Unverified Commit df45748d authored by VisheshAtWork's avatar VisheshAtWork Committed by GitHub

Added Documentation for AnimationController.repeat() (#58098)

parent c911aefb
......@@ -605,6 +605,10 @@ class AnimationController extends Animation<double>
/// repeat. The [status] will be reported as [AnimationStatus.reverse] when
/// the animation runs from [max] to [min].
/// Each run of the animation will have a duration of `period`. If `period` is not
/// provided, [duration] will be used instead, which has to be set before [repeat] is
/// called either in the constructor or later by using the [duration] setter.
/// Returns a [TickerFuture] that never completes. The [TickerFuture.orCancel] future
/// completes with an error when the animation is stopped (e.g. with [stop]).
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