Commit cc7cddae authored by Adam Barth's avatar Adam Barth

Merge pull request #29 from abarth/basic_structure

Start building the repository structure
parents 7b0bbdbe d5becff7
language: dart
sudo: false
- stable
- ./travis/
- ./travis/
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library cassowary;
import 'dart:math';
part 'constraint.dart';
part 'expression.dart';
part 'term.dart';
part 'variable.dart';
part 'equation_member.dart';
part 'constant_member.dart';
part 'solver.dart';
part 'symbol.dart';
part 'row.dart';
part 'utils.dart';
part 'result.dart';
part 'parser_exception.dart';
part 'param.dart';
part 'priority.dart';
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of cassowary;
class ConstantMember extends _EquationMember {
final double value;
bool get isConstant => true;
Expression asExpression() => new Expression([], this.value);
ConstantMember cm(double value) {
return new ConstantMember(value);
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of cassowary;
enum Relation { equalTo, lessThanOrEqualTo, greaterThanOrEqualTo, }
class Constraint {
final Relation relation;
final Expression expression;
double priority = Priority.required;
Constraint(this.expression, this.relation);
Constraint operator |(double p) => this..priority = p;
String toString() {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
switch (relation) {
case Relation.equalTo:
buffer.write(" == 0 ");
case Relation.greaterThanOrEqualTo:
buffer.write(" >= 0 ");
case Relation.lessThanOrEqualTo:
buffer.write(" <= 0 ");
buffer.write(" | priority = ${priority}");
if (priority == Priority.required) {
buffer.write(" (required)");
return buffer.toString();
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of cassowary;
abstract class _EquationMember {
Expression asExpression();
bool get isConstant;
double get value;
Constraint operator >=(_EquationMember m) => asExpression() >= m;
Constraint operator <=(_EquationMember m) => asExpression() <= m;
operator ==(_EquationMember m) => asExpression() == m;
Expression operator +(_EquationMember m) => asExpression() + m;
Expression operator -(_EquationMember m) => asExpression() - m;
Expression operator *(_EquationMember m) => asExpression() * m;
Expression operator /(_EquationMember m) => asExpression() / m;
int get hashCode =>
throw "An equation member is not comparable and cannot be added to collections";
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of cassowary;
class Expression extends _EquationMember {
final List<Term> terms;
final double constant;
bool get isConstant => terms.length == 0;
double get value => terms.fold(constant, (value, term) => value + term.value);
Expression(this.terms, this.constant);
Expression.fromExpression(Expression expr)
: this.terms = new List<Term>.from(expr.terms),
this.constant = expr.constant;
Expression asExpression() => this;
Constraint _createConstraint(
_EquationMember /* rhs */ value, Relation relation) {
if (value is ConstantMember) {
return new Constraint(
new Expression(new List.from(terms), constant - value.value),
if (value is Param) {
var newTerms = new List<Term>.from(terms)
..add(new Term(value.variable, -1.0));
return new Constraint(new Expression(newTerms, constant), relation);
if (value is Term) {
var newTerms = new List<Term>.from(terms)
..add(new Term(value.variable, -value.coefficient));
return new Constraint(new Expression(newTerms, constant), relation);
if (value is Expression) {
var newTerms = value.terms.fold(new List<Term>.from(terms),
(list, t) => list..add(new Term(t.variable, -t.coefficient)));
return new Constraint(
new Expression(newTerms, constant - value.constant), relation);
return null;
Constraint operator >=(_EquationMember value) =>
_createConstraint(value, Relation.greaterThanOrEqualTo);
Constraint operator <=(_EquationMember value) =>
_createConstraint(value, Relation.lessThanOrEqualTo);
operator ==(_EquationMember value) =>
_createConstraint(value, Relation.equalTo);
Expression operator +(_EquationMember m) {
if (m is ConstantMember) {
return new Expression(new List.from(terms), constant + m.value);
if (m is Param) {
return new Expression(
new List.from(terms)..add(new Term(m.variable, 1.0)), constant);
if (m is Term) {
return new Expression(new List.from(terms)..add(m), constant);
if (m is Expression) {
return new Expression(
new List.from(terms)..addAll(m.terms), constant + m.constant);
return null;
Expression operator -(_EquationMember m) {
if (m is ConstantMember) {
