Commit e2c6ba1b authored by Michael Goderbauer's avatar Michael Goderbauer Committed by GitHub

Improve readability of _SemanticsGeometry (#12038)

parent 26751434
......@@ -547,45 +547,52 @@ typedef void RenderObjectVisitor(RenderObject child);
typedef void LayoutCallback<T extends Constraints>(T constraints);
class _SemanticsGeometry {
_SemanticsGeometry() : transform = new Matrix4.identity();
_SemanticsGeometry() : _transform = new Matrix4.identity();
_SemanticsGeometry.withClipFrom(_SemanticsGeometry other) {
clipRect = other?.clipRect;
transform = new Matrix4.identity();
_clipRect = other?._clipRect;
_transform = new Matrix4.identity();
_SemanticsGeometry.copy(_SemanticsGeometry other) {
if (other != null) {
clipRect = other.clipRect;
transform = new Matrix4.copy(other.transform);
_clipRect = other._clipRect;
_transform = new Matrix4.copy(other._transform);
} else {
transform = new Matrix4.identity();
_transform = new Matrix4.identity();
Rect clipRect;
Rect _clipRect;
Rect _intersectClipRect(Rect other) {
if (clipRect == null)
if (_clipRect == null)
return other;
if (other == null)
return clipRect;
return clipRect.intersect(other);
return _clipRect;
return _clipRect.intersect(other);
Matrix4 transform;
Matrix4 _transform;
void applyAncestorChain(List<RenderObject> ancestorChain) {
for (int index = ancestorChain.length-1; index > 0; index -= 1) {
final RenderObject parent = ancestorChain[index];
final RenderObject child = ancestorChain[index-1];
clipRect = _intersectClipRect(parent.describeApproximatePaintClip(child));
if (clipRect != null) {
if (clipRect.isEmpty) {
clipRect =;
_clipRect = _intersectClipRect(parent.describeApproximatePaintClip(child));
if (_clipRect != null) {
if (_clipRect.isEmpty) {
_clipRect =;
} else {
final Matrix4 clipTransform = new Matrix4.identity();
parent.applyPaintTransform(child, clipTransform);
clipRect = MatrixUtils.inverseTransformRect(clipTransform, clipRect);
_clipRect = MatrixUtils.inverseTransformRect(clipTransform, _clipRect);
parent.applyPaintTransform(child, transform);
parent.applyPaintTransform(child, _transform);
void updateSemanticsNode({
@required RenderObject rendering,
@required SemanticsNode semantics,
......@@ -595,9 +602,9 @@ class _SemanticsGeometry {
assert(semantics != null);
assert(parentSemantics != null);
assert(parentSemantics.wasAffectedByClip != null);
semantics.transform = transform;
if (clipRect != null) {
semantics.rect = clipRect.intersect(rendering.semanticBounds);
semantics.transform = _transform;
if (_clipRect != null) {
semantics.rect = _clipRect.intersect(rendering.semanticBounds);
semantics.wasAffectedByClip = true;
} else {
semantics.rect = rendering.semanticBounds;
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