Unverified Commit d345a3b3 authored by Gary Qian's avatar Gary Qian Committed by GitHub

Revert "Track and use fallback TextAffinity for null affinity platform...

Revert "Track and use fallback TextAffinity for null affinity platform TextSelections. (#44622)" (#45698)

This reverts commit 6b66d794.
parent 714650d7
......@@ -819,14 +819,9 @@ class TextPainter {
return _paragraph.getWordBoundary(position);
/// Returns the [TextRange] of the line at the given [TextPosition].
/// Returns the text range of the line at the given offset.
/// The newline, if any, is returned as part of the range.
/// Not valid until after layout.
/// This can potentially be expensive, since it needs to compute the full
/// layout before it is available.
/// The newline, if any, is included in the range.
TextRange getLineBoundary(TextPosition position) {
return _paragraph.getLineBoundary(position);
......@@ -402,12 +402,6 @@ class RenderEditable extends RenderBox with RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin {
// down in a multiline text field when selecting using the keyboard.
bool _wasSelectingVerticallyWithKeyboard = false;
// This is the affinity we use when a platform-supplied value has null
// affinity.
// This affinity should never be null.
TextAffinity _fallbackAffinity = TextAffinity.downstream;
// Call through to onSelectionChanged.
void _handleSelectionChange(
TextSelection nextSelection,
......@@ -424,17 +418,6 @@ class RenderEditable extends RenderBox with RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin {
// Sets the fallback affinity to the affinity of the selection.
void _setFallbackAffinity(
TextAffinity affinity,
) {
assert(affinity != null);
// Engine-computed selections will always compute affinity when necessary.
// Cache this affinity in the case where the platform supplied selection
// does not provide an affinity.
_fallbackAffinity = affinity;
static final Set<LogicalKeyboardKey> _movementKeys = <LogicalKeyboardKey>{
......@@ -980,15 +963,7 @@ class RenderEditable extends RenderBox with RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin {
set selection(TextSelection value) {
if (_selection == value)
// Use the _fallbackAffinity when the set selection has a null
// affinity. This happens when the platform does not supply affinity,
// in which case using the fallback affinity computed from dart:ui will
// be superior to simply defaulting to TextAffinity.downstream.
if (value.affinity == null) {
_selection = value.copyWith(affinity: _fallbackAffinity);
} else {
_selection = value;
_selection = value;
_selectionRects = null;
......@@ -1591,7 +1566,6 @@ class RenderEditable extends RenderBox with RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin {
// Call [onSelectionChanged] only when the selection actually changed.
_handleSelectionChange(newSelection, cause);
/// Select a word around the location of the last tap down.
......@@ -1640,18 +1614,15 @@ class RenderEditable extends RenderBox with RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin {
final TextPosition position = _textPainter.getPositionForOffset(globalToLocal(_lastTapDownPosition - _paintOffset));
final TextRange word = _textPainter.getWordBoundary(position);
final TextRange lineBoundary = _textPainter.getLineBoundary(position);
final bool endOfLine = lineBoundary?.end == position.offset && position.affinity != null;
if (position.offset - word.start <= 1) {
TextSelection.collapsed(offset: word.start, affinity: endOfLine ? position.affinity : TextAffinity.downstream),
TextSelection.collapsed(offset: word.start, affinity: TextAffinity.downstream),
} else {
TextSelection.collapsed(offset: word.end, affinity: endOfLine ? position.affinity : TextAffinity.upstream),
TextSelection.collapsed(offset: word.end, affinity: TextAffinity.upstream),
......@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ class TextSelection extends TextRange {
/// The position at which the selection originates.
/// Might be larger than, smaller than, or equal to extent.
TextPosition get base => TextPosition(offset: baseOffset, affinity: affinity ?? TextAffinity.downstream);
TextPosition get base => TextPosition(offset: baseOffset, affinity: affinity);
/// The position at which the selection terminates.
......@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ class TextSelection extends TextRange {
/// side of the selection, this is the location at which to paint the caret.
/// Might be larger than, smaller than, or equal to base.
TextPosition get extent => TextPosition(offset: extentOffset, affinity: affinity ?? TextAffinity.downstream);
TextPosition get extent => TextPosition(offset: extentOffset, affinity: affinity);
String toString() {
......@@ -472,9 +472,6 @@ TextAffinity _toTextAffinity(String affinity) {
case 'TextAffinity.upstream':
return TextAffinity.upstream;
// Null affinity indicates that the platform did not provide a valid
// affinity. Set it to null here to allow the framework to supply