return new Expression(new List.from(terms), constant - m.value);
if (m is Param) {
return new Expression(
new List.from(terms)..add(new Term(m.variable, -1.0)), constant);
if (m is Term) {
return new Expression(new List.from(terms)
..add(new Term(m.variable, -m.coefficient)), constant);
if (m is Expression) {
var copiedTerms = new List<Term>.from(terms);
(t) => copiedTerms.add(new Term(t.variable, -t.coefficient)));
return new Expression(copiedTerms, constant - m.constant);
return null;
_EquationMember _applyMultiplicand(double m) {
var newTerms = terms.fold(new List<Term>(), (list, term) => list
..add(new Term(term.variable, term.coefficient * m)));
return new Expression(newTerms, constant * m);
_Pair<Expression, double> _findMulitplierAndMultiplicand(_EquationMember m) {
// At least on of the the two members must be constant for the resulting
// expression to be linear
if (!this.isConstant && !m.isConstant) {
return null;
if (this.isConstant) {
return new _Pair(m.asExpression(), this.value);
if (m.isConstant) {
return new _Pair(this.asExpression(), m.value);
return null;
_EquationMember operator *(_EquationMember m) {
_Pair<Expression, double> args = _findMulitplierAndMultiplicand(m);
if (args == null) {
throw new ParserException(
"Could not find constant multiplicand or multiplier", [this, m]);
return null;
return args.first._applyMultiplicand(args.second);
_EquationMember operator /(_EquationMember m) {
if (!m.isConstant) {
throw new ParserException(
"The divisor was not a constant expression", [this, m]);
return null;
return this._applyMultiplicand(1.0 / m.value);
String toString() {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
terms.forEach((t) => buffer.write("${t}"));
if (constant != 0.0) {
buffer.write(constant.sign > 0.0 ? "+" : "-");
return buffer.toString();
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of cassowary;
class Param extends _EquationMember {
final Variable variable;
dynamic context;
Param([double value = 0.0]) : variable = new Variable(value) {
variable._owner = this;
Param.withContext(ctx, [double value = 0.0])
: variable = new Variable(value),
context = ctx {
variable._owner = this;
bool get isConstant => false;
double get value => variable.value;
String get name =>;
set name(String name) => = name;
Expression asExpression() => new Expression([new Term(variable, 1.0)], 0.0);
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of cassowary;
class ParserException implements Exception {
final String message;
List<_EquationMember> members;
ParserException(this.message, this.members);
String toString() {
if (message == null) return "Error while parsing constraint or expression";
return "Error: '$message' while trying to parse constraint or expression";
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of cassowary;
class Priority {
static final double required = create(1e3, 1e3, 1e3);
static final double strong = create(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
static final double medium = create(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
static final double weak = create(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
static double create(double a, double b, double c) {
double result = 0.0;
result += max(0.0, min(1e3, a)) * 1e6;
result += max(0.0, min(1e3, b)) * 1e3;
result += max(0.0, min(1e3, c));
return result;
static double clamp(double value) {
return max(0.0, min(required, value));
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of cassowary;
class Result {
final String message;
final bool error;
const Result(this.message, { bool isError: true }) : error = isError;
static final Result success = const Result("Success", isError: false);
static final Result unimplemented = const Result("Unimplemented");
static final Result duplicateConstraint =
const Result("Duplicate Constraint");
static final Result unsatisfiableConstraint =
const Result("Unsatisfiable Constraint");
static final Result unknownConstraint =
const Result("Unknown Constraint");
static final Result duplicateEditVariable =
const Result("Duplicate Edit Variable");
static final Result badRequiredStrength =
const Result("Bad Required Strength");
static final Result unknownEditVariable =
const Result("Unknown Edit Variable");
static final Result internalSolverError =
const Result("Internal Solver Error");
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of cassowary;
class _Row {
final Map<_Symbol, double> cells;
double constant = 0.0;
_Row(this.constant) : this.cells = new Map<_Symbol, double>();
