevFSFileContent(fs.file(isolateSnapshotData));
if (dylibFile != null)
assetEntries[_kDylibKey] = new DevFSFileContent(dylibFile);
......@@ -26,8 +26,6 @@ class AnalyzeCommand extends FlutterCommand {
help: 'Run analysis continuously, watching the filesystem for changes.',
negatable: false);
defaultsTo: true, help: 'Preview Dart 2.0 functionality.');
valueHelp: 'file',
help: 'Also output the results to a file. This is useful with --watch '
......@@ -87,7 +85,6 @@ class AnalyzeCommand extends FlutterCommand {
previewDart2: argResults['preview-dart-2'],
} else {
return new AnalyzeOnce(
......@@ -95,7 +92,6 @@ class AnalyzeCommand extends FlutterCommand {
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
previewDart2: argResults['preview-dart-2'],
......@@ -19,13 +19,10 @@ import '../globals.dart';
import 'analyze_base.dart';
class AnalyzeContinuously extends AnalyzeBase {
AnalyzeContinuously(ArgResults argResults, this.repoRoots, this.repoPackages, {
this.previewDart2 = false,
}) : super(argResults);
AnalyzeContinuously(ArgResults argResults, this.repoRoots, this.repoPackages) : super(argResults);
final List<String> repoRoots;
final List<Directory> repoPackages;
final bool previewDart2;
String analysisTarget;
bool firstAnalysis = true;
......@@ -60,7 +57,7 @@ class AnalyzeContinuously extends AnalyzeBase {
final String sdkPath = argResults['dart-sdk'] ?? sdk.dartSdkPath;
final AnalysisServer server = new AnalysisServer(sdkPath, directories, previewDart2: previewDart2);
final AnalysisServer server = new AnalysisServer(sdkPath, directories);
server.onAnalyzing.listen((bool isAnalyzing) => _handleAnalysisStatus(server, isAnalyzing));
......@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ class AnalyzeOnce extends AnalyzeBase {
this.repoPackages, {
this.previewDart2 = false,
}) : super(argResults);
final List<String> repoRoots;
......@@ -33,8 +32,6 @@ class AnalyzeOnce extends AnalyzeBase {
/// The working directory for testing analysis using dartanalyzer.
final Directory workingDirectory;
final bool previewDart2;
Future<Null> analyze() async {
final String currentDirectory =
......@@ -91,7 +88,6 @@ class AnalyzeOnce extends AnalyzeBase {
final AnalysisServer server = new AnalysisServer(
previewDart2: previewDart2,
StreamSubscription<bool> subscription;
......@@ -28,11 +28,6 @@ class BuildAotCommand extends BuildSubCommand {
allowed: <String>['android-arm', 'android-arm64', 'ios']
..addFlag('quiet', defaultsTo: false)
defaultsTo: true,
hide: !verboseHelp,
help: 'Preview Dart 2.0 functionality.',
negatable: false,
defaultsTo: false,
......@@ -79,23 +74,20 @@ class BuildAotCommand extends BuildSubCommand {
final String outputPath = argResults['output-dir'] ?? getAotBuildDirectory();
try {
final bool previewDart2 = argResults['preview-dart-2'];
String mainPath = findMainDartFile(targetFile);
final AOTSnapshotter snapshotter = new AOTSnapshotter();
// Compile to kernel, if Dart 2.
if (previewDart2) {
mainPath = await snapshotter.compileKernel(
platform: platform,
buildMode: buildMode,
mainPath: mainPath,
outputPath: outputPath,
extraFrontEndOptions: argResults[FlutterOptions.kExtraFrontEndOptions],
if (mainPath == null) {
printError('Compiler terminated unexpectedly.');
// Compile to kernel.
mainPath = await snapshotter.compileKernel(
platform: platform,
buildMode: buildMode,
mainPath: mainPath,
outputPath: outputPath,
extraFrontEndOptions: argResults[FlutterOptions.kExtraFrontEndOptions],
if (mainPath == null) {
printError('Compiler terminated unexpectedly.');
// Build AOT snapshot.
