Commit d12f84c8 authored by Eric Seidel's avatar Eric Seidel

Add pubspec.yaml files for each of the examples/ directories

so that pub get will create a packages/ directory for each
and users of packages/sky/sky_tool can run these examples
from sky_sdk as the instructions say to.

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parent 8c50d933
Sky Examples Sky Examples
============ ============
This directory contains several examples of using Sky. This directory contains several examples of using Sky. Each of these is an
individual Dart application package. If you wish to run them with `sky_tool`
then you will want to run `pub get` inside their directory before running
`./packages/sky/sky_tool start`.
1. *Hello, world.* The [hello world app](hello_world) is a basic app that shows 1. *Hello, world.* The [hello world app](hello_world) is a basic app that shows
the text "hello, world." the text "hello, world."
name: color
sky: any
name: hello_world
sky: any
name: raw
sky: any
name: widgets
sky: any
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