Unverified Commit e467018d authored by Alexandre Ardhuin's avatar Alexandre Ardhuin Committed by GitHub

alignment of doc comments and annotations (#84256)

parent 9dd8bcd8
......@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ Future<String> getAndroidManifest(String apk) async {
/// Checks that the classes are contained in the APK, throws otherwise.
/// Checks that the classes are contained in the APK, throws otherwise.
Future<void> checkApkContainsClasses(File apk, List<String> classes) async {
final ApkExtractor extractor = ApkExtractor(apk);
for (final String className in classes) {
......@@ -60,10 +60,10 @@ class ScaleStartDetails {
/// coordinates.
final Offset localFocalPoint;
/// The number of pointers being tracked by the gesture recognizer.
/// Typically this is the number of fingers being used to pan the widget using the gesture
/// recognizer.
/// The number of pointers being tracked by the gesture recognizer.
/// Typically this is the number of fingers being used to pan the widget using the gesture
/// recognizer.
final int pointerCount;
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ class ContinuousRectangleBorder extends OutlinedBorder {
/// [getOuterPath].
final BorderRadiusGeometry borderRadius;
EdgeInsetsGeometry get dimensions => EdgeInsets.all(side.width);
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class RawKeyEventDataWindows extends RawKeyEventData {
PhysicalKeyboardKey get physicalKey => kWindowsToPhysicalKey[scanCode] ?? PhysicalKeyboardKey.none;
LogicalKeyboardKey get logicalKey {
// Look to see if the keyCode is a printable number pad key, so that a
// difference between regular keys (e.g. "=") and the number pad version
......@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ class RawKeyEventDataWindows extends RawKeyEventData {
/// {@macro flutter.services.RawKeyEventDataWindows.modifierShift}
static const int modifierNumLock = 1 << 12;
/// This mask is used to check the [modifiers] field to test whether the SCROLL LOCK key
/// This mask is used to check the [modifiers] field to test whether the SCROLL LOCK key
/// is pressed.
/// {@macro flutter.services.RawKeyEventDataWindows.modifierShift}
......@@ -127,17 +127,23 @@ abstract class GlobalCupertinoLocalizations implements CupertinoLocalizations {
/// Subclasses should provide the optional zero pluralization of [datePickerHourSemanticsLabel] based on the ARB file.
@protected String? get datePickerHourSemanticsLabelZero => null;
String? get datePickerHourSemanticsLabelZero => null;
/// Subclasses should provide the optional one pluralization of [datePickerHourSemanticsLabel] based on the ARB file.
@protected String? get datePickerHourSemanticsLabelOne => null;
String? get datePickerHourSemanticsLabelOne => null;
/// Subclasses should provide the optional two pluralization of [datePickerHourSemanticsLabel] based on the ARB file.
@protected String? get datePickerHourSemanticsLabelTwo => null;
String? get datePickerHourSemanticsLabelTwo => null;
/// Subclasses should provide the optional few pluralization of [datePickerHourSemanticsLabel] based on the ARB file.
@protected String? get datePickerHourSemanticsLabelFew => null;
String? get datePickerHourSemanticsLabelFew => null;
/// Subclasses should provide the optional many pluralization of [datePickerHourSemanticsLabel] based on the ARB file.
@protected String? get datePickerHourSemanticsLabelMany => null;
String? get datePickerHourSemanticsLabelMany => null;
/// Subclasses should provide the required other pluralization of [datePickerHourSemanticsLabel] based on the ARB file.
@protected String? get datePickerHourSemanticsLabelOther;
String? get datePickerHourSemanticsLabelOther;
String? datePickerHourSemanticsLabel(int hour) {
......@@ -154,17 +160,23 @@ abstract class GlobalCupertinoLocalizations implements CupertinoLocalizations {
/// Subclasses should provide the optional zero pluralization of [datePickerMinuteSemanticsLabel] based on the ARB file.