......@@ -116,7 +108,6 @@ class BuildAotCommand extends BuildSubCommand {
mainPath: mainPath,
packagesPath: PackageMap.globalPackagesPath,
outputPath: outputPath,
previewDart2: previewDart2,
buildSharedLibrary: false,
extraGenSnapshotOptions: argResults[FlutterOptions.kExtraGenSnapshotOptions],
).then((int buildExitCode) {
......@@ -143,7 +134,6 @@ class BuildAotCommand extends BuildSubCommand {
mainPath: mainPath,
packagesPath: PackageMap.globalPackagesPath,
outputPath: outputPath,
previewDart2: previewDart2,
buildSharedLibrary: argResults['build-shared-library'],
extraGenSnapshotOptions: argResults[FlutterOptions.kExtraGenSnapshotOptions],
......@@ -17,11 +17,6 @@ class BuildApkCommand extends BuildSubCommand {
defaultsTo: true,
hide: !verboseHelp,
help: 'Preview Dart 2.0 functionality.',
..addFlag('track-widget-creation', negatable: false, hide: !verboseHelp)
negatable: false,
......@@ -19,14 +19,8 @@ class BuildBundleCommand extends BuildSubCommand {
..addOption('asset-base', help: 'Ignored. Will be removed.', hide: !verboseHelp)
..addOption('manifest', defaultsTo: defaultManifestPath)
..addOption('private-key', defaultsTo: defaultPrivateKeyPath)
..addOption('snapshot', defaultsTo: defaultSnapshotPath)
..addOption('depfile', defaultsTo: defaultDepfilePath)
..addOption('kernel-file', defaultsTo: defaultApplicationKernelPath)
defaultsTo: true,
hide: !verboseHelp,
help: 'Preview Dart 2.0 functionality.',
hide: !verboseHelp,
help: 'Track widget creation locations. Requires Dart 2.0 functionality.',
......@@ -72,12 +66,10 @@ class BuildBundleCommand extends BuildSubCommand {
await build(
mainPath: targetFile,
manifestPath: argResults['manifest'],
snapshotPath: argResults['snapshot'],
applicationKernelFilePath: argResults['kernel-file'],
depfilePath: argResults['depfile'],
privateKeyPath: argResults['private-key'],
assetDirPath: argResults['asset-dir'],
previewDart2: argResults['preview-dart-2'],
precompiledSnapshot: argResults['precompiled'],
reportLicensedPackages: argResults['report-licensed-packages'],
trackWidgetCreation: argResults['track-widget-creation'],
......@@ -38,11 +38,7 @@ class BuildIOSCommand extends BuildSubCommand {
defaultsTo: true,
help: 'Codesign the application bundle (only available on device builds).',
defaultsTo: true,
hide: !verboseHelp,
help: 'Preview Dart 2.0 functionality.');
......@@ -334,7 +334,6 @@ class AppDomain extends Domain {
final BuildInfo buildInfo = new BuildInfo(
getBuildModeForName(mode) ?? BuildMode.debug,
previewDart2: _getBoolArg(args, 'preview-dart-2'),
DebuggingOptions options;
if (buildInfo.isRelease) {
......@@ -385,7 +384,6 @@ class AppDomain extends Domain {
final FlutterDevice flutterDevice = new FlutterDevice(
previewDart2: options.buildInfo.previewDart2,
trackWidgetCreation: trackWidgetCreation,
dillOutputPath: dillOutputPath,
......@@ -62,10 +62,7 @@ class DriveCommand extends RunCommandBase {
'just before the extension, so e.g. if the target is "lib/main.dart", the\n'
'driver will be "test_driver/main_test.dart".',
valueHelp: 'path',
defaultsTo: true,
help: 'Preview Dart 2.0 functionality.');
......@@ -123,7 +120,7 @@ class DriveCommand extends RunCommandBase {
try {
await testRunner(<String>[testFile], observatoryUri, argResults['preview-dart-2']);
await testRunner(<String>[testFile], observatoryUri);
} catch (error, stackTrace) {
if (error is ToolExit)
......@@ -275,24 +272,20 @@ Future<LaunchResult> _startApp(DriveCommand command) async {
/// Runs driver tests.
typedef Future<Null> TestRunner(List<String> testArgs, String observatoryUri, bool previewDart2);
typedef Future<Null> TestRunner(List<String> testArgs, String observatoryUri);
TestRunner testRunner = _runTests;
void restoreTestRunner() {
testRunner = _runTests;
Future<Null> _runTests(List<String> testArgs, String observatoryUri, bool previewDart2) async {
Future<Null> _runTests(List<String> testArgs, String observatoryUri) async {
printTrace('Running driver tests.');
PackageMap.globalPackagesPath = fs.path.normalize(fs.path.absolute(PackageMap.globalPackagesPath));
final List<String> args = testArgs.toList()
if (previewDart2) {
} else {
final String dartVmPath = fs.path.join(dartSdkPath, 'bin', 'dart');
final int result = await runCommandAndStreamOutput(
......@@ -53,10 +53,6 @@ class FuchsiaReloadCommand extends FlutterCommand {
abbr: 'n',
help: 'On-device name of the application binary.');
abbr: '2',
defaultsTo: false,
help: 'Preview Dart 2.0 functionality.');
abbr: 't',
defaultsTo: bundle.defaultMainPath,
......@@ -132,13 +128,8 @@ class FuchsiaReloadCommand extends FlutterCommand {
final List<Uri> observatoryUris = fullAddresses.map(
(String a) => Uri.parse('http://$a')
final FuchsiaDevice device = new FuchsiaDevice(
fullAddresses[0], name: _address);
final FlutterDevice flutterDevice = new FlutterDevice(
trackWidgetCreation: false,
previewDart2: false,
final FuchsiaDevice device = new FuchsiaDevice(fullAddresses[0], name: _address);
final FlutterDevice flutterDevice = new FlutterDevice(device, trackWidgetCreation: false);
flutterDevice.observatoryUris = observatoryUris;
final HotRunner hotRunner = new HotRunner(
