Commit ecc49726 authored by Michael Goderbauer's avatar Michael Goderbauer Committed by GitHub

Add communication logging to Flutter Driver (#7485)

This is handy for debugging a test. Communication is logged to:
* `flutter_driver_commands_{x}.log`, where {x} is an integer, and
* (if requested by user) to stdout

fixes #7473
parent 41251d24
......@@ -4,20 +4,23 @@
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:file/file.dart' as f;
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:json_rpc_2/json_rpc_2.dart' as rpc;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:vm_service_client/vm_service_client.dart';
import 'package:web_socket_channel/io.dart';
import 'common.dart';
import 'error.dart';
import 'find.dart';
import 'frame_sync.dart';
import 'gesture.dart';
import 'health.dart';
import 'input.dart';
import 'message.dart';
import 'render_tree.dart';
import 'frame_sync.dart';
import 'timeline.dart';
/// Timeline stream identifier.
......@@ -94,13 +97,19 @@ class FlutterDriver {
/// Creates a driver that uses a connection provided by the given
/// [_serviceClient], [_peer] and [_appIsolate].
FlutterDriver.connectedTo(this._serviceClient, this._peer, this._appIsolate);
FlutterDriver.connectedTo(this._serviceClient, this._peer, this._appIsolate,
{ bool printCommunication: false, bool logCommunicationToFile: true })
: _printCommunication = printCommunication,
_logCommunicationToFile = logCommunicationToFile,
_driverId = _nextDriverId++;
static const String _kFlutterExtensionMethod = 'ext.flutter.driver';
static const String _kSetVMTimelineFlagsMethod = '_setVMTimelineFlags';
static const String _kGetVMTimelineMethod = '_getVMTimeline';
static const Duration _kRpcGraceTime = const Duration(seconds: 2);
static int _nextDriverId = 0;
/// Connects to a Flutter application.
/// Resumes the application if it is currently paused (e.g. at a breakpoint).
......@@ -108,7 +117,15 @@ class FlutterDriver {
/// [dartVmServiceUrl] is the URL to Dart observatory (a.k.a. VM service). If
/// not specified, the URL specified by the `VM_SERVICE_URL` environment
/// variable is used, or 'http://localhost:8183'.
static Future<FlutterDriver> connect({String dartVmServiceUrl}) async {
/// [printCommunication] determines whether the command communication between
/// the test and the app should be printed to stdout.
/// [logCommunicationToFile] determines whether the command communication
/// between the test and the app should be logged to `flutter_driver_commands.log`.
static Future<FlutterDriver> connect({ String dartVmServiceUrl,
bool printCommunication: false,
bool logCommunicationToFile: true }) async {
dartVmServiceUrl ??= Platform.environment['VM_SERVICE_URL'];
dartVmServiceUrl ??= 'http://localhost:8183';
......@@ -137,7 +154,11 @@ class FlutterDriver {
isolate = await vm.isolates.first.loadRunnable();
FlutterDriver driver = new FlutterDriver.connectedTo(client, connection.peer, isolate);
FlutterDriver driver = new FlutterDriver.connectedTo(
client, connection.peer, isolate,
printCommunication: printCommunication,
logCommunicationToFile: logCommunicationToFile
// Attempts to resume the isolate, but does not crash if it fails because
// the isolate is already resumed. There could be a race with other tools,
......@@ -220,19 +241,28 @@ class FlutterDriver {
return driver;
/// The unique ID of this driver instance.
final int _driverId;
/// Client connected to the Dart VM running the Flutter application
final VMServiceClient _serviceClient;
/// JSON-RPC client useful for sending raw JSON requests.
final rpc.Peer _peer;
/// The main isolate hosting the Flutter application
final VMIsolateRef _appIsolate;
/// Whether to print communication between host and app to `stdout`.
final bool _printCommunication;
/// Whether to log communication between host and app to `flutter_driver_commands.log`.
final bool _logCommunicationToFile;
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> _sendCommand(Command command) async {
Map<String, dynamic> response;
try {
response = await _appIsolate
.invokeExtension(_kFlutterExtensionMethod, command.serialize())
Map<String, String> serialized = command.serialize();
_logCommunication('>>> $serialized');
response = await _appIsolate
.invokeExtension(_kFlutterExtensionMethod, serialized)
.timeout(command.timeout + _kRpcGraceTime);
_logCommunication('<<< $response');
} on TimeoutException catch (error, stackTrace) {
throw new DriverError(
'Failed to fulfill ${command.runtimeType}: Flutter application not responding',
......@@ -251,6 +281,16 @@ class FlutterDriver {
return response['response'];
void _logCommunication(String message) {
if (_printCommunication);
if (_logCommunicationToFile) {
f.File file = fs.file(p.join(testOutputsDirectory, 'flutter_driver_commands_${_driverId}.log'));
file.createSync(recursive: true); // no-op if file exists
file.writeAsStringSync('${new} $message\n', mode: f.FileMode.APPEND, flush: true);
/// Checks the status of the Flutter Driver extension.
Future<Health> checkHealth() async {
return Health.fromJson(await _sendCommand(new GetHealth()));
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