_Row.fromRow(_Row row)
: this.cells = new Map<_Symbol, double>.from(row.cells),
this.constant = row.constant;
double add(double value) => constant += value;
void insertSymbol(_Symbol symbol, [double coefficient = 1.0]) {
double val = _elvis(cells[symbol], 0.0);
if (_nearZero(val + coefficient)) {
} else {
cells[symbol] = val + coefficient;
void insertRow(_Row other, [double coefficient = 1.0]) {
constant += other.constant * coefficient;
other.cells.forEach((s, v) => insertSymbol(s, v * coefficient));
void removeSymbol(_Symbol symbol) {
void reverseSign() {
constant = -constant;
cells.forEach((s, v) => cells[s] = -v);
void solveForSymbol(_Symbol symbol) {
double coefficient = -1.0 / cells[symbol];
constant *= coefficient;
cells.forEach((s, v) => cells[s] = v * coefficient);
void solveForSymbols(_Symbol lhs, _Symbol rhs) {
insertSymbol(lhs, -1.0);
double coefficientForSymbol(_Symbol symbol) => _elvis(cells[symbol], 0.0);
void substitute(_Symbol symbol, _Row row) {
double coefficient = cells[symbol];
if (coefficient == null) {
insertRow(row, coefficient);
String toString() {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
cells.forEach((symbol, value) =>
buffer.write(" + " + value.toString() + " * " + symbol.toString()));
return buffer.toString();
This diff is collapsed.
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of cassowary;
enum _SymbolType { invalid, external, slack, error, dummy, }
class _Symbol {
final _SymbolType type;
final int tick;
_Symbol(this.type, this.tick);
String toString() {
String typeString = "unknown";
switch (type) {
case _SymbolType.invalid:
typeString = "i";
case _SymbolType.external:
typeString = "v";
case _SymbolType.slack:
typeString = "s";
case _SymbolType.error:
typeString = "e";
case _SymbolType.dummy:
typeString = "d";
return "${typeString}${tick}";
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of cassowary;
class Term extends _EquationMember {
final Variable variable;
final double coefficient;
bool get isConstant => false;
double get value => coefficient * variable.value;
Term(this.variable, this.coefficient);
Expression asExpression() =>
new Expression([new Term(this.variable, this.coefficient)], 0.0);
String toString() {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.write(coefficient.sign > 0.0 ? "+" : "-");
if (coefficient.abs() != 1.0) {
return buffer.toString();
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of cassowary;
bool _nearZero(double value) {
const double epsilon = 1.0e-8;
return value < 0.0 ? -value < epsilon : value < epsilon;
// Workaround for the lack of a null coalescing operator. Uses a ternary
// instead. Sadly, due the lack of generic types on functions, we have to use
// dynamic instead.
_elvis(a, b) => a != null ? a : b;
class _Pair<X, Y> {
X first;
Y second;
_Pair(this.first, this.second);
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of cassowary;
class Variable {
double value;
String name;
Param _owner;
final int _tick;
static int _total = 0;
Variable(this.value) : _tick = _total++;
bool _applyUpdate(double updated) {
bool res = updated != value;
value = updated;
return res;
String get debugName => _elvis(name, "variable${_tick}");
String toString() => debugName;
name: cassowary
description: Cassowary Constraint Solving Toolkit
version: 0.1.7
author: Flutter Authors <>
sdk: '>=1.0.0 <2.0.0'
test: '>=0.12.0 <0.13.0'
test_runner: '<=0.2.16'
dart_coveralls: '<=0.3.0'
This diff is collapsed.
# Newton
[![Build Status](](
[![Coverage Status](](
Simple Physics Simulations for Dart. Springs, friction, gravity, etc.
To run the tests:
pub get
dart test/newton_test.dart
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library newton;
import 'dart:math' as math;
part 'src/simulation.dart';
part 'src/simulation_group.dart';
part 'src/tolerance.dart';
part 'src/utils.dart';
part 'src/friction_simulation.dart';
part 'src/gravity_simulation.dart';
part 'src/scroll_simulation.dart';
part 'src/spring_simulation.dart';
part 'src/spring_solution.dart';
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of newton;
class FrictionSimulation extends Simulation {
final double _drag;
final double _dragLog;
final double _x;
final double _v;
FrictionSimulation(double drag, double position, double velocity)
: _drag = drag,
_dragLog = math.log(drag),
_x = position,
_v = velocity;
// Return the drag value for a FrictionSimulation whose x() and dx() values pass
// through the specified start and end position/velocity values.