......@@ -120,11 +120,6 @@ class RunCommand extends RunCommandBase {
hide: !verboseHelp,
help: 'Specify a pre-built application binary to use when running.',
defaultsTo: true,
hide: !verboseHelp,
help: 'Preview Dart 2.0 functionality.',
hide: !verboseHelp,
help: 'Track widget creation locations. Requires Dart 2.0 functionality.',
......@@ -347,7 +342,6 @@ class RunCommand extends RunCommandBase {
final List<FlutterDevice> flutterDevices = devices.map((Device device) {
return new FlutterDevice(
previewDart2: argResults['preview-dart-2'],
trackWidgetCreation: argResults['track-widget-creation'],
dillOutputPath: argResults['output-dill'],
fileSystemRoots: argResults['filesystem-root'],
......@@ -68,11 +68,6 @@ class TestCommand extends FlutterCommand {
help: 'Handle machine structured JSON command input\n'
'and provide output and progress in machine friendly format.',
defaultsTo: true,
hide: !verboseHelp,
help: 'Preview Dart 2.0 functionality.',
negatable: false,
hide: !verboseHelp,
......@@ -223,7 +218,6 @@ class TestCommand extends FlutterCommand {
startPaused: startPaused,
ipv6: argResults['ipv6'],
machine: machine,
previewDart2: argResults['preview-dart-2'],
trackWidgetCreation: argResults['track-widget-creation'],
updateGoldens: argResults['update-goldens'],
......@@ -13,11 +13,10 @@ import '../base/process_manager.dart';
import '../globals.dart';
class AnalysisServer {
AnalysisServer(this.sdkPath, this.directories, {this.previewDart2 = false});
AnalysisServer(this.sdkPath, this.directories);
final String sdkPath;
final List<String> directories;
final bool previewDart2;
Process _process;
final StreamController<bool> _analyzingController =
......@@ -35,14 +34,9 @@ class AnalysisServer {
if (previewDart2) {
} else {
printTrace('dart ${command.skip(1).join(' ')}');
_process = await processManager.start(command);
// This callback hookup can't throw.
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert' show base64, utf8;
import 'package:json_rpc_2/json_rpc_2.dart' as rpc;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'asset.dart';
import 'base/context.dart';
......@@ -401,14 +402,14 @@ class DevFS {
/// Returns the number of bytes synced.
Future<int> update({
String mainPath,
@required String mainPath,
String target,
AssetBundle bundle,
DateTime firstBuildTime,
bool bundleFirstUpload = false,
bool bundleDirty = false,
Set<String> fileFilter,
ResidentCompiler generator,
@required ResidentCompiler generator,
String dillOutputPath,
bool fullRestart = false,
String projectRootPath,
......@@ -424,10 +425,9 @@ class DevFS {
await _scanDirectory(rootDirectory,
recursive: true,
fileFilter: fileFilter);
final bool previewDart2 = generator != null;
if (fs.isFileSync(_packagesFilePath)) {
printTrace('Scanning package files');
await _scanPackages(fileFilter, previewDart2);
await _scanPackages(fileFilter);
if (bundle != null) {
printTrace('Scanning asset files');
......@@ -468,10 +468,9 @@ class DevFS {
String archivePath;
if (deviceUri.path.startsWith(assetBuildDirPrefix))
archivePath = deviceUri.path.substring(assetBuildDirPrefix.length);
// When doing full restart in preview-dart-2 mode, copy content so
// that isModified does not reset last check timestamp because we
// want to report all modified files to incremental compiler next time
// user does hot reload.
// When doing full restart in, copy content so that isModified does not
// reset last check timestamp because we want to report all modified
// files to incremental compiler next time user does hot reload.
if (content.isModified || ((bundleDirty || bundleFirstUpload) && archivePath != null)) {
dirtyEntries[deviceUri] = content;
numBytes += content.size;
......@@ -479,24 +478,24 @@ class DevFS {
if (previewDart2) {
// We run generator even if [dirtyEntries] was empty because we want
// to keep logic of accepting/rejecting generator's output simple:
// we must accept/reject generator's output after every [update] call.
// Incremental run with no changes is supposed to be fast (considering
// that it is initiated by user key press).
final List<String> invalidatedFiles = <String>[];
final Set<Uri> filesUris = new Set<Uri>();
for (Uri uri in dirtyEntries.keys.toList()) {
if (!uri.path.startsWith(assetBuildDirPrefix)) {
final DevFSContent content = dirtyEntries[uri];
if (content is DevFSFileContent) {
numBytes -= content.size;
// We run generator even if [dirtyEntries] was empty because we want to
// keep logic of accepting/rejecting generator's output simple: we must
// accept/reject generator's output after every [update] call. Incremental
// run with no changes is supposed to be fast (considering that it is
// initiated by user key press).
final List<String> invalidatedFiles = <String>[];
final Set<Uri> filesUris = new Set<Uri>();
for (Uri uri in dirtyEntries.keys.toList()) {
if (!uri.path.startsWith(assetBuildDirPrefix)) {
final DevFSContent content = dirtyEntries[uri];
if (content is DevFSFileContent) {
numBytes -= content.size;
// No need to send source files because all compilation is done on the
// host and result of compilation is single kernel file.
