Unverified Commit e78cbe5d authored by chunhtai's avatar chunhtai Committed by GitHub

fix code comments in the route route didadd method (#61400)

parent dcb3e77a
......@@ -214,9 +214,16 @@ abstract class Route<T> {
// will be guarded by the asynchronous gap.
TickerFuture.complete().then<void>((void _) {
// The route can be disposed before the ticker future completes. This can
// happen when the navigator is under a TabView that does a warping. The
// navigator will be null in this case, and we have to do a null-safe
// operation.
// happen when the navigator is under a TabView that warps from one tab to
// another, non-adjacent tab, with an animation. The TabView reorders its
// children before and after the warping completes, and that causes its
// children to be built and disposed within the same frame. If one of its
// children contains a navigator, the routes in that navigator are also
// added and disposed within that frame.
// Since the reference to the navigator will be set to null after it is
// disposed, we have to do a null-safe operation in case that happens
// within the same frame when it is added.
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