Commit db9fb69b authored by Adam Barth's avatar Adam Barth Committed by GitHub

Migrate HostMessages to PlatformMessages (#6409)

We'll eventually remove HostMessages because it's just a pass-through to
PlatformMessages, but that will be a separate step.
parent beb8afa4
......@@ -3,76 +3,25 @@
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:mojo/core.dart' as core;
import 'package:flutter_services/platform/app_messages.dart' as mojom;
import 'shell.dart';
mojom.ApplicationMessagesProxy _initHostAppMessagesProxy() {
return shell.connectToViewAssociatedService(mojom.ApplicationMessages.connectToService);
final mojom.ApplicationMessagesProxy _hostAppMessagesProxy = _initHostAppMessagesProxy();
/// Signature for receiving [HostMessages].
typedef Future<String> HostMessageCallback(String message);
typedef Object _SendStringResponseFactory(String response);
class _ApplicationMessagesImpl extends mojom.ApplicationMessages {
final Map<String, HostMessageCallback> handlers = <String, HostMessageCallback>{};
_ApplicationMessagesImpl() {
(core.MojoMessagePipeEndpoint endpoint) {
mojom.ApplicationMessagesStub stub = new mojom.ApplicationMessagesStub.fromEndpoint(endpoint);
stub.impl = this;
dynamic sendString(String messageName, String message, [_SendStringResponseFactory responseFactory]) {
HostMessageCallback callback = handlers[messageName];
if (callback == null)
return responseFactory(null);
return callback(message).then((String s) => responseFactory(s));
final _ApplicationMessagesImpl _appMessages = new _ApplicationMessagesImpl();
import 'platform_messages.dart';
/// A service that can be implemented by the host application and the
/// Flutter framework to exchange application-specific messages.
class HostMessages {
/// Send a message to the host application.
static Future<String> sendToHost(String messageName, [String message = '']) {
Completer<String> completer = new Completer<String>();
_hostAppMessagesProxy.sendString(messageName, message, (String reply) {
return completer.future;
static dynamic _decode(String message) {
return message != null ? JSON.decode(message) : null;
static Future<String> sendToHost(String channel, [String message = '']) {
return PlatformMessages.sendString(channel, message);
/// Sends a JSON-encoded message to the host application and JSON-decodes the response.
static Future<dynamic> sendJSON(String messageName, [dynamic json]) async {
Completer<dynamic> completer = new Completer<dynamic>();
_hostAppMessagesProxy.sendString(messageName, JSON.encode(json), (String reply) {
return completer.future;
static Future<dynamic> sendJSON(String channel, [dynamic json]) {
return PlatformMessages.sendJSON(channel, json);
/// Register a callback for receiving messages from the host application.
static void addMessageHandler(String messageName, HostMessageCallback callback) {
_appMessages.handlers[messageName] = callback;
static void addMessageHandler(String channel, Future<String> callback(String message)) {
PlatformMessages.setStringMessageHandler(channel, callback);
/// Register a callback for receiving JSON messages from the host application.
......@@ -80,9 +29,7 @@ class HostMessages {
/// Messages received from the host application are decoded as JSON before
/// being passed to `callback`. The result of the callback is encoded as JSON
/// before being returned to the host application.
static void addJSONMessageHandler(String messageName, Future<dynamic> callback(dynamic json)) {
_appMessages.handlers[messageName] = (String message) async {
return JSON.encode(await callback(_decode(message)));
static void addJSONMessageHandler(String channel, Future<dynamic> callback(dynamic json)) {
PlatformMessages.setJSONMessageHandler(channel, callback);
......@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ typedef Future<ByteData> _PlatformMessageHandler(ByteData message);
/// Sends message to and receives messages from the underlying platform.
class PlatformMessages {
/// Handlers for incoming platform messages.
static final Map<String, _PlatformMessageHandler> _handlers =
<String, _PlatformMessageHandler>{};
......@@ -143,7 +145,7 @@ class PlatformMessages {
/// To remove the mock handler, pass `null` as the `handler` argument.
static void setMockBinaryMessageHandler(String channel, Future<ByteData> handler(ByteData message)) {
if (handler == null)
_mockHandlers[channel] = handler;
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