......@@ -504,10 +503,12 @@ class DevFS {
if (fullRestart) {
final CompilerOutput compilerOutput =
await generator.recompile(mainPath, invalidatedFiles,
outputPath: dillOutputPath ?? fs.path.join(getBuildDirectory(), 'app.dill'),
packagesFilePath : _packagesFilePath);
final CompilerOutput compilerOutput = await generator.recompile(
outputPath: dillOutputPath ?? fs.path.join(getBuildDirectory(), 'app.dill'),
packagesFilePath : _packagesFilePath,
final String compiledBinary = compilerOutput?.outputFilename;
if (compiledBinary != null && compiledBinary.isNotEmpty) {
final String entryUri = projectRootPath != null ?
......@@ -697,7 +698,7 @@ class DevFS {
Future<Null> _scanPackages(Set<String> fileFilter, bool previewDart2) async {
Future<Null> _scanPackages(Set<String> fileFilter) async {
StringBuffer sb;
final PackageMap packageMap = new PackageMap(_packagesFilePath);
......@@ -730,22 +731,6 @@ class DevFS {
if (previewDart2) {
// When in previewDart2 mode we don't update .packages-file entry
// so actual file will get invalidated in frontend.
// We don't need to synthesize device-correct .packages file because
// it is not going to be used on the device anyway - compilation
// is done on the host.
if (sb != null) {
final DevFSContent content = _entries[fs.path.toUri('.packages')];
if (content is DevFSStringContent && content.string == sb.toString()) {
content._exists = true;
_entries[fs.path.toUri('.packages')] = new DevFSStringContent(sb.toString());
/// Converts a platform-specific file path to a platform-independent Uri path.
......@@ -246,7 +246,6 @@ Future<XcodeBuildResult> buildXcodeProject({
projectPath: fs.currentDirectory.path,
buildInfo: buildInfo,
targetOverride: targetOverride,
previewDart2: buildInfo.previewDart2,
if (hasPlugins()) {
......@@ -428,7 +427,7 @@ Future<XcodeBuildResult> buildXcodeProject({
outputDir = expectedOutputDirectory.replaceFirst('/$configuration-', '/');
if (fs.isDirectorySync(outputDir)) {
// Previous output directory might have incompatible artifacts
// (for example, kernel binary files produced from previous `--preview-dart-2` run).
// (for example, kernel binary files produced from previous run).
fs.directory(outputDir).deleteSync(recursive: true);
copyDirectorySync(fs.directory(expectedOutputDirectory), fs.directory(outputDir));
......@@ -362,7 +362,6 @@ class IOSSimulator extends Device {
// The build mode for the simulator is always debug.
final BuildInfo debugBuildInfo = new BuildInfo(BuildMode.debug, buildInfo.flavor,
previewDart2: buildInfo.previewDart2,
trackWidgetCreation: buildInfo.trackWidgetCreation,
extraFrontEndOptions: buildInfo.extraFrontEndOptions,
extraGenSnapshotOptions: buildInfo.extraGenSnapshotOptions,
......@@ -390,12 +389,10 @@ class IOSSimulator extends Device {
Future<Null> _sideloadUpdatedAssetsForInstalledApplicationBundle(ApplicationPackage app, BuildInfo buildInfo, String mainPath) {
// When running in previewDart2 mode, we still need to run compiler to
// produce kernel file for the application.
// Run compiler to produce kernel file for the application.
return bundle.build(
mainPath: mainPath,
precompiledSnapshot: !buildInfo.previewDart2,
previewDart2: buildInfo.previewDart2,
precompiledSnapshot: false,
trackWidgetCreation: buildInfo.trackWidgetCreation,
......@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ Future<void> generateXcodeProperties(String projectPath) async {
projectPath: projectPath,
buildInfo: BuildInfo.debug,
targetOverride: bundle.defaultMainPath,
previewDart2: false,
......@@ -55,7 +54,6 @@ Future<void> updateGeneratedXcodeProperties({
@required String projectPath,
@required BuildInfo buildInfo,
String targetOverride,
@required bool previewDart2,
}) async {
final StringBuffer localsBuffer = new StringBuffer();
......@@ -113,10 +111,6 @@ Future<void> updateGeneratedXcodeProperties({
if (previewDart2) {
if (buildInfo.trackWidgetCreation) {
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class FlutterDevice {
List<VMService> vmServices;
DevFS devFS;
ApplicationPackage package;
ResidentCompiler generator;
final ResidentCompiler generator;
String dillOutputPath;
List<String> fileSystemRoots;
String fileSystemScheme;
......@@ -42,20 +42,15 @@ class FlutterDevice {
StreamSubscription<String> _loggingSubscription;
FlutterDevice(this.device, {
@required bool previewDart2,
@required bool trackWidgetCreation,
}) {
if (previewDart2) {
generator = new ResidentCompiler(
trackWidgetCreation: trackWidgetCreation,
fileSystemRoots: fileSystemRoots, fileSystemScheme: fileSystemScheme
}) : generator = new ResidentCompiler(
trackWidgetCreation: trackWidgetCreation,
fileSystemRoots: fileSystemRoots,
fileSystemScheme: fileSystemScheme);
String viewFilter;
......@@ -412,9 +407,9 @@ class FlutterDevice {
void updateReloadStatus(bool wasReloadSuccessful) {
if (wasReloadSuccessful)
......@@ -412,15 +412,11 @@ class HotRunner extends ResidentRunner {
// We are now running from source.
