Commit ebffe159 authored by Adam Barth's avatar Adam Barth Committed by GitHub

Clean up TableBorder#paint API (#12226)

Previously, the rows and columns arguments had different semantics. Now
they have the same semantics. The new API also uses Iterable rather than
List to give clients more flexiblity in how they construct these
arguments. For example, RenderTable no longer needs to reify the
reversed list of column positions.
parent 1a0bdb96
......@@ -973,7 +973,7 @@ class RenderTable extends RenderBox {
// cache the table geometry for painting purposes
final List<double> _rowTops = <double>[];
List<double> _columnLefts;
Iterable<double> _columnLefts;
/// Returns the position and dimensions of the box that the given
/// row covers, in this render object's coordinate space (so the
......@@ -1008,7 +1008,7 @@ class RenderTable extends RenderBox {
positions[columns - 1] = 0.0;
for (int x = columns - 2; x >= 0; x -= 1)
positions[x] = positions[x+1] + widths[x+1];
_columnLefts = positions.reversed.toList();
_columnLefts = positions.reversed;
tableWidth = positions.first + widths.first;
case TextDirection.ltr:
......@@ -1153,7 +1153,9 @@ class RenderTable extends RenderBox {
// if the rows underflow. We always force the columns to fill the width of
// the render object, which means the columns cannot underflow.
final Rect borderRect = new Rect.fromLTWH(offset.dx, offset.dy, size.width, _rowTops.last);
border?.paint(context.canvas, borderRect, rows: _rowTops, columns: _columnLefts);
final Iterable<double> rows = _rowTops.getRange(1, _rowTops.length - 2);
final Iterable<double> columns = _columnLefts.skip(1);
border.paint(context.canvas, borderRect, rows: rows, columns: columns);
......@@ -154,33 +154,30 @@ class TableBorder {
/// Uniform borders are more efficient to paint than more complex borders.
/// The `rows` argument specifies the vertical positions of the rows,
/// specified in terms of the top of each row, in order from top to bottom,
/// relative to the given rectangle, with an additional entry for the bottom
/// of the last row (so the first entry should be zero and the last entry
/// should be `rect.height`).
/// The `rows` argument specifies the vertical positions between the rows,
/// relative to the given rectangle. For example, if the table contained two
/// rows of height 100.0 each, then `rows` would contain a single value,
/// 100.0, which is the vertical position between the two rows (relative to
/// the top edge of `rect`).
/// The `columns` argument has slightly different semantics; it specifies the
/// horizontal positions of the columns, specified in terms of the _left_ edge
/// of each row, relative to the given rectangle, in left-to-right order (so
/// the first entry should be zero). There is no extra entry for the right
/// edge of the last column.
/// The `columns` argument specifies the horizontal positions between the
/// columns, relative to the given rectangle. For example, if the table
/// contained two columns of height 100.0 each, then `columns` would contain a
/// single value, 100.0, which is the vertical position between the two
/// columns (relative to the left edge of `rect`).
/// There must be at least one row and at least one column, so the `rows` list
/// should at a minimum have two values, and the `columns` argument one value.
/// The [verticalInside] border is only drawn if there are at least columns
/// rows. The [horizontalInside] border is only drawn if there are at least
/// two rows. The vertical borders are drawn below the horizontal borders.
/// The [verticalInside] border is only drawn if there are at least two
/// columns. The [horizontalInside] border is only drawn if there are at least
/// two rows. The horizontal borders are drawn after the vertical borders.
/// The outer borders (in the order [top], [right], [bottom], [left], with
/// [left] above the others) are painted above the inner borders.
/// [left] above the others) are painted after the inner borders.
/// The paint order is particularly notable in the case of
/// partially-transparent borders.
void paint(Canvas canvas, Rect rect, {
@required List<double> rows,
@required List<double> columns,
@required Iterable<double> rows,
@required Iterable<double> columns,
}) {
// properties can't be null
assert(top != null);
......@@ -194,13 +191,9 @@ class TableBorder {
assert(canvas != null);
assert(rect != null);
assert(rows != null);
assert(rows.length >= 2);
assert(rows.first == 0.0);
assert(rows.last == rect.height);
assert(rows.isEmpty || (rows.first > 0.0 && rows.last < rect.height));
assert(columns != null);
assert(columns.first == 0.0);
assert(columns.last < rect.width);
assert(columns.isEmpty || (columns.first > 0.0 && columns.last < rect.width));
final Paint paint = new Paint();
final Path path = new Path();
......@@ -212,9 +205,9 @@ class TableBorder {
..strokeWidth = verticalInside.width = PaintingStyle.stroke;
for (int x = 1; x < columns.length; x += 1) {
path.moveTo(rect.left + columns[x],;
path.lineTo(rect.left + columns[x], rect.bottom);
for (double x in columns) {
path.moveTo(rect.left + x,;
path.lineTo(rect.left + x, rect.bottom);
canvas.drawPath(path, paint);
......@@ -229,9 +222,9 @@ class TableBorder {
..strokeWidth = horizontalInside.width = PaintingStyle.stroke;
for (int y = 1; y < rows.length; y += 1) {
path.moveTo(rect.left, + rows[y]);
path.lineTo(rect.right, + rows[y]);
for (double y in rows) {
path.moveTo(rect.left, + y);
path.lineTo(rect.right, + y);
canvas.drawPath(path, paint);
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