Commit d54bed45 authored by John McCutchan's avatar John McCutchan Committed by GitHub

Support specifying a fixed list of assets on the command line (#6857)

parent fd5a0894
......@@ -52,9 +52,33 @@ class AssetBundle {
static const String _kFontSetMaterial = 'material';
static const String _kFontSetRoboto = 'roboto';
bool _fixed = false;
DateTime _lastBuildTimestamp;
/// Constructs an [AssetBundle] that gathers the set of assets from the
/// flutter.yaml manifest.
/// Constructs an [AssetBundle] with a fixed set of assets.
/// [projectRoot] The absolute path to the project root.
/// [projectAssets] comma separated list of assets.
AssetBundle.fixed(String projectRoot, String projectAssets) {
_fixed = true;
if ((projectRoot == null) || (projectAssets == null))
List<String> assets = projectAssets.split(',');
for (String asset in assets) {
final String assetPath = path.join(projectRoot, asset);
final String archivePath = asset;
new AssetBundleEntry.fromFile(archivePath, new File(assetPath)));
bool needsBuild({String manifestPath: defaultManifestPath}) {
if (_fixed)
return false;
if (_lastBuildTimestamp == null)
return true;
......@@ -63,9 +63,12 @@ class RunCommand extends RunCommandBase {
hide: !verboseHelp,
help: 'Specify the path to the .packages file.');
hide: !verboseHelp,
help: 'Specify the project root directory.');
hide: !verboseHelp,
help: 'Specify the project assets relative to the root directory.');
hide: !verboseHelp,
help: 'Handle machine structured JSON command input\n'
......@@ -219,8 +222,9 @@ class RunCommand extends RunCommandBase {
debuggingOptions: options,
benchmarkMode: argResults['benchmark'],
applicationBinary: argResults['use-application-binary'],
projectRootPath: argResults['project_root'],
projectRootPath: argResults['project-root'],
packagesFilePath: argResults['packages'],
projectAssets: argResults['project-assets']
} else {
runner = new RunAndStayResident(
......@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ class HotRunner extends ResidentRunner {
String projectRootPath,
String packagesFilePath,
String projectAssets,
}) : super(device,
target: target,
debuggingOptions: debuggingOptions,
......@@ -106,6 +107,10 @@ class HotRunner extends ResidentRunner {
_projectRootPath = projectRootPath ?? Directory.current.path;
_packagesFilePath =
packagesFilePath ?? path.absolute(PackageMap.globalPackagesPath);
if (projectAssets != null)
_bundle = new AssetBundle.fixed(_projectRootPath, projectAssets);
_bundle = new AssetBundle();
ApplicationPackage _package;
......@@ -116,7 +121,8 @@ class HotRunner extends ResidentRunner {
bool get prebuiltMode => applicationBinary != null;
Set<String> _dartDependencies;
int _observatoryPort;
final AssetBundle bundle = new AssetBundle();
AssetBundle _bundle;
AssetBundle get bundle => _bundle;
final bool benchmarkMode;
final Map<String, int> benchmarkData = new Map<String, int>();
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import 'analyze_duplicate_names_test.dart' as analyze_duplicate_names_test;
import 'analyze_test.dart' as analyze_test;
import 'android_device_test.dart' as android_device_test;
import 'android_sdk_test.dart' as android_sdk_test;
import 'asset_bundle_test.dart' as asset_bundle_test;
import 'application_package_test.dart' as application_package_test;
import 'base_utils_test.dart' as base_utils_test;
import 'channel_test.dart' as channel_test;
......@@ -49,6 +50,7 @@ void main() {
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/asset.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
// Create a temporary directory and write a single file into it.
Directory tempDir = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync();
String projectRoot = tempDir.path;
String assetPath = 'banana.txt';
String assetContents = 'banana';
File tempFile = new File(path.join(projectRoot, assetPath));
tempFile.parent.createSync(recursive: true);
// Fixed asset bundle tests.
group('AssetBundle.fixed', () {
test('empty strings', () async {
expect(new AssetBundle.fixed(null, null), isNotNull);
expect(new AssetBundle.fixed('', ''), isNotNull);
expect(new AssetBundle.fixed(null, null).entries, isEmpty);
test('does not need a rebuild', () async {
expect(new AssetBundle.fixed(null, null).needsBuild(), isFalse);
test('single entry', () async {
AssetBundle ab = new AssetBundle.fixed('', 'apple.txt');
expect(ab.entries, isNotEmpty);
expect(ab.entries.length, 1);
AssetBundleEntry entry = ab.entries.first;
expect(entry, isNotNull);
expect(entry.archivePath, 'apple.txt');
test('two entries', () async {
AssetBundle ab = new AssetBundle.fixed('', 'apple.txt,packages/flutter_gallery_assets/shrine/products/heels.png');
expect(ab.entries, isNotEmpty);
expect(ab.entries.length, 2);
AssetBundleEntry firstEntry = ab.entries.first;
expect(firstEntry, isNotNull);
expect(firstEntry.archivePath, 'apple.txt');
AssetBundleEntry lastEntry = ab.entries.last;
expect(lastEntry, isNotNull);
expect(lastEntry.archivePath, 'packages/flutter_gallery_assets/shrine/products/heels.png');
test('file contents', () async {
AssetBundle ab = new AssetBundle.fixed(projectRoot, assetPath);
expect(ab.entries, isNotEmpty);
expect(ab.entries.length, 1);
AssetBundleEntry entry = ab.entries.first;
expect(entry, isNotNull);
expect(entry.archivePath, assetPath);
expect(assetContents, UTF8.decode(entry.contentsAsBytes()));
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