Unverified Commit eb6e5676 authored by Tong Mu's avatar Tong Mu Committed by GitHub

Revert "Remove keyLabel and debugName from Logical/PhysicalKeyboardKey (#78263)" (#79005)

This reverts commit 515ef91b.
parent 2876b27e
......@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ import 'package:gen_keycodes/glfw_code_gen.dart';
import 'package:gen_keycodes/gtk_code_gen.dart';
import 'package:gen_keycodes/windows_code_gen.dart';
import 'package:gen_keycodes/web_code_gen.dart';
import 'package:gen_keycodes/key_labels_code_gen.dart';
import 'package:gen_keycodes/keyboard_keys_code_gen.dart';
import 'package:gen_keycodes/keyboard_maps_code_gen.dart';
import 'package:gen_keycodes/key_data.dart';
......@@ -254,13 +253,6 @@ Future<void> main(List<String> rawArguments) async {
print('Writing ${'key maps'.padRight(15)}${mapsFile.absolute}');
await mapsFile.writeAsString(KeyboardMapsCodeGenerator(data).generate());
final File keyLabelsFile = File(path.join(flutterRoot.path, 'packages', 'flutter_test', 'lib', 'src', 'key_labels.dart'));
if (!keyLabelsFile.existsSync()) {
mapsFile.createSync(recursive: true);
print('Writing ${'key labels'.padRight(15)}${mapsFile.absolute}');
await keyLabelsFile.writeAsString(KeyLabelsCodeGenerator(data).generate());
for (final String platform in <String>['android', 'macos', 'ios', 'glfw', 'fuchsia', 'linux', 'windows', 'web']) {
PlatformCodeGenerator codeGenerator;
switch (platform) {
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file is generated by dev/tools/gen_keycodes/bin/gen_keycodes.dart and
// should not be edited directly.
// Edit the template dev/tools/gen_keycodes/data/key_labels.tmpl instead.
// See dev/tools/gen_keycodes/README.md for more information.
/// The keyLabel corresponding to a logical key.
/// Used to generate simulated key events out of a logical key.
const Map<int, String> logicalKeyLabels = <int, String>{
......@@ -76,9 +76,9 @@ abstract class KeyboardKey with Diagnosticable {
/// _message = 'Pressed the "Q" key!';
/// } else {
/// if (kReleaseMode) {
/// _message = 'Not a Q: Pressed 0x${event.logicalKey.keyId.toRadixString(16)}';
/// _message = 'Not a Q: Key label is "${event.logicalKey.keyLabel}"';
/// } else {
/// // The debugName will only print useful information in debug mode.
/// // This will only print useful information in debug mode.
/// _message = 'Not a Q: Pressed ${event.logicalKey.debugName}';
/// }
/// }
......@@ -124,18 +124,21 @@ abstract class KeyboardKey with Diagnosticable {
/// keyboard events.
class LogicalKeyboardKey extends KeyboardKey {
/// A LogicalKeyboardKey object for a key ID.
/// Creates a LogicalKeyboardKey object with an optional key label and debug
/// name.
/// This factory constructor ensures that the same `keyId` always results
/// in the identical instance. It looks up an object from the predefined values
/// if possible, or construct a new one and cache it.
factory LogicalKeyboardKey(int keyId) {
return findKeyByKeyId(keyId) ??
_additionalKeyPool.putIfAbsent(keyId, () => LogicalKeyboardKey._(keyId));
/// Creates a LogicalKeyboardKey object for a key ID.
const LogicalKeyboardKey._(this.keyId);
/// [keyId] must not be null.
/// {@tool snippet}
/// To save executable size, it is recommended that the [debugName] be null in
/// release mode. You can do this by using the [kReleaseMode] constant.
/// ```dart
/// const LogicalKeyboardKey(0x0010000000a, debugName: kReleaseMode ? null : 'Special Key')
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
const LogicalKeyboardKey(this.keyId, {this.debugName, this.keyLabel = ''})
: assert(keyId != null);
/// A unique code representing this key.
......@@ -143,42 +146,37 @@ class LogicalKeyboardKey extends KeyboardKey {
/// from it, as the representation of the code could change at any time.
final int keyId;
// Returns the bits that are not included in [valueMask], shifted to the
// right.
// For example, if the input is 0x12abcdabcd, then the result is 0x12.
// This could have been a trivial shifting for non-Web environment, but in
// order to support JavaScript, which only supports bitwise operation of up to
// 32 bits, this function extracts them using division.
// It returns 0 for release mode.
static int _debugNonValueBits(int numOf64Bits) {
int result = 0;
assert(() {
const int kDivisorForValueMask = valueMask + 1;
result = (numOf64Bits / kDivisorForValueMask).floor();
return true;
return result;
/// The debug string to print for this keyboard key, which will be null in
/// release mode.
