Unverified Commit e3079a33 authored by Kate Lovett's avatar Kate Lovett Committed by GitHub

Add additional float location case (#61171)

parent f32a7371
......@@ -443,12 +443,13 @@ mixin FabFloatOffsetY on StandardFabLocation {
double getOffsetY(ScaffoldPrelayoutGeometry scaffoldGeometry, double adjustment) {
final double contentBottom = scaffoldGeometry.contentBottom;
final double bottomContentHeight = scaffoldGeometry.scaffoldSize.height - contentBottom;
final double bottomSheetHeight = scaffoldGeometry.bottomSheetSize.height;
final double fabHeight = scaffoldGeometry.floatingActionButtonSize.height;
final double snackBarHeight = scaffoldGeometry.snackBarSize.height;
final double safeMargin = math.max(
scaffoldGeometry.minViewPadding.bottom - bottomContentHeight,
double fabY = contentBottom - fabHeight - safeMargin;
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