Unverified Commit cdf80b64 authored by xster's avatar xster Committed by GitHub

Don't show the 'preview' banner on published gallery (#16727)

parent 133c98a8
No related merge requests found
......@@ -10,25 +10,43 @@ if [ "$SHARD" = "build_and_deploy_gallery" ]; then
if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = "linux" ]; then
echo "Building Flutter Gallery for Android..."
export ANDROID_HOME=`pwd`/android-sdk
(cd examples/flutter_gallery; flutter build apk --release)
cd examples/flutter_gallery
flutter build apk --release -t lib/main_publish.dart
echo "Android Flutter Gallery built"
if [[ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" == "false" && "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" == "dev" && $version != *"pre"* ]]; then
echo "Deploying to Play Store..."
(cd examples/flutter_gallery/android; bundle install && bundle exec fastlane deploy_play_store)
cd examples/flutter_gallery/android
bundle install
bundle exec fastlane deploy_play_store
echo "Flutter Gallery is only deployed to the Play Store on merged and tagged dev branch commits"
elif [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = "osx" ]; then
echo "Building Flutter Gallery for iOS..."
(cd examples/flutter_gallery; flutter build ios --release --no-codesign)
cd examples/flutter_gallery
flutter build ios --release --no-codesign -t lib/main_publish.dart
echo "iOS Flutter Gallery built"
if [[ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" == "false" ]]; then
if [[ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" == "dev" && $version != *"pre"* ]]; then
echo "Archiving with distribution profile and deploying to TestFlight..."
(cd examples/flutter_gallery/ios; bundle install && bundle exec fastlane build_and_deploy_testflight upload:true)
cd examples/flutter_gallery/ios
bundle install
bundle exec fastlane build_and_deploy_testflight upload:true
echo "Archiving with distribution profile..."
(cd examples/flutter_gallery/ios; bundle install && bundle exec fastlane build_and_deploy_testflight)
cd examples/flutter_gallery/ios
bundle install
bundle exec fastlane build_and_deploy_testflight
echo "Archive is only deployed to TestFlight on tagged dev branch commits"
......@@ -85,6 +85,10 @@ class GalleryHome extends StatefulWidget {
assert(onTimeDilationChanged != null),
super(key: key);
// In checked mode our MaterialApp will show the default "debug" banner.
// Otherwise show the "preview" banner.
static bool showPreviewBanner = true;
final GalleryTheme galleryTheme;
final ValueChanged<GalleryTheme> onThemeChanged;
......@@ -206,15 +210,12 @@ class GalleryHomeState extends State<GalleryHome> with SingleTickerProviderState
// In checked mode our MaterialApp will show the default "debug" banner.
// Otherwise show the "preview" banner.
bool showPreviewBanner = true;
assert(() {
showPreviewBanner = false;
GalleryHome.showPreviewBanner = false;
return true;
if (showPreviewBanner) {
if (GalleryHome.showPreviewBanner) {
home = new Stack(
fit: StackFit.expand,
children: <Widget>[
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'gallery/home.dart';
import 'main.dart' as other_main;
// This main chain-calls main.dart's main. This file is used for publishing
// the gallery and removes the 'PREVIEW' banner.
void main() {
GalleryHome.showPreviewBanner = false;
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