String? get debugName {
String? result;
assert(() {
result = _debugNames[keyId];
if (result == null) {
if (_debugNonValueBits(keyId) == 0) {
result = 'Key ${String.fromCharCode(keyId)}';
} else {
result = 'Key with ID 0x${keyId.toRadixString(16).padLeft(11, '0')}';
return true;
return result;
final String? debugName;
/// The Unicode string representing the character produced by a [RawKeyEvent].
/// This value is useful for describing or matching mnemonic keyboard
/// shortcuts.
/// This value is an empty string if there's no key label data for a key.
/// On most platforms this is a single code point, but it could contain any
/// Unicode string. The `keyLabel` differs from [RawKeyEvent.character]
/// because `keyLabel` only takes into account the key being pressed, not any
/// combining keys pressed before it, so, for example, an “o” that follows a
/// combining dieresis (“¨”, COMBINING DIAERESIS (U+0308)) would just return
/// “o” for [keyLabel], but would return “ö” for [RawKeyEvent.character].
/// {@macro flutter.services.RawKeyEventData.keyLabel}
final String keyLabel;
int get hashCode => keyId.hashCode;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType) {
return false;
return other is LogicalKeyboardKey
&& other.keyId == keyId;
/// Returns the [LogicalKeyboardKey] constant that matches the given ID, or
......@@ -263,11 +261,10 @@ class LogicalKeyboardKey extends KeyboardKey {
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(StringProperty('keyId', '0x${keyId.toRadixString(16).padLeft(8, '0')}', showName: true));
properties.add(StringProperty('keyLabel', keyLabel, showName: true));
properties.add(StringProperty('debugName', debugName, showName: true, defaultValue: null));
static final Map<int, LogicalKeyboardKey> _additionalKeyPool = <int, LogicalKeyboardKey>{};
/// Mask for the 32-bit value portion of the key code.
/// This is used by platform-specific code to generate Flutter key codes.
......@@ -316,11 +313,6 @@ class LogicalKeyboardKey extends KeyboardKey {
// A map of keys to the pseudo-key synonym for that key. Used by getSynonyms.
static final Map<LogicalKeyboardKey, LogicalKeyboardKey> _synonyms = <LogicalKeyboardKey, LogicalKeyboardKey>{
static const Map<int, String> _debugNames = kReleaseMode ?
<int, String>{} :
<int, String>{
/// A class with static values that describe the keys that are returned from
......@@ -395,7 +387,7 @@ class LogicalKeyboardKey extends KeyboardKey {
/// onTap: () {
/// FocusScope.of(context).requestFocus(_focusNode);
/// },
/// child: const Text('Tap to focus'),
/// child: Text('Tap to focus'),
/// );
/// }
/// return Text(_message ?? 'Press a key');
......@@ -416,18 +408,20 @@ class LogicalKeyboardKey extends KeyboardKey {
/// keyboard events.
class PhysicalKeyboardKey extends KeyboardKey {
/// A PhysicalKeyboardKey object for a USB HID usage.
/// Creates a PhysicalKeyboardKey object with an optional debug name.
/// This factory constructor ensures that the same `usbHidUsage` always results
/// in the identical instance. It looks up an object from the predefined values
/// if possible, or construct a new one and cache it.
factory PhysicalKeyboardKey(int usbHidUsage) {
return findKeyByCode(usbHidUsage) ??
_additionalKeyPool.putIfAbsent(usbHidUsage, () => PhysicalKeyboardKey._(usbHidUsage));
/// Creates a PhysicalKeyboardKey object for a USB HID usage.
const PhysicalKeyboardKey._(this.usbHidUsage);
/// The [usbHidUsage] must not be null.
/// {@tool snippet}
/// To save executable size, it is recommended that the [debugName] be null in
/// release mode. You can do this using the [kReleaseMode] constant.
/// ```dart
/// const PhysicalKeyboardKey(0x0000ffff, debugName: kReleaseMode ? null : 'Special Key')
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
const PhysicalKeyboardKey(this.usbHidUsage, {this.debugName})
: assert(usbHidUsage != null);
/// The unique USB HID usage ID of this physical key on the keyboard.
......@@ -441,20 +435,24 @@ class PhysicalKeyboardKey extends KeyboardKey {
/// The debug string to print for this keyboard key, which will be null in
/// release mode.
String? get debugName {
String? result;
assert(() {
result = _debugNames[usbHidUsage] ??