_runningFromSnapshot = false;
final String launchPath = debuggingOptions.buildInfo.previewDart2
? mainPath + '.dill'
: mainPath;
await _launchFromDevFS(launchPath);
await _launchFromDevFS('$mainPath.dill');
printTrace('Restart performed in '
// We are now running from sources.
_runningFromSnapshot = false;
printTrace('Restart performed in ${getElapsedAsMilliseconds(restartTimer.elapsed)}.');
flutterUsage.sendEvent('hot', 'restart');
......@@ -510,14 +506,6 @@ class HotRunner extends ResidentRunner {
String _uriToRelativePath(Uri uri) {
final String path = uri.toString();
final String base = new Uri.file(projectRootPath).toString();
if (path.startsWith(base))
return path.substring(base.length + 1);
return path;
Future<OperationResult> _reloadSources({ bool pause = false }) async {
for (FlutterDevice device in flutterDevices) {
for (FlutterView view in device.views) {
......@@ -537,7 +525,6 @@ class HotRunner extends ResidentRunner {
// change from host path to a device path). Subsequent reloads will
// not be affected, so we resume reporting reload times on the second
// reload.
final bool reportUnused = !debuggingOptions.buildInfo.previewDart2;
final bool shouldReportReloadTime = !_runningFromSnapshot;
final Stopwatch reloadTimer = new Stopwatch()..start();
......@@ -551,10 +538,7 @@ class HotRunner extends ResidentRunner {
String reloadMessage;
final Stopwatch vmReloadTimer = new Stopwatch()..start();
try {
final String entryPath = fs.path.relative(
debuggingOptions.buildInfo.previewDart2 ? mainPath + '.dill' : mainPath,
from: projectRootPath,
final String entryPath = fs.path.relative('$mainPath.dill', from: projectRootPath);
final Completer<Map<String, dynamic>> retrieveFirstReloadReport = new Completer<Map<String, dynamic>>();
int countExpectedReports = 0;
......@@ -566,10 +550,7 @@ class HotRunner extends ResidentRunner {
// List has one report per Flutter view.
final List<Future<Map<String, dynamic>>> reports = device.reloadSources(
pause: pause
final List<Future<Map<String, dynamic>>> reports = device.reloadSources(entryPath, pause: pause);
countExpectedReports += reports.length;
Future.wait(reports).catchError((dynamic error) {
return <Map<String, dynamic>>[error];
......@@ -637,8 +618,8 @@ class HotRunner extends ResidentRunner {
// We are now running from source.
_runningFromSnapshot = false;
// Check if the isolate is paused.
// Check if the isolate is paused.
final List<FlutterView> reassembleViews = <FlutterView>[];
for (FlutterDevice device in flutterDevices) {
for (FlutterView view in device.views) {
......@@ -699,36 +680,9 @@ class HotRunner extends ResidentRunner {
flutterUsage.sendTiming('hot', 'reload', reloadTimer.elapsed);
String unusedElementMessage;
if (reportUnused && !reassembleAndScheduleErrors && !reassembleTimedOut) {
final List<Future<List<ProgramElement>>> unusedReports =
for (FlutterDevice device in flutterDevices)
final List<ProgramElement> unusedElements = <ProgramElement>[];
for (Future<List<ProgramElement>> unusedReport in unusedReports)
unusedElements.addAll(await unusedReport);
if (unusedElements.isNotEmpty) {
final String restartCommand = hostIsIde ? '' : ' (by pressing "R")';
unusedElementMessage =
'Some program elements were changed during reload but did not run when the view was reassembled;\n'
'you may need to restart the app$restartCommand for the changes to have an effect.';
for (ProgramElement unusedElement in unusedElements) {
final String name = unusedElement.qualifiedName;
final String path = _uriToRelativePath(unusedElement.uri);
final int line = unusedElement.line;
final String description = line == null ? '$name ($path)' : '$name ($path:$line)';
unusedElementMessage += '\n$description';
return new OperationResult(
reassembleAndScheduleErrors ? 1 : OperationResult.ok.code,
hintMessage: unusedElementMessage,
hintId: unusedElementMessage != null ? 'restartRecommended' : null,
......@@ -182,10 +182,6 @@ abstract class FlutterCommand extends Command<Null> {
BuildInfo getBuildInfo() {
final bool previewDart2 = argParser.options.containsKey('preview-dart-2')
? argResults['preview-dart-2']
: true;
TargetPlatform targetPlatform;
if (argParser.options.containsKey('target-platform') &&
