Commit d82ca0f6 authored by Todd Volkert's avatar Todd Volkert Committed by GitHub

Make analysis of sample code work in OS-X (#11139)

The output of the analyzer gives the full path to the Dart file, so
we had to adjust the string matching to account for that.
parent a7964380
......@@ -172,16 +172,17 @@ dependencies:
int errorCount = 0;
for (String error in errors) {
const String kBullet = ' • ';
const String kAt = ' at main.dart:';
const String kColon = ':';
final RegExp atRegExp = new RegExp(r' at .*main.dart:');
final int start = error.indexOf(kBullet);
final int end = error.indexOf(kAt);
final int end = error.indexOf(atRegExp);
if (start >= 0 && end >= 0) {
final String message = error.substring(start + kBullet.length, end);
final int colon2 = error.indexOf(kColon, end + kAt.length);
final String atMatch = atRegExp.firstMatch(error)[0];
final int colon2 = error.indexOf(kColon, end + atMatch.length);
if (colon2 < 0)
throw 'failed to parse error message: $error';
final String line = error.substring(end + kAt.length, colon2);
final String line = error.substring(end + atMatch.length, colon2);
final int bullet2 = error.indexOf(kBullet, colon2);
if (bullet2 < 0)
throw 'failed to parse error message: $error';
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