// Total time to reach endVelocity is just: (log(endVelocity) / log(startVelocity)) / log(_drag)
// or (log(v1) - log(v0)) / log(D), given v = v0 * D^t per the dx() function below.
// Solving for D given x(time) is trickier. Algebra courtesy of Wolfram Alpha:
// x1 = x0 + (v0 * D^((log(v1) - log(v0)) / log(D))) / log(D) - v0 / log(D), find D
static double _dragFor(double startPosition, double endPosition, double startVelocity, double endVelocity) {
return math.pow(math.E, (startVelocity - endVelocity) / (startPosition - endPosition));
// A friction simulation that starts and ends at the specified positions
// and velocities.
factory FrictionSimulation.through(double startPosition, double endPosition, double startVelocity, double endVelocity) {
return new FrictionSimulation(
_dragFor(startPosition, endPosition, startVelocity, endVelocity),
.. tolerance = new Tolerance(velocity: endVelocity.abs());
double x(double time) => _x + _v * math.pow(_drag, time) / _dragLog - _v / _dragLog;
double dx(double time) => _v * math.pow(_drag, time);
bool isDone(double time) => dx(time).abs() < this.tolerance.velocity;
class BoundedFrictionSimulation extends FrictionSimulation {
double drag,
double position,
double velocity,
double this._minX,
double this._maxX) : super(drag, position, velocity);
final double _minX;
final double _maxX;
double x(double time) {
return super.x(time).clamp(_minX, _maxX);
bool isDone(double time) {
return super.isDone(time) ||
(x(time) - _minX).abs() < tolerance.distance ||
(x(time) - _maxX).abs() < tolerance.distance;
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of newton;
class GravitySimulation extends Simulation {
final double _x;
final double _v;
final double _a;
final double _end;
double acceleration, double distance, double endDistance, double velocity)
: _a = acceleration,
_x = distance,
_v = velocity,
_end = endDistance;
double x(double time) => _x + _v * time + 0.5 * _a * time * time;
double dx(double time) => _v + time * _a;
bool isDone(double time) => x(time).abs() >= _end;
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of newton;
/// Simulates kinetic scrolling behavior between a leading and trailing
/// boundary. Friction is applied within the extends and a spring action applied
/// at the boundaries. This simulation can only step forward.
class ScrollSimulation extends SimulationGroup {
double position,
double velocity,
this._drag) {
_chooseSimulation(position, velocity, 0.0);
final double _leadingExtent;
final double _trailingExtent;
final SpringDescription _spring;
final double _drag;
bool _isSpringing = false;
Simulation _currentSimulation;
double _offset = 0.0;
bool step(double time) => _chooseSimulation(
_currentSimulation.x(time - _offset),
_currentSimulation.dx(time - _offset), time);
Simulation get currentSimulation => _currentSimulation;
double get currentIntervalOffset => _offset;
bool _chooseSimulation(double position, double velocity, double intervalOffset) {
if (_spring == null && (position > _trailingExtent || position < _leadingExtent))
return false;
/// This simulation can only step forward.
if (!_isSpringing) {
if (position > _trailingExtent) {
_isSpringing = true;
_offset = intervalOffset;
_currentSimulation = new ScrollSpringSimulation(_spring, position, _trailingExtent, velocity);
return true;
} else if (position < _leadingExtent) {
_isSpringing = true;
_offset = intervalOffset;
_currentSimulation = new ScrollSpringSimulation(_spring, position, _leadingExtent, velocity);
return true;
if (_currentSimulation == null) {
_currentSimulation = new FrictionSimulation(_drag, position, velocity);
return true;
return false;
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of newton;
abstract class Simulatable {
/// The current position of the object in the simulation
double x(double time);
/// The current velocity of the object in the simulation
double dx(double time);
/// The base class for all simulations. The user is meant to instantiate an
/// instance of a simulation and query the same for the position and velocity
/// of the body at a given interval.