argResults['target-platform'] != 'default') {
......@@ -195,10 +191,6 @@ abstract class FlutterCommand extends Command<Null> {
final bool trackWidgetCreation = argParser.options.containsKey('track-widget-creation')
? argResults['track-widget-creation']
: false;
if (trackWidgetCreation == true && previewDart2 == false) {
throw new UsageException(
'--track-widget-creation is valid only when --preview-dart-2 is specified.', null);
int buildNumber;
try {
......@@ -214,7 +206,6 @@ abstract class FlutterCommand extends Command<Null> {
? argResults['flavor']
: null,
previewDart2: previewDart2,
trackWidgetCreation: trackWidgetCreation,
extraFrontEndOptions: argParser.options.containsKey(FlutterOptions.kExtraFrontEndOptions)
? argResults[FlutterOptions.kExtraFrontEndOptions]
......@@ -67,7 +67,6 @@ void installHook({
bool enableObservatory = false,
bool machine = false,
bool startPaused = false,
bool previewDart2 = false,
int port = 0,
String precompiledDillPath,
bool trackWidgetCreation = false,
......@@ -86,7 +85,6 @@ void installHook({
startPaused: startPaused,
explicitObservatoryPort: observatoryPort,
host: _kHosts[serverType],
previewDart2: previewDart2,
port: port,
precompiledDillPath: precompiledDillPath,
trackWidgetCreation: trackWidgetCreation,
......@@ -306,7 +304,6 @@ class _FlutterPlatform extends PlatformPlugin {
......@@ -320,7 +317,6 @@ class _FlutterPlatform extends PlatformPlugin {
final bool startPaused;
final int explicitObservatoryPort;
final InternetAddress host;
final bool previewDart2;
final int port;
final String precompiledDillPath;
final bool trackWidgetCreation;
......@@ -408,17 +404,15 @@ class _FlutterPlatform extends PlatformPlugin {
cancelOnError: true,
printTrace('test $ourTestCount: starting shell process${previewDart2? " in preview-dart-2 mode":""}');
printTrace('test $ourTestCount: starting shell process');
// [precompiledDillPath] can be set only if [previewDart2] is [true].
assert(precompiledDillPath == null || previewDart2);
// If a kernel file is given, then use that to launch the test.
// Otherwise create a "listener" dart that invokes actual test.
String mainDart = precompiledDillPath != null
? precompiledDillPath
: _createListenerDart(finalizers, ourTestCount, testPath, server);
if (previewDart2 && precompiledDillPath == null) {
if (precompiledDillPath == null) {
// Lazily instantiate compiler so it is built only if it is actually used.
compiler ??= new _Compiler(trackWidgetCreation);
mainDart = await compiler.compile(mainDart);
......@@ -675,10 +669,6 @@ class _FlutterPlatform extends PlatformPlugin {
String _getBundlePath(List<_Finalizer> finalizers, int ourTestCount) {
if (!previewDart2) {
return null;
if (precompiledDillPath != null) {
return artifacts.getArtifactPath(Artifact.flutterPatchedSdkPath);
......@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:args/command_runner.dart';
// ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:test/src/executable.dart' as test;
......@@ -29,18 +28,10 @@ Future<int> runTests(
bool startPaused = false,
bool ipv6 = false,
bool machine = false,
bool previewDart2 = false,
bool trackWidgetCreation = false,
bool updateGoldens = false,
TestWatcher watcher,
}) async {
if (trackWidgetCreation && !previewDart2) {
throw new UsageException(
'--track-widget-creation is valid only when --preview-dart-2 is specified.',
// Compute the command-line arguments for package:test.
final List<String> testArgs = <String>[];
if (!terminal.supportsColor) {
......@@ -87,7 +78,6 @@ Future<int> runTests(
machine: machine,
startPaused: startPaused,
serverType: serverType,
previewDart2: previewDart2,
trackWidgetCreation: trackWidgetCreation,
updateGoldens: updateGoldens,
......@@ -133,20 +133,11 @@ class FlutterTesterDevice extends Device {
mainPath: mainPath,
assetDirPath: assetDirPath,
applicationKernelFilePath: applicationKernelFilePath,
precompiledSnapshot: !buildInfo.previewDart2,
previewDart2: buildInfo.previewDart2,
precompiledSnapshot: false,
trackWidgetCreation: buildInfo.trackWidgetCreation,
if (buildInfo.previewDart2) {
mainPath = applicationKernelFilePath;
// TODO(scheglov): Either remove the check, or make it fail earlier.
