Unverified Commit e8cb0295 authored by Kate Lovett's avatar Kate Lovett Committed by GitHub

Fix SliverMainAxisGroup geometry cacheExtent (#142482)

Fixes https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/142183

This fixes a bug in the SliverGeometry of SliverMainAxisGroup. The cacheExtent represents how many pixels the sliver has consumed in the SliverConstraints.remainingCacheExtent. Since it was not set, slivers that came after a SliverMainAxisGroup that filled the whole screen did not properly lay out their own children, in some cases making lazy sliver more eager than they should be.
parent 5bb4fa35
...@@ -284,9 +284,21 @@ class RenderSliverMainAxisGroup extends RenderSliver with ContainerRenderObjectM ...@@ -284,9 +284,21 @@ class RenderSliverMainAxisGroup extends RenderSliver with ContainerRenderObjectM
offset += child.geometry!.scrollExtent; offset += child.geometry!.scrollExtent;
child = childAfter(child); child = childAfter(child);
} }
final double paintExtent = calculatePaintOffset(
from: math.min(constraints.scrollOffset, 0),
to: totalScrollExtent,
final double cacheExtent = calculateCacheOffset(
from: math.min(constraints.scrollOffset, 0),
to: totalScrollExtent,
geometry = SliverGeometry( geometry = SliverGeometry(
scrollExtent: totalScrollExtent, scrollExtent: totalScrollExtent,
paintExtent: calculatePaintOffset(constraints, from: 0, to: totalScrollExtent), paintExtent: paintExtent,
cacheExtent: cacheExtent,
maxPaintExtent: maxPaintExtent, maxPaintExtent: maxPaintExtent,
hasVisualOverflow: totalScrollExtent > constraints.remainingPaintExtent || constraints.scrollOffset > 0.0, hasVisualOverflow: totalScrollExtent > constraints.remainingPaintExtent || constraints.scrollOffset > 0.0,
); );
...@@ -692,6 +692,42 @@ void main() { ...@@ -692,6 +692,42 @@ void main() {
expect(controller.offset, 1000); expect(controller.offset, 1000);
expect(counter, equals(2)); expect(counter, equals(2));
}); });
testWidgets('SliverMainAxisGroup does not cause extra builds for lazy sliver children', (WidgetTester tester) async {
// By setting the correct SliverGeometry in the first SliverMainAxisGroup,
// the following SliverMainAxisGroups will not perform extra work.
final Map<int, int> buildsPerGroup = <int, int>{
0 : 0,
1 : 0,
2 : 0,
await tester.pumpWidget(MaterialApp(
home: CustomScrollView(
slivers: <Widget>[
for (int groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < 3; groupIndex++)
slivers: <Widget>[
itemCount: 100,
itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
buildsPerGroup[groupIndex] = buildsPerGroup[groupIndex]! + 1;
return const SizedBox.square(dimension: 50);
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
expect(buildsPerGroup[0], 17); // First sliver filled the screen and cache extent
expect(buildsPerGroup[1], 1); // Second only lays out one child
expect(buildsPerGroup[2], 1); // Third only lays out one child
final RenderSliverMainAxisGroup renderGroup = tester.renderObject(
) as RenderSliverMainAxisGroup;
expect(renderGroup.geometry!.cacheExtent, 850.0);
} }
Widget _buildSliverList({ Widget _buildSliverList({
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