'Key with ID 0x${usbHidUsage.toRadixString(16).padLeft(8, '0')}';
return true;
return result;
final String? debugName;
/// Finds a known [PhysicalKeyboardKey] that matches the given USB HID usage
/// code.
static PhysicalKeyboardKey? findKeyByCode(int usageCode) => _knownPhysicalKeys[usageCode];
int get hashCode => usbHidUsage.hashCode;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType) {
return false;
return other is PhysicalKeyboardKey
&& other.usbHidUsage == usbHidUsage;
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
......@@ -462,8 +460,6 @@ class PhysicalKeyboardKey extends KeyboardKey {
properties.add(StringProperty('debugName', debugName, showName: true, defaultValue: null));
static final Map<int, PhysicalKeyboardKey> _additionalKeyPool = <int, PhysicalKeyboardKey>{};
// Key constants for all keyboard keys in the USB HID specification at the
// time Flutter was built.
......@@ -472,9 +468,4 @@ class PhysicalKeyboardKey extends KeyboardKey {
static const Map<int, PhysicalKeyboardKey> _knownPhysicalKeys = <int, PhysicalKeyboardKey>{
static const Map<int, String> _debugNames = kReleaseMode ?
<int, String>{} :
<int, String>{
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'base_code_gen.dart';
import 'key_data.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
/// Generates the event_simulation_keylabels.dart based on the information in the
/// key data structure given to it.
class KeyLabelsCodeGenerator extends BaseCodeGenerator {
KeyLabelsCodeGenerator(KeyData keyData) : super(keyData);
/// Gets the generated definitions of logicalKeyLabels.
String get _logicalKeyLabels {
String escapeLabel(String label) => label.contains("'") ? 'r"$label"' : "r'$label'";
final StringBuffer result = StringBuffer();
void printKey(int flutterId, String keyLabel) {
if (keyLabel != null)
${toHex(flutterId, digits: 11)}: ${escapeLabel(keyLabel)},
for (final Key entry in keyData.data) {
printKey(entry.flutterId, entry.keyLabel);
for (final String name in Key.synonyms.keys) {
// Use the first item in the synonyms as a template for the ID to use.
// It won't end up being the same value because it'll be in the pseudo-key
// plane.
final Key entry = keyData.data.firstWhere((Key item) => item.name == Key.synonyms[name][0]);
printKey(Key.synonymPlane | entry.flutterId, entry.keyLabel);
return result.toString();
String get templatePath => path.join(flutterRoot.path, 'dev', 'tools', 'gen_keycodes', 'data', 'key_labels.tmpl');
Map<String, String> mappings() {
return <String, String>{
'LOGICAL_KEY_LABELS': _logicalKeyLabels,
......@@ -45,38 +45,38 @@ class KeyboardKeysCodeGenerator extends BaseCodeGenerator {
$firstComment ///
$otherComments static const PhysicalKeyboardKey ${entry.constantName} = PhysicalKeyboardKey._(${toHex(entry.usbHidCode, digits: 8)});
$otherComments static const PhysicalKeyboardKey ${entry.constantName} = PhysicalKeyboardKey(${toHex(entry.usbHidCode, digits: 8)}, debugName: kReleaseMode ? null : '${entry.commentName}');
return definitions.toString();
String get _physicalDebugNames {
final StringBuffer result = StringBuffer();
for (final Key entry in keyData.data) {
${toHex(entry.usbHidCode, digits: 8)}: '${entry.commentName}',
return result.toString();
/// Gets the generated definitions of LogicalKeyboardKeys.
String get _logicalDefinitions {
String escapeLabel(String label) => label.contains("'") ? 'r"$label"' : "r'$label'";
final StringBuffer definitions = StringBuffer();
void printKey(int flutterId, String constantName, String commentName, {String otherComments}) {
void printKey(int flutterId, String keyLabel, String constantName, String commentName, {String otherComments}) {
final String firstComment = _wrapString('Represents the logical "$commentName" key on the keyboard.');
otherComments ??= _wrapString('See the function [RawKeyEvent.logicalKey] for more information.');
if (keyLabel == null) {
$firstComment ///
$otherComments static const LogicalKeyboardKey $constantName = LogicalKeyboardKey._(${toHex(flutterId, digits: 11)});
$otherComments static const LogicalKeyboardKey $constantName = LogicalKeyboardKey(${toHex(flutterId, digits: 11)}, debugName: kReleaseMode ? null : '$commentName');
} else {
$firstComment ///
$otherComments static const LogicalKeyboardKey $constantName = LogicalKeyboardKey(${toHex(flutterId, digits: 11)}, keyLabel: ${escapeLabel(keyLabel)}, debugName: kReleaseMode ? null : '$commentName');
for (final Key entry in keyData.data) {
......@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ $otherComments static const LogicalKeyboardKey $constantName = LogicalKeyboardK
final Set<String> unionNames = Key.synonyms[name].map<String>((dynamic name) {
return upperCamelToLowerCamel(name as String);
printKey(Key.synonymPlane | entry.flutterId, name, Key.getCommentName(name),
printKey(Key.synonymPlane | entry.flutterId, entry.keyLabel, name, Key.getCommentName(name),
otherComments: _wrapString('This key represents the union of the keys '
'$unionNames when comparing keys. This key will never be generated '
'directly, its main use is in defining key maps.'));
......@@ -108,25 +108,6 @@ $otherComments static const LogicalKeyboardKey $constantName = LogicalKeyboardK
return synonyms.toString();
String get _logicalDebugNames {
final StringBuffer result = StringBuffer();
for (final Key entry in keyData.data) {
${toHex(entry.flutterId, digits: 11)}: '${entry.commentName}',
for (final String name in Key.synonyms.keys) {
// Use the first item in the synonyms as a template for the ID to use.