if (mainPath != null) {
try {
printTrace(command.join(' '));
......@@ -70,10 +70,10 @@ void main() {
OperatingSystemUtils: () => os
testUsingContext('--preview-dart-2', () async {
testUsingContext('Returns no errors when source is error-free', () async {
const String contents = "StringBuffer bar = StringBuffer('baz');";
server = new AnalysisServer(dartSdkPath, <String>[tempDir.path], previewDart2: true);
server = new AnalysisServer(dartSdkPath, <String>[tempDir.path]);
int errorCount = 0;
final Future<bool> onDone = server.onAnalyzing.where((bool analyzing) => analyzing == false).first;
......@@ -88,25 +88,6 @@ void main() {
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
OperatingSystemUtils: () => os
testUsingContext('no --preview-dart-2 shows errors', () async {
const String contents = "StringBuffer bar = StringBuffer('baz');";
server = new AnalysisServer(dartSdkPath, <String>[tempDir.path], previewDart2: false);
int errorCount = 0;
final Future<bool> onDone = server.onAnalyzing.where((bool analyzing) => analyzing == false).first;
server.onErrors.listen((FileAnalysisErrors errors) {
errorCount += errors.errors.length;
await server.start();
await onDone;
expect(errorCount, 1);
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
OperatingSystemUtils: () => os
void _createSampleProject(Directory directory, { bool brokenCode = false }) {
......@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ void bar() {
testUsingContext('--preview-dart-2', () async {
testUsingContext('returns no issues when source is error-free', () async {
const String contents = '''
StringBuffer bar = StringBuffer('baz');
......@@ -179,33 +179,13 @@ StringBuffer bar = StringBuffer('baz');
try {
await runCommand(
command: new AnalyzeCommand(workingDirectory: fs.directory(tempDir)),
arguments: <String>['analyze', '--preview-dart-2'],
arguments: <String>['analyze'],
statusTextContains: <String>['No issues found!'],
} finally {
tempDir.deleteSync(recursive: true);
testUsingContext('no --preview-dart-2 shows errors', () async {
const String contents = '''
StringBuffer bar = StringBuffer('baz');
final Directory tempDir = fs.systemTempDirectory.createTempSync();
try {
await runCommand(
command: new AnalyzeCommand(workingDirectory: fs.directory(tempDir)),
arguments: <String>['analyze', '--no-preview-dart-2'],
statusTextContains: <String>['1 issue found.'],
toolExit: true,
} finally {
tempDir.deleteSync(recursive: true);
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ void main() {
appStarter = (DriveCommand command) {
throw 'Unexpected call to appStarter';
testRunner = (List<String> testArgs, String observatoryUri, bool previewDart2) {
testRunner = (List<String> testArgs, String observatoryUri) {
throw 'Unexpected call to testRunner';
appStopper = (DriveCommand command) {
......@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ void main() {
appStarter = expectAsync1((DriveCommand command) async {
return new LaunchResult.succeeded();
testRunner = expectAsync3((List<String> testArgs, String observatoryUri, bool previewDart2) async {
testRunner = expectAsync2((List<String> testArgs, String observatoryUri) async {
expect(testArgs, <String>[testFile]);
return null;
......@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ void main() {
appStarter = expectAsync1((DriveCommand command) async {
return new LaunchResult.succeeded();
testRunner = (List<String> testArgs, String observatoryUri, bool previewDart2) async {
testRunner = (List<String> testArgs, String observatoryUri) async {
throwToolExit(null, exitCode: 123);
appStopper = expectAsync1((DriveCommand command) async {
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -284,14 +284,10 @@ Information about project "Runner":
testUsingOsxContext('sets ARCHS=armv7 when armv7 local engine is set', () async {
when(mockArtifacts.getArtifactPath(Artifact.flutterFramework, TargetPlatform.ios, typed(any))).thenReturn('engine');
when(mockArtifacts.engineOutPath).thenReturn(fs.path.join('out', 'ios_profile_arm'));
const BuildInfo buildInfo = const BuildInfo(BuildMode.debug, null,
previewDart2: true,
targetPlatform: TargetPlatform.ios,
const BuildInfo buildInfo = const BuildInfo(BuildMode.debug, null, targetPlatform: TargetPlatform.ios);
await updateGeneratedXcodeProperties(
projectPath: 'path/to/project',
buildInfo: buildInfo,
previewDart2: true,
final File config = fs.file('path/to/project/ios/Flutter/Generated.xcconfig');
......@@ -305,14 +301,12 @@ Information about project "Runner":
when(mockArtifacts.getArtifactPath(Artifact.flutterFramework, TargetPlatform.ios, typed(any))).thenReturn('engine');
when(mockArtifacts.engineOutPath).thenReturn(fs.path.join('out', 'ios_profile_arm'));
const BuildInfo buildInfo = const BuildInfo(BuildMode.debug, null,
previewDart2: true,
trackWidgetCreation: true,
targetPlatform: TargetPlatform.ios,
await updateGeneratedXcodeProperties(
