Commit eb632698 authored by Eric Seidel's avatar Eric Seidel

Merge pull request #1273 from eseidelGoogle/infra

Add support for running flutter tests on Chromium Infra
parents 34a65dae 0d8aa285
Directory to support running Flutter builds/tests on Chromium Infra.
Following documentation at:
recipes.cfg is a protobuf dump (no comment support) explaining
where to store build and recipe_engine dependencies needed for running
a recipe. is for bootstrapping and is taken from
at 18df86c, modified to have correct hard-coded paths for flutter.
api_version: 1
project_id: "flutter"
recipes_path: "infra"
deps {
project_id: "build"
url: ""
branch: "master"
revision: "7e696f8d7969be66a13a2ad54970a43f2eae930e"
deps {
project_id: "recipe_engine"
url: ""
branch: "master"
revision: "636414454465da499a9ea443364eec7b830ed34c"
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Bootstrap script to clone and forward to the recipe engine tool."""
import ast
import logging
import os
import random
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import time
import traceback
# The root of the repository relative to the directory of this file.
REPO_ROOT = os.path.join(os.pardir)
# The path of the recipes.cfg file relative to the root of the repository.
RECIPES_CFG = os.path.join('infra', 'config', 'recipes.cfg')
def parse_protobuf(fh):
"""Parse the protobuf text format just well enough to understand recipes.cfg.
We don't use the protobuf library because we want to be as self-contained
as possible in this bootstrap, so it can be simply vendored into a client
We assume all fields are repeated since we don't have a proto spec to work
fh: a filehandle containing the text format protobuf.
A recursive dictionary of lists.
def parse_atom(text):
if text == 'true': return True
if text == 'false': return False
return ast.literal_eval(text)
ret = {}
for line in fh:
line = line.strip()
m = re.match(r'(\w+)\s*:\s*(.*)', line)
if m:
ret.setdefault(, []).append(parse_atom(
m = re.match(r'(\w+)\s*{', line)
if m:
subparse = parse_protobuf(fh)
ret.setdefault(, []).append(subparse)
if line == '}': return ret
if line == '': continue
raise Exception('Could not understand line: <%s>' % line)
return ret
def get_unique(things):
if len(things) == 1:
return things[0]
elif len(things) == 0:
raise ValueError("Expected to get one thing, but dinna get none.")
logging.warn('Expected to get one thing, but got a bunch: %s\n%s' %
(things, traceback.format_stack()))
return things[0]
def main():
if sys.platform.startswith(('win', 'cygwin')):
git = 'git.bat'
git = 'git'
# Find the repository and config file to operate on.
repo_root = os.path.abspath(
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), REPO_ROOT))
recipes_cfg_path = os.path.join(repo_root, RECIPES_CFG)
with open(recipes_cfg_path, 'rU') as fh:
protobuf = parse_protobuf(fh)
engine_buf = get_unique([
b for b in protobuf['deps'] if b.get('project_id') == ['recipe_engine'] ])
engine_url = get_unique(engine_buf['url'])
engine_revision = get_unique(engine_buf['revision'])
engine_subpath = (get_unique(engine_buf.get('path_override', ['']))
.replace('/', os.path.sep))
recipes_path = os.path.join(repo_root,
get_unique(protobuf['recipes_path']).replace('/', os.path.sep))
deps_path = os.path.join(recipes_path, '.recipe_deps')
engine_path = os.path.join(deps_path, 'recipe_engine')
# Ensure that we have the recipe engine cloned.
def ensure_engine():
if not os.path.exists(deps_path):
if not os.path.exists(engine_path):
subprocess.check_call([git, 'clone', engine_url, engine_path])
needs_fetch =
[git, 'rev-parse', '--verify', '%s^{commit}' % engine_revision],
cwd=engine_path, stdout=open(os.devnull, 'w'))
if needs_fetch:
subprocess.check_call([git, 'fetch'], cwd=engine_path)
[git, 'checkout', '--quiet', engine_revision], cwd=engine_path)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
if e.returncode == 128: # Thrown when git gets a lock error.
args = ['--package', recipes_cfg_path,
'--bootstrap-script', __file__] + sys.argv[1:]
sys.executable, '-u',
os.path.join(engine_path, engine_subpath, '')] + args)
if __name__ == '__main__':
"cmd": [
"cwd": "[SLAVE_BUILD]",
"name": "git setup"
"cmd": [
"cwd": "[SLAVE_BUILD]/flutter",
"name": "git fetch"
"cmd": [
"cwd": "[SLAVE_BUILD]/flutter",
"name": "git checkout"
"cmd": [
"cwd": "[SLAVE_BUILD]/flutter",
"name": "git clean"
"cmd": [
"cwd": "[SLAVE_BUILD]/flutter",
"name": "submodule sync"
"cmd": [
"cwd": "[SLAVE_BUILD]/flutter",
"name": "submodule update"
"cmd": [
"cwd": "[SLAVE_BUILD]",
"name": "update packages"
"cmd": [
"cwd": "[SLAVE_BUILD]/flutter/packages/flutter",
"name": "populate flutter cache"
"cmd": [
"cwd": "[SLAVE_BUILD]",
"name": "flutter analyze"
"cmd": [
"cwd": "[SLAVE_BUILD]/flutter/packages/cassowary",
"name": "test packages/cassowary"
"cmd": [
"cwd": "[SLAVE_BUILD]/flutter/packages/flutter",
"name": "test packages/flutter"
"cmd": [
"cwd": "[SLAVE_BUILD]/flutter/packages/flutter_tools",
"name": "test packages/flutter_tools"
"cmd": [
"cwd": "[SLAVE_BUILD]/flutter/packages/flx",
"name": "test packages/flx"
"cmd": [
"cwd": "[SLAVE_BUILD]/flutter/packages/newton",
"name": "test packages/newton"
"cmd": [
"cwd": "[SLAVE_BUILD]/flutter/examples/stocks",
"name": "test examples/stocks"
"name": "$result",
"recipe_result": null,
"status_code": 0
\ No newline at end of file
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
DEPS = [
def RunSteps(api):
api.git.checkout('', recursive=True)
checkout = api.path['checkout']
update_packages = checkout.join('dev', 'update_packages.dart')
api.step('update packages', ['dart', update_packages])
flutter_cli = checkout.join('bin', 'flutter')
flutter_package = checkout.join('packages', 'flutter')
populate_cmd = [flutter_cli, 'cache', 'populate']
api.step('populate flutter cache', populate_cmd, cwd=flutter_package)
analyze_cmd = [
api.step('flutter analyze', analyze_cmd)
def _pub_test(path):
api.step('test %s' % path, ['pub', 'run', 'test', '-j1'],
def _flutter_test(path):
api.step('test %s' % path, [flutter_cli, 'test'],
def GenTests(api):
yield api.test('basic')
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