@protected String? get datePickerMinuteSemanticsLabelZero => null;
String? get datePickerMinuteSemanticsLabelZero => null;
/// Subclasses should provide the optional one pluralization of [datePickerMinuteSemanticsLabel] based on the ARB file.
@protected String? get datePickerMinuteSemanticsLabelOne => null;
String? get datePickerMinuteSemanticsLabelOne => null;
/// Subclasses should provide the optional two pluralization of [datePickerMinuteSemanticsLabel] based on the ARB file.
@protected String? get datePickerMinuteSemanticsLabelTwo => null;
String? get datePickerMinuteSemanticsLabelTwo => null;
/// Subclasses should provide the optional few pluralization of [datePickerMinuteSemanticsLabel] based on the ARB file.
@protected String? get datePickerMinuteSemanticsLabelFew => null;
String? get datePickerMinuteSemanticsLabelFew => null;
/// Subclasses should provide the optional many pluralization of [datePickerMinuteSemanticsLabel] based on the ARB file.
@protected String? get datePickerMinuteSemanticsLabelMany => null;
String? get datePickerMinuteSemanticsLabelMany => null;
/// Subclasses should provide the required other pluralization of [datePickerMinuteSemanticsLabel] based on the ARB file.
@protected String? get datePickerMinuteSemanticsLabelOther;
String? get datePickerMinuteSemanticsLabelOther;
String? datePickerMinuteSemanticsLabel(int minute) {
......@@ -279,17 +291,23 @@ abstract class GlobalCupertinoLocalizations implements CupertinoLocalizations {
/// Subclasses should provide the optional zero pluralization of [timerPickerHourLabel] based on the ARB file.
@protected String? get timerPickerHourLabelZero => null;
String? get timerPickerHourLabelZero => null;
/// Subclasses should provide the optional one pluralization of [timerPickerHourLabel] based on the ARB file.
@protected String? get timerPickerHourLabelOne => null;
String? get timerPickerHourLabelOne => null;
/// Subclasses should provide the optional two pluralization of [timerPickerHourLabel] based on the ARB file.
@protected String? get timerPickerHourLabelTwo => null;
String? get timerPickerHourLabelTwo => null;
/// Subclasses should provide the optional few pluralization of [timerPickerHourLabel] based on the ARB file.
@protected String? get timerPickerHourLabelFew => null;
String? get timerPickerHourLabelFew => null;
/// Subclasses should provide the optional many pluralization of [timerPickerHourLabel] based on the ARB file.
@protected String? get timerPickerHourLabelMany => null;
String? get timerPickerHourLabelMany => null;
/// Subclasses should provide the required other pluralization of [timerPickerHourLabel] based on the ARB file.
@protected String? get timerPickerHourLabelOther;
String? get timerPickerHourLabelOther;
String? timerPickerHourLabel(int hour) {
......@@ -316,17 +334,23 @@ abstract class GlobalCupertinoLocalizations implements CupertinoLocalizations {
/// Subclasses should provide the optional zero pluralization of [timerPickerMinuteLabel] based on the ARB file.
@protected String? get timerPickerMinuteLabelZero => null;
String? get timerPickerMinuteLabelZero => null;
/// Subclasses should provide the optional one pluralization of [timerPickerMinuteLabel] based on the ARB file.
@protected String? get timerPickerMinuteLabelOne => null;
String? get timerPickerMinuteLabelOne => null;
/// Subclasses should provide the optional two pluralization of [timerPickerMinuteLabel] based on the ARB file.
@protected String? get timerPickerMinuteLabelTwo => null;
String? get timerPickerMinuteLabelTwo => null;
/// Subclasses should provide the optional few pluralization of [timerPickerMinuteLabel] based on the ARB file.
@protected String? get timerPickerMinuteLabelFew => null;
String? get timerPickerMinuteLabelFew => null;
/// Subclasses should provide the optional many pluralization of [timerPickerMinuteLabel] based on the ARB file.
@protected String? get timerPickerMinuteLabelMany => null;
String? get timerPickerMinuteLabelMany => null;
/// Subclasses should provide the required other pluralization of [timerPickerMinuteLabel] based on the ARB file.