abstract class Simulation implements Simulatable {
Tolerance tolerance = toleranceDefault;
/// Returns if the simulation is done at a given time
bool isDone(double time);
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of newton;
/// The abstract base class for all composite simulations. Concrete subclasses
/// must implement the appropriate methods to select the appropriate simulation
/// at a given time interval. The simulation group takes care to call the `step`
/// method at appropriate intervals. If more fine grained control over the the
/// step is necessary, subclasses may override `Simulatable` methods.
abstract class SimulationGroup extends Simulation {
/// The currently active simulation
Simulation get currentSimulation;
/// The time offset applied to the currently active simulation;
double get currentIntervalOffset;
/// Called when a significant change in the interval is detected. Subclasses
/// must decide if the the current simulation must be switched (or updated).
/// The result is whether the simulation was switched in this step.
bool step(double time);
double x(double time) {
return currentSimulation.x(time - currentIntervalOffset);
double dx(double time) {
return currentSimulation.dx(time - currentIntervalOffset);
void set tolerance(Tolerance t) {
this.currentSimulation.tolerance = t;
super.tolerance = t;
bool isDone(double time) {
return currentSimulation.isDone(time - currentIntervalOffset);
double _lastStep = -1.0;
void _stepIfNecessary(double time) {
if (_nearEqual(_lastStep, time, toleranceDefault.time)) {
_lastStep = time;
if (step(time)) {
this.currentSimulation.tolerance = this.tolerance;
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of newton;
class SpringDescription {
/// The mass of the spring (m)
final double mass;
/// The spring constant (k)
final double springConstant;
/// The damping coefficient.
/// Note: Not to be confused with the damping ratio. Use the separate
/// constructor provided for this purpose
final double damping;
{double this.mass, double this.springConstant, double this.damping}) {
assert(mass != null);
assert(springConstant != null);
assert(damping != null);
/// Create a spring given the mass, spring constant and the damping ratio. The
/// damping ratio is especially useful trying to determing the type of spring
/// to create. A ratio of 1.0 creates a critically damped spring, > 1.0
/// creates an overdamped spring and < 1.0 an underdamped one.
{double mass, double springConstant, double ratio: 1.0})
: mass = mass,
springConstant = springConstant,
damping = ratio * 2.0 * math.sqrt(mass * springConstant);
enum SpringType { unknown, criticallyDamped, underDamped, overDamped, }
/// Creates a spring simulation. Depending on the spring description, a
/// critically, under or overdamped spring will be created.
class SpringSimulation extends Simulation {
final double _endPosition;
final _SpringSolution _solution;
/// A spring description with the provided spring description, start distance,
/// end distance and velocity.
SpringDescription desc, double start, double end, double velocity)
: this._endPosition = end,
_solution = new _SpringSolution(desc, start - end, velocity);
SpringType get type => _solution.type;
double x(double time) => _endPosition + _solution.x(time);
double dx(double time) => _solution.dx(time);
bool isDone(double time) =>
_nearEqual(x(time), _endPosition, this.tolerance.distance) &&
_nearZero(dx(time), this.tolerance.velocity);
/// A SpringSimulation where the value of x() is guaranteed to have exactly the
/// end value when the simulation isDone().