// a fallback affinity.
return null;
......@@ -536,7 +533,7 @@ class TextEditingValue {
selection: TextSelection(
baseOffset: encoded['selectionBase'] ?? -1,
extentOffset: encoded['selectionExtent'] ?? -1,
affinity: _toTextAffinity(encoded['selectionAffinity']),
affinity: _toTextAffinity(encoded['selectionAffinity']) ?? TextAffinity.downstream,
isDirectional: encoded['selectionIsDirectional'] ?? false,
composing: TextRange(
......@@ -790,42 +790,4 @@ void main() {
expect(lines[2].lineNumber, 2);
expect(lines[3].lineNumber, 3);
}, skip: !isLinux);
test('getLineBoundary', () {
final TextPainter painter = TextPainter()
..textDirection = TextDirection.ltr;
const String text = 'test1\nhello line two really long for soft break\nfinal line 4';
painter.text = const TextSpan(
text: text,
painter.layout(maxWidth: 300);
final List<ui.LineMetrics> lines = painter.computeLineMetrics();
expect(lines.length, 4);
expect(painter.getLineBoundary(const TextPosition(offset: -1)), const TextRange(start: -1, end: -1));
expect(painter.getLineBoundary(const TextPosition(offset: 0)), const TextRange(start: 0, end: 5));
expect(painter.getLineBoundary(const TextPosition(offset: 1)), const TextRange(start: 0, end: 5));
expect(painter.getLineBoundary(const TextPosition(offset: 4)), const TextRange(start: 0, end: 5));
expect(painter.getLineBoundary(const TextPosition(offset: 5)), const TextRange(start: 0, end: 5));
expect(painter.getLineBoundary(const TextPosition(offset: 10)), const TextRange(start: 6, end: 28));
expect(painter.getLineBoundary(const TextPosition(offset: 15)), const TextRange(start: 6, end: 28));
expect(painter.getLineBoundary(const TextPosition(offset: 21)), const TextRange(start: 6, end: 28));
expect(painter.getLineBoundary(const TextPosition(offset: 28)), const TextRange(start: 6, end: 28));
expect(painter.getLineBoundary(const TextPosition(offset: 29)), const TextRange(start: 28, end: 47));
expect(painter.getLineBoundary(const TextPosition(offset: 47)), const TextRange(start: 28, end: 47));
expect(painter.getLineBoundary(const TextPosition(offset: 48)), const TextRange(start: 48, end: 60));
expect(painter.getLineBoundary(const TextPosition(offset: 49)), const TextRange(start: 48, end: 60));
expect(painter.getLineBoundary(const TextPosition(offset: 60)), const TextRange(start: 48, end: 60));
expect(painter.getLineBoundary(const TextPosition(offset: 61)), const TextRange(start: -1, end: -1));
expect(painter.getLineBoundary(const TextPosition(offset: 100)), const TextRange(start: -1, end: -1));
}, skip: !isLinux);
......@@ -611,29 +611,4 @@ void main() {
editable.layout(BoxConstraints.loose(const Size(1000.0, 1000.0)));
expect(editable.maxScrollExtent, equals(10));
}, skip: isBrowser); // TODO(yjbanov): https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/42772
test('selection affinity uses fallback', () {
final TextSelectionDelegate delegate = FakeEditableTextState();
EditableText.debugDeterministicCursor = true;
final RenderEditable editable = RenderEditable(
textDirection: TextDirection.ltr,
cursorColor: const Color.fromARGB(0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00),
offset: ViewportOffset.zero(),
textSelectionDelegate: delegate,
startHandleLayerLink: LayerLink(),
endHandleLayerLink: LayerLink(),
expect(editable.selection, null);
const TextSelection sel1 = TextSelection(baseOffset: 10, extentOffset: 11);
editable.selection = sel1;
expect(editable.selection, sel1);
const TextSelection sel2 = TextSelection(baseOffset: 10, extentOffset: 11, affinity: null);
const TextSelection sel3 = TextSelection(baseOffset: 10, extentOffset: 11, affinity: TextAffinity.downstream);
editable.selection = sel2;
expect(editable.selection, sel3);
}, skip: isBrowser);
......@@ -173,37 +173,6 @@ void main() {
expect(client.latestMethodCall, 'connectionClosed');
test('TextEditingValue handles JSON affinity', () async {
final Map<String, dynamic> json = <String, dynamic>{};
json['text'] = 'Xiaomuqiao';
TextEditingValue val = TextEditingValue.fromJSON(json);
expect(val.text, 'Xiaomuqiao');
expect(val.selection.baseOffset, -1);
expect(val.selection.extentOffset, -1);
expect(val.selection.affinity, null);
expect(val.selection.isDirectional, false);
expect(val.composing.start, -1);
expect(val.composing.end, -1);
json['text'] = 'Xiaomuqiao';
json['selectionBase'] = 5;
json['selectionExtent'] = 6;
json['selectionAffinity'] = 'TextAffinity.upstream';
json['selectionIsDirectional'] = true;
json['composingBase'] = 7;
json['composingExtent'] = 8;
val = TextEditingValue.fromJSON(json);
expect(val.text, 'Xiaomuqiao');
expect(val.selection.baseOffset, 5);
expect(val.selection.extentOffset, 6);
expect(val.selection.affinity, TextAffinity.upstream);
expect(val.selection.isDirectional, true);
expect(val.composing.start, 7);
expect(val.composing.end, 8);
class FakeTextInputClient implements TextInputClient {
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