// It won't end up being the same value because it'll be in the pseudo-key
// plane.
final Key entry = keyData.data.firstWhere((Key item) => item.name == Key.synonyms[name][0]);
${toHex(Key.synonymPlane | entry.flutterId, digits: 11)}: '${Key.getCommentName(name)}',
return result.toString();
/// This generates the map of USB HID codes to physical keys.
String get _predefinedHidCodeMap {
final StringBuffer scanCodeMap = StringBuffer();
......@@ -165,9 +146,7 @@ $otherComments static const LogicalKeyboardKey $constantName = LogicalKeyboardK
'LOGICAL_KEY_MAP': _predefinedKeyCodeMap,
'LOGICAL_KEY_DEFINITIONS': _logicalDefinitions,
'LOGICAL_KEY_SYNONYMS': _logicalSynonyms,
'LOGICAL_KEY_DEBUG_NAMES': _logicalDebugNames,
'PHYSICAL_KEY_DEFINITIONS': _physicalDefinitions,
'PHYSICAL_KEY_DEBUG_NAMES': _physicalDebugNames,
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
......@@ -194,7 +194,11 @@ class RawKeyEventDataAndroid extends RawKeyEventData {
if (keyLabel.isNotEmpty && !LogicalKeyboardKey.isControlCharacter(keyLabel)) {
final int combinedCodePoint = plainCodePoint & _kCombiningCharacterMask;
final int keyId = LogicalKeyboardKey.unicodePlane | (combinedCodePoint & LogicalKeyboardKey.valueMask);
return LogicalKeyboardKey.findKeyByKeyId(keyId) ?? LogicalKeyboardKey(keyId);
return LogicalKeyboardKey.findKeyByKeyId(keyId) ?? LogicalKeyboardKey(
keyLabel: keyLabel,
debugName: kReleaseMode ? null : 'Key ${keyLabel.toUpperCase()}',
// Look to see if the keyCode is one we know about and have a mapping for.
......@@ -206,7 +210,10 @@ class RawKeyEventDataAndroid extends RawKeyEventData {
// This is a non-printable key that we don't know about, so we mint a new
// code with the autogenerated bit set.
const int androidKeyIdPlane = 0x00200000000;
newKey ??= LogicalKeyboardKey(androidKeyIdPlane | keyCode | LogicalKeyboardKey.autogeneratedMask);
newKey ??= LogicalKeyboardKey(
androidKeyIdPlane | keyCode | LogicalKeyboardKey.autogeneratedMask,
debugName: kReleaseMode ? null : 'Unknown Android key code $keyCode',
return newKey;
......@@ -68,8 +68,11 @@ class RawKeyEventDataFuchsia extends RawKeyEventData {
// If the key has a printable representation, then make a logical key based
// on that.
if (codePoint != 0) {
final int flutterId = LogicalKeyboardKey.unicodePlane | codePoint & LogicalKeyboardKey.valueMask;
return kFuchsiaToLogicalKey[flutterId] ?? LogicalKeyboardKey(LogicalKeyboardKey.unicodePlane | codePoint & LogicalKeyboardKey.valueMask);
return LogicalKeyboardKey(
LogicalKeyboardKey.unicodePlane | codePoint & LogicalKeyboardKey.valueMask,
keyLabel: keyLabel,
debugName: kReleaseMode ? null : 'Key $keyLabel',
// Look to see if the hidUsage is one we know about and have a mapping for.
......@@ -81,7 +84,10 @@ class RawKeyEventDataFuchsia extends RawKeyEventData {
// This is a non-printable key that we don't know about, so we mint a new
// code with the autogenerated bit set.
