Commit ea451690 authored by Hixie's avatar Hixie

fn3: Port HomogeneousViewport

parent 1836ca61
......@@ -7,3 +7,4 @@ library fn3;
export 'fn3/basic.dart';
export 'fn3/framework.dart';
export 'fn3/binding.dart';
export 'fn3/homogeneous_viewport.dart';
This diff is collapsed.
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:sky/rendering.dart';
import 'package:sky/src/fn3/framework.dart';
import 'package:sky/src/fn3/basic.dart';
typedef List<Widget> ListBuilder(int startIndex, int count, BuildContext context);
class HomogeneousViewport extends RenderObjectWidget {
Key key,
this.itemsWrap: false,
this.itemExtent, // required
this.itemCount, // optional, but you cannot shrink-wrap this class or otherwise use its intrinsic dimensions if you don't specify it
this.direction: ScrollDirection.vertical,
this.startOffset: 0.0
}) : super(key: key) {
assert(itemExtent != null);
final ListBuilder builder;
final bool itemsWrap;
final double itemExtent;
final int itemCount;
final ScrollDirection direction;
final double startOffset;
RenderObjectElement createElement() => new HomogeneousViewportElement(this);
// we don't pass constructor arguments to the RenderBlockViewport() because until
// we know our children, the constructor arguments we could give have no effect
RenderObject createRenderObject() => new RenderBlockViewport();
bool isLayoutDifferentThan(HomogeneousViewport oldWidget) {
return itemsWrap != oldWidget.itemsWrap ||
itemsWrap != oldWidget.itemsWrap ||
itemExtent != oldWidget.itemExtent ||
itemCount != oldWidget.itemCount ||
direction != oldWidget.direction ||
startOffset != oldWidget.startOffset;
// all the actual work is done in the element
class HomogeneousViewportElement extends RenderObjectElement<HomogeneousViewport> {
HomogeneousViewportElement(HomogeneousViewport widget) : super(widget);
List<Element> _children = const <Element>[];
bool _layoutDirty = true;
int _layoutFirstIndex;
int _layoutItemCount;
RenderBlockViewport get renderObject => super.renderObject;
void visitChildren(ElementVisitor visitor) {
if (_children == null)
for (Element child in _children)
void mount(Element parent, dynamic newSlot) {
super.mount(parent, newSlot);
renderObject.callback = layout;
renderObject.totalExtentCallback = getTotalExtent;
renderObject.minCrossAxisExtentCallback = getMinCrossAxisExtent;
renderObject.maxCrossAxisExtentCallback = getMaxCrossAxisExtent;
void unmount() {
renderObject.callback = null;
renderObject.totalExtentCallback = null;
renderObject.minCrossAxisExtentCallback = null;
renderObject.maxCrossAxisExtentCallback = null;
void update(HomogeneousViewport newWidget) {
bool needLayout = newWidget.isLayoutDifferentThan(widget);
if (needLayout)
void layout(BoxConstraints constraints) {
// we lock the framework state (meaning that no elements can call markNeedsBuild()) because we are
// in the middle of layout and if we allowed people to set state, they'd expect to have that state
// reflected immediately, which, if we were to try to honour it, would potentially result in
// assertions since you can't normally mutate the render object tree during layout. (If there was
// a way to limit this to only descendants of this, it'd be ok, since we are exempt from that
// assert since we are actively doing our own layout still.)
BuildableElement.lockState(() {
double mainAxisExtent = widget.direction == ScrollDirection.vertical ? constraints.maxHeight : constraints.maxWidth;
double offset;
if (widget.startOffset <= 0.0 && !widget.itemsWrap) {
_layoutFirstIndex = 0;
offset = -widget.startOffset;
} else {
_layoutFirstIndex = (widget.startOffset / widget.itemExtent).floor();
offset = -(widget.startOffset % widget.itemExtent);
if (mainAxisExtent < double.INFINITY) {
_layoutItemCount = ((mainAxisExtent - offset) / widget.itemExtent).ceil();
if (widget.itemCount != null && !widget.itemsWrap)
_layoutItemCount = math.min(_layoutItemCount, widget.itemCount - _layoutFirstIndex);
} else {
assert(() {
'This HomogeneousViewport has no specified number of items (meaning it has infinite items), ' +
'and has been placed in an unconstrained environment where all items can be rendered. ' +
'It is most likely that you have placed your HomogeneousViewport (which is an internal ' +
'component of several scrollable widgets) inside either another scrolling box, a flexible ' +
'box (Row, Column), or a Stack, without giving it a specific size.';
return widget.itemCount != null;
_layoutItemCount = widget.itemCount - _layoutFirstIndex;
_layoutItemCount = math.max(0, _layoutItemCount);
// Update the renderObject configuration
renderObject.direction = widget.direction == ScrollDirection.vertical ? BlockDirection.vertical : BlockDirection.horizontal;
renderObject.itemExtent = widget.itemExtent;
renderObject.minExtent = getTotalExtent(null);
renderObject.startOffset = offset;
void _updateChildren() {
