Unverified Commit d64cc479 authored by Lau Ching Jun's avatar Lau Ching Jun Committed by GitHub

Make ProxiedDevices a subclass of PollingDeviceDiscovery. (#130640)

The daemon ignores all device discovery that is not a PollingDeviceDiscovery. Make ProxiedDevices a PollingDeviceDiscovery so that it can be used in flutter daemon.

Note that there is a TODO item added in the test, which I intend to attempt fixing in a subsequent PR.
parent e06650bd
......@@ -36,14 +36,15 @@ T _cast<T>(Object? object) {
/// If [deltaFileTransfer] is true, the proxy will use an rsync-like algorithm that
/// only transfers the changed part of the application package for deployment.
class ProxiedDevices extends DeviceDiscovery {
class ProxiedDevices extends PollingDeviceDiscovery {
ProxiedDevices(this.connection, {
bool deltaFileTransfer = true,
bool enableDdsProxy = false,
required Logger logger,
}) : _deltaFileTransfer = deltaFileTransfer,
_enableDdsProxy = enableDdsProxy,
_logger = logger;
_logger = logger,
super('Proxied devices');
/// [DaemonConnection] used to communicate with the daemon.
final DaemonConnection connection;
......@@ -88,6 +89,9 @@ class ProxiedDevices extends DeviceDiscovery {
return filter.filterDevices(devices);
Future<List<Device>> pollingGetDevices({Duration? timeout}) => discoverDevices(timeout: timeout);
List<String> get wellKnownIds => const <String>[];
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/dds.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/logger.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/utils.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/daemon.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/device.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/proxied_devices/devices.dart';
......@@ -363,7 +364,43 @@ void main() {
expect(fakeFilter.devices![0].id, fakeDevice['id']);
expect(fakeFilter.devices![1].id, fakeDevice2['id']);
testWithoutContext('publishes the devices on deviceNotifier after startPolling', () async {
bufferLogger = BufferLogger.test();
final ProxiedDevices proxiedDevices = ProxiedDevices(
logger: bufferLogger,
final ItemListNotifier<Device>? deviceNotifier = proxiedDevices.deviceNotifier;
expect(deviceNotifier, isNotNull);
final List<Device> devicesAdded = <Device>[];
deviceNotifier!.onAdded.listen((Device device) {
final DaemonMessage message = await serverDaemonConnection.incomingCommands.first;
expect(message.data['id'], isNotNull);
expect(message.data['method'], 'device.discoverDevices');
serverDaemonConnection.sendResponse(message.data['id']!, <Map<String, Object?>>[
await pumpEventQueue();
expect(devicesAdded.length, 2);
expect(devicesAdded[0].id, fakeDevice['id']);
expect(devicesAdded[1].id, fakeDevice2['id']);
// Explicit timeout is needed because the default timeout is 2s, but `startPolling` waits for
// 4s before making its first poll.
// TODO(chingjun): Remove the timeout.
}, timeout: const Timeout(Duration(seconds: 6)));
group('ProxiedDartDevelopmentService', () {
testWithoutContext('forwards start and shutdown to remote', () async {
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