const int fuchsiaKeyIdPlane = 0x00300000000;
newKey ??= LogicalKeyboardKey(fuchsiaKeyIdPlane | hidUsage | LogicalKeyboardKey.autogeneratedMask);
newKey ??= LogicalKeyboardKey(
fuchsiaKeyIdPlane | hidUsage | LogicalKeyboardKey.autogeneratedMask,
debugName: kReleaseMode ? null : 'Ephemeral Fuchsia key code $hidUsage',
return newKey;
......@@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ class RawKeyEventDataIos extends RawKeyEventData {
PhysicalKeyboardKey get physicalKey => kIosToPhysicalKey[keyCode] ?? PhysicalKeyboardKey.none;
LogicalKeyboardKey get logicalKey {
// Look to see if the keyCode is a printable number pad key, so that a
......@@ -125,7 +126,11 @@ class RawKeyEventDataIos extends RawKeyEventData {
final int keyId = LogicalKeyboardKey.unicodePlane | (codeUnit & LogicalKeyboardKey.valueMask);
return LogicalKeyboardKey.findKeyByKeyId(keyId) ?? LogicalKeyboardKey(keyId);
return LogicalKeyboardKey.findKeyByKeyId(keyId) ?? LogicalKeyboardKey(
keyLabel: keyLabel,
debugName: kReleaseMode ? null : 'Key ${keyLabel.toUpperCase()}',
// Control keys like "backspace" and movement keys like arrow keys don't
......@@ -136,14 +141,21 @@ class RawKeyEventDataIos extends RawKeyEventData {
// physical key map.
if (physicalKey != PhysicalKeyboardKey.none) {
final int keyId = physicalKey.usbHidUsage | LogicalKeyboardKey.hidPlane;
return LogicalKeyboardKey.findKeyByKeyId(keyId) ?? LogicalKeyboardKey(keyId);
return LogicalKeyboardKey.findKeyByKeyId(keyId) ?? LogicalKeyboardKey(
keyLabel: physicalKey.debugName ?? '',
debugName: physicalKey.debugName,
// This is a non-printable key that is unrecognized, so a new code is minted
// with the autogenerated bit set.
const int iosKeyIdPlane = 0x00400000000;
return LogicalKeyboardKey(iosKeyIdPlane | keyCode | LogicalKeyboardKey.autogeneratedMask);
return LogicalKeyboardKey(
iosKeyIdPlane | keyCode | LogicalKeyboardKey.autogeneratedMask,
debugName: kReleaseMode ? null : 'Unknown iOS key code $keyCode',
bool _isLeftRightModifierPressed(KeyboardSide side, int anyMask, int leftMask, int rightMask) {
......@@ -92,7 +92,11 @@ class RawKeyEventDataLinux extends RawKeyEventData {
if (keyLabel.isNotEmpty &&
!LogicalKeyboardKey.isControlCharacter(keyLabel)) {
final int keyId = LogicalKeyboardKey.unicodePlane | (unicodeScalarValues & LogicalKeyboardKey.valueMask);
return LogicalKeyboardKey.findKeyByKeyId(keyId) ?? LogicalKeyboardKey(keyId);
return LogicalKeyboardKey.findKeyByKeyId(keyId) ?? LogicalKeyboardKey(
keyLabel: keyLabel,
debugName: kReleaseMode ? null : 'Key ${keyLabel.toUpperCase()}',
// Look to see if the keyCode is one we know about and have a mapping for.
......@@ -105,7 +109,10 @@ class RawKeyEventDataLinux extends RawKeyEventData {
// This is a non-printable key that we don't know about, so we mint a new
// code with the autogenerated bit set.
newKey ??= LogicalKeyboardKey(linuxKeyIdPlane | keyCode | LogicalKeyboardKey.autogeneratedMask);
newKey ??= LogicalKeyboardKey(
linuxKeyIdPlane | keyCode | LogicalKeyboardKey.autogeneratedMask,
debugName: kReleaseMode ? null : 'Unknown key code $keyCode',
return newKey;
......@@ -95,7 +95,11 @@ class RawKeyEventDataMacOs extends RawKeyEventData {
final int keyId = LogicalKeyboardKey.unicodePlane | (codeUnit & LogicalKeyboardKey.valueMask);
return LogicalKeyboardKey.findKeyByKeyId(keyId) ?? LogicalKeyboardKey(keyId);
return LogicalKeyboardKey.findKeyByKeyId(keyId) ?? LogicalKeyboardKey(
keyLabel: keyLabel,
debugName: kReleaseMode ? null : 'Key ${keyLabel.toUpperCase()}',
// Control keys like "backspace" and movement keys like arrow keys don't
......@@ -106,14 +110,21 @@ class RawKeyEventDataMacOs extends RawKeyEventData {
// physical key map.
if (physicalKey != PhysicalKeyboardKey.none) {
final int keyId = physicalKey.usbHidUsage | LogicalKeyboardKey.hidPlane;
return LogicalKeyboardKey.findKeyByKeyId(keyId) ?? LogicalKeyboardKey(keyId);
return LogicalKeyboardKey.findKeyByKeyId(keyId) ?? LogicalKeyboardKey(
keyLabel: physicalKey.debugName ?? '',
debugName: physicalKey.debugName,
// This is a non-printable key that is unrecognized, so a new code is minted
// with the autogenerated bit set.