@protected String? get timerPickerMinuteLabelOther;
String? get timerPickerMinuteLabelOther;
String? timerPickerMinuteLabel(int minute) {
......@@ -353,17 +377,23 @@ abstract class GlobalCupertinoLocalizations implements CupertinoLocalizations {
/// Subclasses should provide the optional zero pluralization of [timerPickerSecondLabel] based on the ARB file.
@protected String? get timerPickerSecondLabelZero => null;
String? get timerPickerSecondLabelZero => null;
/// Subclasses should provide the optional one pluralization of [timerPickerSecondLabel] based on the ARB file.
@protected String? get timerPickerSecondLabelOne => null;
String? get timerPickerSecondLabelOne => null;
/// Subclasses should provide the optional two pluralization of [timerPickerSecondLabel] based on the ARB file.
@protected String? get timerPickerSecondLabelTwo => null;
String? get timerPickerSecondLabelTwo => null;
/// Subclasses should provide the optional few pluralization of [timerPickerSecondLabel] based on the ARB file.
@protected String? get timerPickerSecondLabelFew => null;
String? get timerPickerSecondLabelFew => null;
/// Subclasses should provide the optional many pluralization of [timerPickerSecondLabel] based on the ARB file.
@protected String? get timerPickerSecondLabelMany => null;
String? get timerPickerSecondLabelMany => null;
/// Subclasses should provide the required other pluralization of [timerPickerSecondLabel] based on the ARB file.
@protected String? get timerPickerSecondLabelOther;
String? get timerPickerSecondLabelOther;
String? timerPickerSecondLabel(int second) {
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'binding.dart';
/// Ensure the [WidgetsBinding] is initialized.
/// Ensure the [WidgetsBinding] is initialized.
WidgetsBinding ensureInitialized([@visibleForTesting Map<String, String>? environment]) {
if (WidgetsBinding.instance == null) {
......@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ WidgetsBinding ensureInitialized([@visibleForTesting Map<String, String>? enviro
return WidgetsBinding.instance!;
/// This method is a noop on the web.
/// This method is a noop on the web.
void setupHttpOverrides() { }
/// This method is a noop on the web.
/// This method is a noop on the web.
void mockFlutterAssets() { }
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ class LocalFileComparator extends GoldenFileComparator {
throw UnsupportedError('LocalFileComparator is not supported on the web.');
Future<void> update(Uri golden, Uint8List imageBytes) {
throw UnsupportedError('LocalFileComparator is not supported on the web.');
......@@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ class Cache {
return versionFile.existsSync() ? versionFile.readAsStringSync().trim() : null;
/// Delete all stamp files maintained by the cache.
/// Delete all stamp files maintained by the cache.
void clearStampFiles() {
try {
......@@ -1072,7 +1072,7 @@ class ArtifactUpdater {
/// Clear any zip/gzip files downloaded.
/// Clear any zip/gzip files downloaded.
void removeDownloadedFiles() {
for (final File file in downloadedFiles) {
if (!file.existsSync()) {
......@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ class VisualStudio {
return _bestVisualStudioDetails[_isLaunchableKey] as bool? ?? true;
/// True if the Visual Studio installation is as pre-release version.
/// True if the Visual Studio installation is as pre-release version.
bool get isPrerelease => _bestVisualStudioDetails[_isPrereleaseKey] as bool? ?? false;
/// True if a reboot is required to complete the Visual Studio installation.
......@@ -160,6 +160,6 @@ class NoDevicesManager extends DeviceManager {
Future<List<Device>> refreshAllConnectedDevices({Duration timeout}) =>
List<DeviceDiscovery> get deviceDiscoverers => <DeviceDiscovery>[];
......@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ class FakeOperatingSystemUtils extends Fake implements OperatingSystemUtils {
class FakeThrowingFlutterVersion extends FakeFlutterVersion {
String get frameworkCommitDate {
throw VersionCheckError('version error');
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