projectPath: 'path/to/project',
buildInfo: buildInfo,
previewDart2: true,
final File config = fs.file('path/to/project/ios/Flutter/Generated.xcconfig');
......@@ -325,14 +319,10 @@ Information about project "Runner":
testUsingOsxContext('does not set TRACK_WIDGET_CREATION when trackWidgetCreation is false', () async {
when(mockArtifacts.getArtifactPath(Artifact.flutterFramework, TargetPlatform.ios, typed(any))).thenReturn('engine');
when(mockArtifacts.engineOutPath).thenReturn(fs.path.join('out', 'ios_profile_arm'));
const BuildInfo buildInfo = const BuildInfo(BuildMode.debug, null,
previewDart2: true,
targetPlatform: TargetPlatform.ios,
const BuildInfo buildInfo = const BuildInfo(BuildMode.debug, null, targetPlatform: TargetPlatform.ios);
await updateGeneratedXcodeProperties(
projectPath: 'path/to/project',
buildInfo: buildInfo,
previewDart2: true,
final File config = fs.file('path/to/project/ios/Flutter/Generated.xcconfig');
......@@ -345,14 +335,10 @@ Information about project "Runner":
testUsingOsxContext('sets ARCHS=armv7 when armv7 local engine is set', () async {
when(mockArtifacts.getArtifactPath(Artifact.flutterFramework, TargetPlatform.ios, typed(any))).thenReturn('engine');
when(mockArtifacts.engineOutPath).thenReturn(fs.path.join('out', 'ios_profile'));
const BuildInfo buildInfo = const BuildInfo(BuildMode.debug, null,
previewDart2: true,
targetPlatform: TargetPlatform.ios,
const BuildInfo buildInfo = const BuildInfo(BuildMode.debug, null, targetPlatform: TargetPlatform.ios);
await updateGeneratedXcodeProperties(
projectPath: 'path/to/project',
buildInfo: buildInfo,
previewDart2: true,
final File config = fs.file('path/to/project/ios/Flutter/Generated.xcconfig');
......@@ -405,7 +391,6 @@ Information about project "Runner":
projectPath: projectPath,
buildInfo: buildInfo,
targetOverride: bundle.defaultMainPath,
previewDart2: false,
final String propertiesPath = fs.path.join(projectPath, 'ios', 'Flutter', 'Generated.xcconfig');
......@@ -44,14 +44,11 @@ class TestRunner extends ResidentRunner {
void main() {
TestRunner createTestRunner() {
// TODO(jacobr): make these tests run with `previewDart2: true` and
// `trackWidgetCreation: true` as well as the default flags.
// Currently the TestRunner is not properly configured to be able to run
// with `previewDart2: true` due to missing resources.
// TODO(jacobr): make these tests run with `trackWidgetCreation: true` as
// well as the default flags.
return new TestRunner(
<FlutterDevice>[new FlutterDevice(
new MockDevice(),
previewDart2: false,
trackWidgetCreation: false,
......@@ -6,11 +6,14 @@ import 'dart:async';
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:file/memory.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/artifacts.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/platform.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/build_info.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/cache.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/compile.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/device.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/tester/flutter_tester.dart';
import 'package:mockito/mockito.dart';
import 'package:process/process.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
......@@ -97,6 +100,8 @@ void main() {
String projectPath;
String mainPath;
MockArtifacts mockArtifacts;
MockKernelCompiler mockKernelCompiler;
MockProcessManager mockProcessManager;
MockProcess mockProcess;
......@@ -105,6 +110,8 @@ void main() {
FileSystem: () => fs,
Cache: () => new Cache(rootOverride: fs.directory(flutterRoot)),
ProcessManager: () => mockProcessManager,
KernelCompiler: () => mockKernelCompiler,
Artifacts: () => mockArtifacts,
setUp(() {
......@@ -122,6 +129,13 @@ void main() {
mockProcessManager = new MockProcessManager();
mockProcessManager.processFactory =
(List<String> commands) => mockProcess;
mockArtifacts = new MockArtifacts();
final String artifactPath = fs.path.join(flutterRoot, 'artifact');
fs.file(artifactPath).createSync(recursive: true);
mockKernelCompiler = new MockKernelCompiler();
testUsingContext('not debug', () async {
......@@ -153,6 +167,22 @@ Hello!
sdkRoot: any,
incrementalCompilerByteStorePath: any,
mainPath: any,
outputFilePath: any,
depFilePath: any,
trackWidgetCreation: any,
extraFrontEndOptions: any,
fileSystemRoots: any,
fileSystemScheme: any,
packagesPath: any,
)).thenAnswer((_) async {
fs.file('$mainPath.dill').createSync(recursive: true);
return new CompilerOutput('$mainPath.dill', 0);
final LaunchResult result = await device.startApp(null,
mainPath: mainPath,
debuggingOptions: new DebuggingOptions.enabled(
......@@ -165,3 +195,6 @@ Hello!
class MockArtifacts extends Mock implements Artifacts {}
class MockKernelCompiler extends Mock implements KernelCompiler {}
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