@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ class AnalyzeCommand extends FlutterCommand {
argParser.addFlag('preamble',help:'Display the number of files that will be analyzed.',defaultsTo:true);
argParser.addFlag('congratulate',help:'Show output even when there are no errors, warnings, hints, or lints.',defaultsTo:true);
argParser.addFlag('watch',help:'Run analysis continuously, watching the filesystem for changes.',negatable:false);
argParser.addOption('write',help:'Also output the results to a file. This is useful with --watch if you want a file to always contain the latest results.');
argParser.addOption('dart-sdk',help:'The path to the Dart SDK.',hide:true);
argParser.addOption('write',valueHelp:'file',help:'Also output the results to a file. This is useful with --watch if you want a file to always contain the latest results.');
argParser.addOption('dart-sdk',valueHelp:'path-to-sdk',help:'The path to the Dart SDK.',hide:true);