class ScrollSpringSimulation extends SpringSimulation {
ScrollSpringSimulation(SpringDescription desc, double start, double end, double velocity)
: super(desc, start, end, velocity);
bool _isDone(double position, double velocity) {
return _nearEqual(position, _endPosition, tolerance.distance) && _nearZero(velocity, tolerance.velocity);
double x(double time) {
double xAtTime = super.x(time);
return _isDone(xAtTime, dx(time)) ? _endPosition : xAtTime;
bool isDone(double time) => _isDone(x(time), dx(time));
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of newton;
abstract class _SpringSolution implements Simulatable {
factory _SpringSolution(
SpringDescription desc, double initialPosition, double initialVelocity) {
double cmk =
desc.damping * desc.damping - 4 * desc.mass * desc.springConstant;
if (cmk == 0.0) {
return new _CriticalSolution(desc, initialPosition, initialVelocity);
} else if (cmk > 0.0) {
return new _OverdampedSolution(desc, initialPosition, initialVelocity);
} else {
return new _UnderdampedSolution(desc, initialPosition, initialVelocity);
return null;
SpringType get type;
class _CriticalSolution implements _SpringSolution {
final double _r, _c1, _c2;
factory _CriticalSolution(
SpringDescription desc, double distance, double velocity) {
final double r = -desc.damping / (2.0 * desc.mass);
final double c1 = distance;
final double c2 = velocity / (r * distance);
return new _CriticalSolution.withArgs(r, c1, c2);
SpringType get type => SpringType.criticallyDamped;
_CriticalSolution.withArgs(double r, double c1, double c2)
: _r = r,
_c1 = c1,
_c2 = c2;
double x(double time) => (_c1 + _c2 * time) * math.pow(math.E, _r * time);
double dx(double time) {
final double power = math.pow(math.E, _r * time);
return _r * (_c1 + _c2 * time) * power + _c2 * power;
class _OverdampedSolution implements _SpringSolution {
final double _r1, _r2, _c1, _c2;
factory _OverdampedSolution(
SpringDescription desc, double distance, double velocity) {
final double cmk =
desc.damping * desc.damping - 4 * desc.mass * desc.springConstant;
final double r1 = (-desc.damping - math.sqrt(cmk)) / (2.0 * desc.mass);
final double r2 = (-desc.damping + math.sqrt(cmk)) / (2.0 * desc.mass);
final double c2 = (velocity - r1 * distance) / (r2 - r1);
final double c1 = distance - c2;
return new _OverdampedSolution.withArgs(r1, r2, c1, c2);
_OverdampedSolution.withArgs(double r1, double r2, double c1, double c2)
: _r1 = r1,
_r2 = r2,
_c1 = c1,
_c2 = c2;
SpringType get type => SpringType.overDamped;
double x(double time) =>
(_c1 * math.pow(math.E, _r1 * time) + _c2 * math.pow(math.E, _r2 * time));
double dx(double time) => (_c1 * _r1 * math.pow(math.E, _r1 * time) +
_c2 * _r2 * math.pow(math.E, _r2 * time));
class _UnderdampedSolution implements _SpringSolution {
final double _w, _r, _c1, _c2;
factory _UnderdampedSolution(
SpringDescription desc, double distance, double velocity) {
final double w = math.sqrt(4.0 * desc.mass * desc.springConstant -
desc.damping * desc.damping) /
(2.0 * desc.mass);
final double r = -(desc.damping / 2.0 * desc.mass);
final double c1 = distance;
final double c2 = (velocity - r * distance) / w;
return new _UnderdampedSolution.withArgs(w, r, c1, c2);
_UnderdampedSolution.withArgs(double w, double r, double c1, double c2)
: _w = w,
_r = r,
_c1 = c1,
_c2 = c2;
SpringType get type => SpringType.underDamped;
double x(double time) => math.pow(math.E, _r * time) *
(_c1 * math.cos(_w * time) + _c2 * math.sin(_w * time));
double dx(double time) {
final double power = math.pow(math.E, _r * time);
final double cosine = math.cos(_w * time);
final double sine = math.sin(_w * time);
return power * (_c2 * _w * cosine - _c1 * _w * sine) +
_r * power * (_c2 * sine + _c1 * cosine);
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of newton;
class Tolerance {
final double distance;
final double time;
final double velocity;
const Tolerance({this.distance: epsilonDefault, this.time: epsilonDefault,
this.velocity: epsilonDefault});
const double epsilonDefault = 1e-3;
const Tolerance toleranceDefault = const Tolerance();
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of newton;
bool _nearEqual(double a, double b, double epsilon) =>
(a > (b - epsilon)) && (a < (b + epsilon));
bool _nearZero(double a, double epsilon) => _nearEqual(a, 0.0, epsilon);
name: newton
description: Simple Physics Simulations for Dart
version: 0.1.5
author: Flutter Authors <>
sdk: '>=1.0.0 <2.0.0'
test: '>=0.12.0 <0.13.0'
test_runner: '<=0.2.16'
dart_coveralls: '<=0.3.0'
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library simple_physics.test;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:newton/newton.dart';
void main() {
test('test_friction', () {
var friction = new FrictionSimulation(0.3, 100.0, 400.0);
friction.tolerance = const Tolerance(velocity: 1.0);
expect(friction.isDone(0.0), false);
expect(friction.x(0.0), 100);
expect(friction.dx(0.0), 400.0);
expect(friction.x(1.0) > 330 && friction.x(1.0) < 335, true);
expect(friction.dx(1.0), 120.0);
expect(friction.dx(2.0), 36.0);
expect(friction.dx(3.0), 10.8);
expect(friction.dx(4.0) < 3.5, true);
expect(friction.isDone(5.0), true);
expect(friction.x(5.0) > 431 && friction.x(5.0) < 432, true);
test('test_friction_through', () {
// Use a normal FrictionSimulation to generate start and end
// velocity and positions with drag = 0.025.
