Unverified Commit d628a6ff authored by stuartmorgan's avatar stuartmorgan Committed by GitHub

Give an actionable error message when a Pod requires a higher minimum OS version (#138097)

Checks `pod install` output for the case where a pod requires a higher minimum OS deployment target version than the app is set to use, and attempts to turn it into a more actionable error message. This isn't foolproof since we are parsing the Ruby rather than actually executing it, but I would expect that the vast majority of cases would end up in the most useful version (and even those that don't are still much clearer with this as the final error message text than without it).

Fixes https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/113762
parent 311193d3
......@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ class CocoaPods {
if (result.exitCode != 0) {
_diagnosePodInstallFailure(result, xcodeProject);
throwToolExit('Error running pod install');
} else if (xcodeProject.podfileLock.existsSync()) {
// Even if the Podfile.lock didn't change, update its modified date to now
......@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ class CocoaPods {
void _diagnosePodInstallFailure(ProcessResult result) {
void _diagnosePodInstallFailure(ProcessResult result, XcodeBasedProject xcodeProject) {
final Object? stdout = result.stdout;
final Object? stderr = result.stderr;
if (stdout is! String || stderr is! String) {
......@@ -397,7 +397,130 @@ class CocoaPods {
' sudo gem uninstall ffi && sudo gem install ffi -- --enable-libffi-alloc\n',
emphasis: true,
} else if (stdout.contains('required a higher minimum deployment target')) {
final ({String failingPod, String sourcePlugin, String podPluginSubdir})?
podInfo = _parseMinDeploymentFailureInfo(stdout);
if (podInfo != null) {
final String sourcePlugin = podInfo.sourcePlugin;
// If the plugin's podfile has set its own minimum version correctly
// based on the requirements of its dependencies the failing pod should
// be the plugin itself, but if not they may be different (e.g., if
// a plugin says its minimum iOS version is 11, but depends on a pod
// with a minimum version of 12, then building for 11 will report that
// pod as failing.)
if (podInfo.failingPod == podInfo.sourcePlugin) {
final Directory symlinksDir;
final String podPlatformString;
final String platformName;
final String docsLink;
if (xcodeProject is IosProject) {
symlinksDir = xcodeProject.symlinks;
podPlatformString = 'ios';
platformName = 'iOS';
docsLink = 'https://docs.flutter.dev/deployment/ios';
} else if (xcodeProject is MacOSProject) {
symlinksDir = xcodeProject.ephemeralDirectory.childDirectory('.symlinks');
podPlatformString = 'osx';
platformName = 'macOS';
docsLink = 'https://docs.flutter.dev/deployment/macos';
} else {
final File podspec = symlinksDir
final String? minDeploymentVersion = _findPodspecMinDeploymentVersion(
if (minDeploymentVersion != null) {
'Error: The plugin "$sourcePlugin" requires a higher minimum '
'$platformName deployment version than your application is targeting.\n'
"To build, increase your application's deployment target to at "
'least $minDeploymentVersion as described at $docsLink',
emphasis: true,
} else {
// If for some reason the min version can't be parsed out, provide
// a less specific error message that still describes the problem,
// but also requests filing a Flutter issue so the parsing in
// _findPodspecMinDeploymentVersion can be improved.
'Error: The plugin "$sourcePlugin" requires a higher minimum '
'$platformName deployment version than your application is targeting.\n'
"To build, increase your application's deployment target as "
'described at $docsLink\n\n'
'The minimum required version for "$sourcePlugin" could not be '
'determined. Please file an issue at '
'https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues about this error message.',
emphasis: true,
} else {
// In theory this could find the failing pod's spec and parse out its
// minimum deployment version, but finding that spec would add a lot
// of complexity to handle a case that plugin authors should not
// create, so this just provides the actionable step of following up
// with the plugin developer.
'Error: The pod "${podInfo.failingPod}" required by the plugin '
'"$sourcePlugin" requires a higher minimum iOS deployment version '
"than the plugin's reported minimum version.\n"
'To build, remove the plugin "$sourcePlugin", or contact the plugin\'s '
'developers for assistance.',
emphasis: true,
({String failingPod, String sourcePlugin, String podPluginSubdir})?
_parseMinDeploymentFailureInfo(String podInstallOutput) {
final RegExp sourceLine = RegExp(r'\(from `.*\.symlinks/plugins/([^/]+)/([^/]+)`\)');
final RegExp dependencyLine = RegExp(r'Specs satisfying the `([^ ]+).*` dependency were found, '
'but they required a higher minimum deployment target');
final RegExpMatch? sourceMatch = sourceLine.firstMatch(podInstallOutput);
final RegExpMatch? dependencyMatch = dependencyLine.firstMatch(podInstallOutput);
if (sourceMatch == null || dependencyMatch == null) {
return null;
return (
failingPod: dependencyMatch.group(1)!,
sourcePlugin: sourceMatch.group(1)!,
podPluginSubdir: sourceMatch.group(2)!
String? _findPodspecMinDeploymentVersion(File podspec, String platformString) {
if (!podspec.existsSync()) {
return null;
// There are two ways the deployment target can be specified; see
// https://guides.cocoapods.org/syntax/podspec.html#group_platform
final RegExp platformPattern = RegExp(
// Example: spec.platform = :osx, '10.8'
// where "spec" is an arbitrary variable name.
multiLine: true
final RegExp deploymentTargetPlatform = RegExp(
// Example: spec.osx.deployment_target = '10.8'
// where "spec" is an arbitrary variable name.
multiLine: true
final String podspecContents = podspec.readAsStringSync();
final RegExpMatch? match = platformPattern.firstMatch(podspecContents) ??
return match?.group(1);
bool _isFfiX86Error(String error) {
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