const int macOsKeyIdPlane = 0x00500000000;
return LogicalKeyboardKey(macOsKeyIdPlane | keyCode | LogicalKeyboardKey.autogeneratedMask);
return LogicalKeyboardKey(
macOsKeyIdPlane | keyCode | LogicalKeyboardKey.autogeneratedMask,
debugName: kReleaseMode ? null : 'Unknown macOS key code $keyCode',
bool _isLeftRightModifierPressed(KeyboardSide side, int anyMask, int leftMask, int rightMask) {
......@@ -82,7 +82,10 @@ class RawKeyEventDataWeb extends RawKeyEventData {
// This is a non-printable key that we don't know about, so we mint a new
// code with the autogenerated bit set.
const int webKeyIdPlane = 0x00800000000;
return LogicalKeyboardKey(webKeyIdPlane | code.hashCode | LogicalKeyboardKey.autogeneratedMask);
return LogicalKeyboardKey(
webKeyIdPlane | code.hashCode | LogicalKeyboardKey.autogeneratedMask,
debugName: kReleaseMode ? null : 'Unknown Web code "$code"',
......@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'keyboard_key.dart';
import 'keyboard_maps.dart';
import 'raw_keyboard.dart';
......@@ -78,7 +80,11 @@ class RawKeyEventDataWindows extends RawKeyEventData {
// plane.
if (keyLabel.isNotEmpty && !LogicalKeyboardKey.isControlCharacter(keyLabel)) {
final int keyId = LogicalKeyboardKey.unicodePlane | (characterCodePoint & LogicalKeyboardKey.valueMask);
return LogicalKeyboardKey.findKeyByKeyId(keyId) ?? LogicalKeyboardKey(keyId);
return LogicalKeyboardKey.findKeyByKeyId(keyId) ?? LogicalKeyboardKey(
keyLabel: keyLabel,
debugName: kReleaseMode ? null : 'Key ${keyLabel.toUpperCase()}',
// Look to see if the keyCode is one we know about and have a mapping for.
LogicalKeyboardKey? newKey = kWindowsToLogicalKey[keyCode];
......@@ -89,7 +95,10 @@ class RawKeyEventDataWindows extends RawKeyEventData {
// This is a non-printable key that we don't know about, so we mint a new
// code with the autogenerated bit set.
const int windowsKeyIdPlane = 0x00700000000;
newKey ??= LogicalKeyboardKey(windowsKeyIdPlane | keyCode | LogicalKeyboardKey.autogeneratedMask);
newKey ??= LogicalKeyboardKey(
windowsKeyIdPlane | keyCode | LogicalKeyboardKey.autogeneratedMask,
debugName: kReleaseMode ? null : 'Unknown Windows key code $keyCode',
return newKey;
......@@ -15,14 +15,11 @@ void main() {
// Check a modifier key
expect(PhysicalKeyboardKey.findKeyByCode(0x000700e1), equals(PhysicalKeyboardKey.shiftLeft));
test('Values are cached', () async {
expect(identical(PhysicalKeyboardKey.keyA, PhysicalKeyboardKey(PhysicalKeyboardKey.keyA.usbHidUsage)), true);
expect(identical(PhysicalKeyboardKey(0x12345), PhysicalKeyboardKey(0x12345)), true);
test('debugNames', () async {
expect(PhysicalKeyboardKey.keyA.debugName, 'Key A');
expect(PhysicalKeyboardKey.backslash.debugName, 'Backslash');
expect(PhysicalKeyboardKey(0x12345).debugName, 'Key with ID 0x00012345');
test('Equality is only based on HID code.', () async {
const PhysicalKeyboardKey key1 = PhysicalKeyboardKey(0x01, debugName: 'key1');
const PhysicalKeyboardKey key2 = PhysicalKeyboardKey(0x01, debugName: 'key2');
expect(key1, equals(key1));
expect(key1, equals(key2));
group(LogicalKeyboardKey, () {
......@@ -47,6 +44,12 @@ void main() {
expect(LogicalKeyboardKey.isControlCharacter('~'), isFalse);
expect(LogicalKeyboardKey.isControlCharacter('\xa0'), isFalse); // NO-BREAK SPACE
test('Equality is only based on ID.', () async {
const LogicalKeyboardKey key1 = LogicalKeyboardKey(0x01, keyLabel: 'label1', debugName: 'key1');
const LogicalKeyboardKey key2 = LogicalKeyboardKey(0x01, keyLabel: 'label2', debugName: 'key2');
expect(key1, equals(key1));
expect(key1, equals(key2));
test('Basic synonyms can be looked up.', () async {
expect(LogicalKeyboardKey.shiftLeft.synonyms.first, equals(LogicalKeyboardKey.shift));
expect(LogicalKeyboardKey.controlLeft.synonyms.first, equals(LogicalKeyboardKey.control));
......@@ -103,16 +106,5 @@ void main() {
test('Values are cached', () async {
expect(identical(LogicalKeyboardKey.keyA, LogicalKeyboardKey(LogicalKeyboardKey.keyA.keyId)), true);
expect(identical(LogicalKeyboardKey(0x12345), LogicalKeyboardKey(0x12345)), true);
test('debugNames', () async {
expect(LogicalKeyboardKey.keyA.debugName, 'Key A');
expect(LogicalKeyboardKey.backslash.debugName, 'Backslash');
expect(LogicalKeyboardKey(0xD9).debugName, 'Key Ù');
expect(LogicalKeyboardKey.mediaPlay.debugName, 'Media Play');
expect(LogicalKeyboardKey(0x100012345).debugName, 'Key with ID 0x00100012345');
......@@ -1178,6 +1178,7 @@ void main() {
final RawKeyEventDataMacOs data = leftArrowKey.data as RawKeyEventDataMacOs;
expect(data.physicalKey, equals(PhysicalKeyboardKey.arrowLeft));
expect(data.logicalKey, equals(LogicalKeyboardKey.arrowLeft));
expect(data.logicalKey.keyLabel, isEmpty);
}, skip: isBrowser); // https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/35347
}, skip: isBrowser); // This is a macOS-specific group.
