Unverified Commit e01d3272 authored by William Hesse's avatar William Hesse Committed by GitHub

Always write devicelab test results to a file if the resultsPath option is present (#86393)

Some runs of DeviceLab performance tests are run without a gitBranch option, but
still must save their results to a local file.
parent 7f741e91
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ Future<void> runTasks(
print(const JsonEncoder.withIndent(' ').convert(result));
section('Finished task "$taskName"');
if (resultsPath != null && gitBranch != null) {
if (resultsPath != null) {
final Cocoon cocoon = Cocoon();
await cocoon.writeTaskResultToFile(
builderName: luciBuilder,
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