Commit eae466f0 authored by Hixie's avatar Hixie

Remove the silly dialog.

Fixes #247.
parent 333e6115
......@@ -48,31 +48,7 @@ class AddressBookApp extends App {
Widget buildFloatingActionButton(Navigator navigator) {
return new FloatingActionButton(
child: new Icon(type: 'image/photo_camera', size: 24),
backgroundColor: Theme.of(this).accentColor,
onPressed: () {
showDialog(navigator, (navigator) {
return new Dialog(
title: new Text("Describe your picture"),
content: new Block([
new Field(inputKey: fillKey, icon: "editor/format_color_fill", placeholder: "Color"),
new Field(inputKey: emoticonKey, icon: "editor/insert_emoticon", placeholder: "Emotion"),
onDismiss: navigator.pop,
actions: [
new FlatButton(
child: new Text('DISCARD'),
onPressed: navigator.pop
new FlatButton(
child: new Text('SAVE'),
onPressed: () {
backgroundColor: Theme.of(this).accentColor
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