assert(_layoutFirstIndex != null);
assert(_layoutItemCount != null);
List<Widget> newWidgets;
if (_layoutItemCount > 0)
newWidgets = widget.builder(_layoutFirstIndex, _layoutItemCount, this);
newWidgets = <Widget>[];
_children = updateChildren(_children, newWidgets);
double getTotalExtent(BoxConstraints constraints) {
// constraints is null when called by layout() above
return widget.itemCount != null ? widget.itemCount * widget.itemExtent : double.INFINITY;
double getMinCrossAxisExtent(BoxConstraints constraints) {
return 0.0;
double getMaxCrossAxisExtent(BoxConstraints constraints) {
if (widget.direction == ScrollDirection.vertical)
return constraints.maxWidth;
return constraints.maxHeight;
void insertChildRenderObject(RenderObject child, Element slot) {
RenderObject nextSibling = slot?.renderObject;
renderObject.add(child, before: nextSibling);
void moveChildRenderObject(RenderObject child, dynamic slot) {
RenderObject nextSibling = slot?.renderObject;
renderObject.move(child, before: nextSibling);
void removeChildRenderObject(RenderObject child) {
assert(child.parent == renderObject);
import 'package:sky/src/fn3.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'widget_tester.dart';
class TestComponent extends StatefulComponent {
final HomogeneousViewport viewport;
TestComponentState createState() => new TestComponentState(this);
class TestComponentState extends ComponentState<TestComponent> {
TestComponentState(TestComponent config): super(config);
bool _flag = true;
void go(bool flag) {
setState(() {
_flag = flag;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return _flag ? config.viewport : new Text('Not Today');
void main() {
test('HomogeneousViewport mount/dismount smoke test', () {
WidgetTester tester = new WidgetTester();
List<int> callbackTracker = <int>[];
// the root view is 800x600 in the test environment
// so if our widget is 100 pixels tall, it should fit exactly 6 times.
Widget builder() {
return new TestComponent(new HomogeneousViewport(
builder: (int start, int count, BuildContext context) {
List<Widget> result = <Widget>[];
for (int index = start; index < start + count; index += 1) {
result.add(new Container(
key: new ValueKey<int>(index),
height: 100.0,
child: new Text("$index")
return result;
startOffset: 0.0,
itemExtent: 100.0
TestComponentState testComponent = tester.findElement((element) => element.widget is TestComponent).state;
expect(callbackTracker, equals([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]));
expect(callbackTracker, equals([]));
expect(callbackTracker, equals([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]));
test('HomogeneousViewport vertical', () {
WidgetTester tester = new WidgetTester();
List<int> callbackTracker = <int>[];
// the root view is 800x600 in the test environment
// so if our widget is 200 pixels tall, it should fit exactly 3 times.
// but if we are offset by 300 pixels, there will be 4, numbered 1-4.
double offset = 300.0;
ListBuilder itemBuilder = (int start, int count, BuildContext context) {
List<Widget> result = <Widget>[];
for (int index = start; index < start + count; index += 1) {
result.add(new Container(
key: new ValueKey<int>(index),
width: 500.0, // this should be ignored
height: 400.0, // should be overridden by itemExtent
child: new Text("$index")
return result;
TestComponent testComponent;
Widget builder() {
testComponent = new TestComponent(new HomogeneousViewport(
builder: itemBuilder,
startOffset: offset,
itemExtent: 200.0
return testComponent;
expect(callbackTracker, equals([1, 2, 3, 4]));
offset = 400.0; // now only 3 should fit, numbered 2-4.
expect(callbackTracker, equals([2, 3, 4]));
test('HomogeneousViewport horizontal', () {
WidgetTester tester = new WidgetTester();
List<int> callbackTracker = <int>[];
// the root view is 800x600 in the test environment
// so if our widget is 200 pixels wide, it should fit exactly 4 times.
// but if we are offset by 300 pixels, there will be 5, numbered 1-5.
double offset = 300.0;
ListBuilder itemBuilder = (int start, int count, BuildContext context) {
List<Widget> result = <Widget>[];
for (int index = start; index < start + count; index += 1) {
result.add(new Container(
key: new ValueKey<int>(index),
width: 400.0, // this should be overridden by itemExtent
height: 500.0, // this should be ignored
child: new Text("$index")
return result;
TestComponent testComponent;
Widget builder() {
testComponent = new TestComponent(new HomogeneousViewport(
builder: itemBuilder,
startOffset: offset,
itemExtent: 200.0,
direction: ScrollDirection.horizontal
return testComponent;
expect(callbackTracker, equals([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]));
offset = 400.0; // now only 4 should fit, numbered 2-5.
expect(callbackTracker, equals([2, 3, 4, 5]));
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