Commit d2c32750 authored by Ian Hickson's avatar Ian Hickson

Merge pull request #1791 from Hixie/custom-paint-saves

Assert that custom painters balance save/restores.
parents ffcdd0d1 0d1a3cfc
......@@ -1264,9 +1264,43 @@ class RenderCustomPaint extends RenderProxyBox {
void _paintWithPainter(Canvas canvas, Offset offset, CustomPainter painter) {
int debugPreviousCanvasSaveCount;;
assert(() { debugPreviousCanvasSaveCount = canvas.getSaveCount(); return true; });
canvas.translate(offset.dx, offset.dy);
painter.paint(canvas, size);
canvas.translate(-offset.dx, -offset.dy);
assert(() {
// This isn't perfect. For example, we can't catch the case of
// someone first restoring, then setting a transform or whatnot,
// then saving.
// If this becomes a real problem, we could add logic to the
// Canvas class to lock the canvas at a particular save count
// such that restore() fails if it would take the lock count
// below that number.
int debugNewCanvasSaveCount = canvas.getSaveCount();
if (debugNewCanvasSaveCount > debugPreviousCanvasSaveCount) {
throw new RenderingError(
'The $painter custom painter called or canvas.saveLayer() at least '
'${debugNewCanvasSaveCount - debugPreviousCanvasSaveCount} more '
'time${debugNewCanvasSaveCount - debugPreviousCanvasSaveCount == 1 ? '' : 's' } '
'than it called canvas.restore().\n'
'This leaves the canvas in an inconsistent state and will probably result in a broken display.\n'
'You must pair each call to save()/saveLayer() with a later matching call to restore().'
if (debugNewCanvasSaveCount < debugPreviousCanvasSaveCount) {
throw new RenderingError(
'The $painter custom painter called canvas.restore() '
'${debugPreviousCanvasSaveCount - debugNewCanvasSaveCount} more '
'time${debugPreviousCanvasSaveCount - debugNewCanvasSaveCount == 1 ? '' : 's' } '
'than it called or canvas.saveLayer().\n'
'This leaves the canvas in an inconsistent state and will result in a broken display.\n'
'You should only call restore() if you first called save() or saveLayer().'
return debugNewCanvasSaveCount == debugPreviousCanvasSaveCount;
void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) {
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ class _CheckedModeBannerPainter extends CustomPainter {
static const kHeight = 12.0; // height of banner
static const kTextAlign = const Offset(0.0, -3.0); // offset to move text up
static const kFontSize = kHeight * 0.85;
static const kShadowBlur = 8.0; // shadow blur sigma
static const kShadowBlur = 4.0; // shadow blur sigma
static final Rect kRect = new Rect.fromLTWH(-kOffset, kOffset-kHeight, kOffset * 2.0, kHeight);
static const TextStyle kTextStyles = const TextStyle(
color: const Color(0xFFFFFFFF),
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