var startPosition = 10.0;
var startVelocity = 600.0;
var f = new FrictionSimulation(0.025, startPosition, startVelocity);
var endPosition = f.x(1.0);
var endVelocity = f.dx(1.0);
expect(endPosition, greaterThan(startPosition));
expect(endVelocity, lessThan(startVelocity));
// Verify that that the "through" FrictionSimulation ends up at
// endPosition and endVelocity; implies that it computed the right
// value for _drag.
var friction = new FrictionSimulation.through(
startPosition, endPosition, startVelocity, endVelocity);
expect(friction.isDone(0.0), false);
expect(friction.x(0.0), 10.0);
expect(friction.dx(0.0), 600.0);
double epsilon = 1e-4;
expect(friction.isDone(1.0 + epsilon), true);
expect(friction.x(1.0), closeTo(endPosition, epsilon));
expect(friction.dx(1.0), closeTo(endVelocity, epsilon));
// Same scenario as above except that the velocities are
// are negative.
startPosition = 1000.0;
startVelocity = -500.0;
f = new FrictionSimulation(0.025, 1000.0, -500.0);
endPosition = f.x(1.0);
endVelocity = f.dx(1.0);
expect(endPosition, lessThan(startPosition));
expect(endVelocity, greaterThan(startVelocity));
friction = new FrictionSimulation.through(
startPosition, endPosition, startVelocity, endVelocity);
expect(friction.isDone(1.0 + epsilon), true);
expect(friction.x(1.0), closeTo(endPosition, epsilon));
expect(friction.dx(1.0), closeTo(endVelocity, epsilon));
test('test_gravity', () {
var gravity = new GravitySimulation(200.0, 100.0, 600.0, 0.0);
expect(gravity.isDone(0.0), false);
expect(gravity.x(0.0), 100.0);
expect(gravity.dx(0.0), 0.0);
// Starts at 100
expect(gravity.x(0.25), 106.25);
expect(gravity.x(0.50), 125);
expect(gravity.x(0.75), 156.25);
expect(gravity.x(1.00), 200);
expect(gravity.x(1.25), 256.25);
expect(gravity.x(1.50), 325);
expect(gravity.x(1.75), 406.25);
// Starts at 0.0
expect(gravity.dx(0.25), 50.0);
expect(gravity.dx(0.50), 100);
expect(gravity.dx(0.75), 150.00);
expect(gravity.dx(1.00), 200.0);
expect(gravity.dx(1.25), 250.0);
expect(gravity.dx(1.50), 300);
expect(gravity.dx(1.75), 350);
expect(gravity.isDone(2.5), true);
expect(gravity.x(2.5), 725);
expect(gravity.dx(2.5), 500.0);
test('spring_types', () {
var crit = new SpringSimulation(new SpringDescription.withDampingRatio(
mass: 1.0, springConstant: 100.0), 0.0, 300.0, 0.0);
expect(crit.type, SpringType.criticallyDamped);
crit = new SpringSimulation(new SpringDescription.withDampingRatio(
mass: 1.0, springConstant: 100.0, ratio: 1.0), 0.0, 300.0, 0.0);
expect(crit.type, SpringType.criticallyDamped);
var under = new SpringSimulation(new SpringDescription.withDampingRatio(
mass: 1.0, springConstant: 100.0, ratio: 0.75), 0.0, 300.0, 0.0);
expect(under.type, SpringType.underDamped);
var over = new SpringSimulation(new SpringDescription.withDampingRatio(
mass: 1.0, springConstant: 100.0, ratio: 1.25), 0.0, 300.0, 0.0);
expect(over.type, SpringType.overDamped);
// Just so we don't forget how to create a desc without the ratio.