......@@ -1323,6 +1324,7 @@ void main() {
final RawKeyEventDataIos data = leftArrowKey.data as RawKeyEventDataIos;
expect(data.physicalKey, equals(PhysicalKeyboardKey.arrowLeft));
expect(data.logicalKey, equals(LogicalKeyboardKey.arrowLeft));
expect(data.logicalKey.keyLabel, isEmpty);
}, skip: isBrowser); // https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/35347
}, skip: isBrowser); // This is an iOS-specific group.
......@@ -1467,6 +1469,7 @@ void main() {
final RawKeyEventDataWindows data = leftArrowKey.data as RawKeyEventDataWindows;
expect(data.physicalKey, equals(PhysicalKeyboardKey.arrowLeft));
expect(data.logicalKey, equals(LogicalKeyboardKey.arrowLeft));
expect(data.logicalKey.keyLabel, isEmpty);
testWidgets('Win32 VK_PROCESSKEY events are skipped', (WidgetTester tester) async {
const String platform = 'windows';
......@@ -68,7 +68,8 @@ void main() {
final LogicalKeySet setFromSet = LogicalKeySet.fromSet(const <LogicalKeyboardKey>{
// ignore: prefer_const_literals_to_create_immutables, https://github.com/dart-lang/linter/issues/2026
final LogicalKeySet setFromSet = LogicalKeySet.fromSet(<LogicalKeyboardKey>{
......@@ -123,7 +124,8 @@ void main() {
final LogicalKeySet set4 = LogicalKeySet.fromSet(const <LogicalKeyboardKey>{
// ignore: prefer_const_literals_to_create_immutables, https://github.com/dart-lang/linter/issues/2026
final LogicalKeySet set4 = LogicalKeySet.fromSet(<LogicalKeyboardKey>{
......@@ -138,7 +140,8 @@ void main() {
expect(map.containsKey(LogicalKeySet(LogicalKeyboardKey.keyA)), isTrue);
equals(LogicalKeySet.fromSet(const <LogicalKeyboardKey>{
// ignore: prefer_const_literals_to_create_immutables, https://github.com/dart-lang/linter/issues/2026
......@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ import 'dart:io';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart' show kIsWeb;
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'key_labels.dart';
import 'test_async_utils.dart';
// TODO(gspencergoog): Replace this with more robust key simulation code once
......@@ -14,10 +13,6 @@ import 'test_async_utils.dart';
// https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/33521
// This code can only simulate keys which appear in the key maps.
String _keyLabel(LogicalKeyboardKey key) {
return logicalKeyLabels[key.keyId] ?? '';
/// A class that serves as a namespace for a bunch of keyboard-key generation
/// utilities.
