Unverified Commit d3209379 authored by Michael Goderbauer's avatar Michael Goderbauer Committed by GitHub

enable provide_deprecation_message (#77106)

parent 6586a069
......@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ linter:
- prefer_spread_collections
- prefer_typing_uninitialized_variables
- prefer_void_to_null
# - provide_deprecation_message # not yet tested
- provide_deprecation_message
# - public_member_api_docs # enabled on a case-by-case basis; see e.g. packages/analysis_options.yaml
- recursive_getters
# - sized_box_for_whitespace # not yet tested
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ void test3() { }
void test4() { }
@deprecated // no message
@deprecated // ignore: provide_deprecation_message
void test5() { }
@Deprecated('Not the right syntax. This feature was deprecated after v1.2.3.')
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