class KeyEventSimulator {
......@@ -211,7 +206,7 @@ class KeyEventSimulator {
if (kIsWeb) {
result['code'] = _getWebKeyCode(key);
result['key'] = _keyLabel(key);
result['key'] = key.keyLabel;
result['metaState'] = _getWebModifierFlags(key, isDown);
return result;
......@@ -219,17 +214,17 @@ class KeyEventSimulator {
switch (platform) {
case 'android':
result['keyCode'] = keyCode;
if (_keyLabel(key).isNotEmpty) {
result['codePoint'] = _keyLabel(key).codeUnitAt(0);
result['character'] = _keyLabel(key);
if (key.keyLabel.isNotEmpty) {
result['codePoint'] = key.keyLabel.codeUnitAt(0);
result['character'] = key.keyLabel;
result['scanCode'] = scanCode;
result['metaState'] = _getAndroidModifierFlags(key, isDown);
case 'fuchsia':
result['hidUsage'] = physicalKey.usbHidUsage;
if (_keyLabel(key).isNotEmpty) {
result['codePoint'] = _keyLabel(key).codeUnitAt(0);
if (key.keyLabel.isNotEmpty) {
result['codePoint'] = key.keyLabel.codeUnitAt(0);
result['modifiers'] = _getFuchsiaModifierFlags(key, isDown);
......@@ -238,32 +233,32 @@ class KeyEventSimulator {
result['keyCode'] = keyCode;
result['scanCode'] = scanCode;
result['modifiers'] = _getGlfwModifierFlags(key, isDown);
result['unicodeScalarValues'] = _keyLabel(key).isNotEmpty ? _keyLabel(key).codeUnitAt(0) : 0;
result['unicodeScalarValues'] = key.keyLabel.isNotEmpty ? key.keyLabel.codeUnitAt(0) : 0;
case 'macos':
result['keyCode'] = scanCode;
if (_keyLabel(key).isNotEmpty) {
result['characters'] = _keyLabel(key);
result['charactersIgnoringModifiers'] = _keyLabel(key);
if (key.keyLabel.isNotEmpty) {
result['characters'] = key.keyLabel;
result['charactersIgnoringModifiers'] = key.keyLabel;
result['modifiers'] = _getMacOsModifierFlags(key, isDown);
case 'ios':
result['keyCode'] = scanCode;
result['characters'] = _keyLabel(key);
result['charactersIgnoringModifiers'] = _keyLabel(key);
result['characters'] = key.keyLabel;
result['charactersIgnoringModifiers'] = key.keyLabel;
result['modifiers'] = _getIOSModifierFlags(key, isDown);
case 'web':
result['code'] = _getWebKeyCode(key);
result['key'] = _keyLabel(key);
result['key'] = key.keyLabel;
result['metaState'] = _getWebModifierFlags(key, isDown);
case 'windows':
result['keyCode'] = keyCode;
result['scanCode'] = scanCode;
if (_keyLabel(key).isNotEmpty) {
result['characterCodePoint'] = _keyLabel(key).codeUnitAt(0);
if (key.keyLabel.isNotEmpty) {
result['characterCodePoint'] = key.keyLabel.codeUnitAt(0);
result['modifiers'] = _getWindowsModifierFlags(key, isDown);
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file is generated by dev/tools/gen_keycodes/bin/gen_keycodes.dart and
// should not be edited directly.
// Edit the template dev/tools/gen_keycodes/data/key_labels.tmpl instead.
// See dev/tools/gen_keycodes/README.md for more information.
/// The keyLabel corresponding to a logical key.
/// Used to generate simulated key events out of a logical key.
const Map<int, String> logicalKeyLabels = <int, String>{
0x00000000061: r'a',
0x00000000062: r'b',
0x00000000063: r'c',
0x00000000064: r'd',
0x00000000065: r'e',
0x00000000066: r'f',
0x00000000067: r'g',
0x00000000068: r'h',
0x00000000069: r'i',
0x0000000006a: r'j',
0x0000000006b: r'k',
0x0000000006c: r'l',
0x0000000006d: r'm',
0x0000000006e: r'n',
0x0000000006f: r'o',
0x00000000070: r'p',
0x00000000071: r'q',
0x00000000072: r'r',
0x00000000073: r's',
0x00000000074: r't',
0x00000000075: r'u',
0x00000000076: r'v',
0x00000000077: r'w',
0x00000000078: r'x',
0x00000000079: r'y',
0x0000000007a: r'z',
0x00000000031: r'1',
0x00000000032: r'2',
0x00000000033: r'3',
0x00000000034: r'4',
0x00000000035: r'5',
0x00000000036: r'6',
0x00000000037: r'7',
0x00000000038: r'8',
0x00000000039: r'9',
0x00000000030: r'0',
0x00000000020: r' ',
0x0000000002d: r'-',
0x0000000003d: r'=',
0x0000000005b: r'[',
0x0000000005d: r']',
0x0000000005c: r'\',
0x0000000003b: r';',
0x00000000027: r"'",
0x00000000060: r'`',
0x0000000002c: r',',
0x0000000002e: r'.',
0x0000000002f: r'/',
0x00100070054: r'/',
0x00100070055: r'*',
0x00100070056: r'-',
0x00100070057: r'+',
0x00100070059: r'1',
0x0010007005a: r'2',
0x0010007005b: r'3',
0x0010007005c: r'4',
0x0010007005d: r'5',
0x0010007005e: r'6',
0x0010007005f: r'7',
0x00100070060: r'8',
0x00100070061: r'9',
0x00100070062: r'0',
0x00100070063: r'.',
0x00100070067: r'=',
0x00100070085: r',',
0x001000700b6: r'(',
0x001000700b7: r')',
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