var other = new SpringSimulation(
new SpringDescription(mass: 1.0, springConstant: 100.0, damping: 20.0),
0.0, 20.0, 20.0);
expect(other.type, SpringType.criticallyDamped);
test('crit_spring', () {
var crit = new SpringSimulation(new SpringDescription.withDampingRatio(
mass: 1.0, springConstant: 100.0, ratio: 1.0), 0.0, 500.0, 0.0);
crit.tolerance = const Tolerance(distance: 0.01, velocity: 0.01);
expect(crit.type, SpringType.criticallyDamped);
expect(crit.isDone(0.0), false);
expect(crit.x(0.0), 0.0);
expect(crit.dx(0.0), 5000.0);
expect(crit.x(0.25).floor(), 458.0);
expect(crit.x(0.50).floor(), 496.0);
expect(crit.x(0.75).floor(), 499.0);
expect(crit.dx(0.25).floor(), 410);
expect(crit.dx(0.50).floor(), 33);
expect(crit.dx(0.75).floor(), 2);
expect(crit.isDone(1.50), true);
expect(crit.x(1.5) > 499.0 && crit.x(1.5) < 501.0, true);
expect(crit.dx(1.5) < 0.1, true /* basically within tolerance */);
test('overdamped_spring', () {
var over = new SpringSimulation(new SpringDescription.withDampingRatio(
mass: 1.0, springConstant: 100.0, ratio: 1.25), 0.0, 500.0, 0.0);
over.tolerance = const Tolerance(distance: 0.01, velocity: 0.01);
expect(over.type, SpringType.overDamped);
expect(over.isDone(0.0), false);
expect(over.x(0.0), 0.0);
expect(over.x(0.5).floor(), 445.0);
expect(over.x(1.0).floor(), 495.0);
expect(over.x(1.5).floor(), 499.0);
expect(over.dx(0.5).floor(), 273.0);
expect(over.dx(1.0).floor(), 22.0);
expect(over.dx(1.5).floor(), 1.0);
expect(over.isDone(3.0), true);
test('underdamped_spring', () {
var under = new SpringSimulation(new SpringDescription.withDampingRatio(
mass: 1.0, springConstant: 100.0, ratio: 0.25), 0.0, 300.0, 0.0);
expect(under.type, SpringType.underDamped);
expect(under.isDone(0.0), false);
// Overshot with negative velocity
expect(under.x(1.0).floor(), 325);
expect(under.dx(1.0).floor(), -65);
expect(under.dx(6.0).floor(), 0.0);
expect(under.x(6.0).floor(), 299);
expect(under.isDone(6.0), true);
test('test_kinetic_scroll', () {
var spring = new SpringDescription.withDampingRatio(
mass: 1.0, springConstant: 50.0, ratio: 0.5);
var scroll = new ScrollSimulation(100.0, 800.0, 0.0, 300.0, spring, 0.3);
scroll.tolerance = const Tolerance(velocity: 0.5, distance: 0.1);
expect(scroll.isDone(0.0), false);
expect(scroll.isDone(0.5), false); // switch from friction to spring
expect(scroll.isDone(3.5), true);
var scroll2 = new ScrollSimulation(100.0, -800.0, 0.0, 300.0, spring, 0.3);
scroll2.tolerance = const Tolerance(velocity: 0.5, distance: 0.1);
expect(scroll2.isDone(0.0), false);
expect(scroll2.isDone(0.5), false); // switch from friction to spring
expect(scroll2.isDone(3.5), true);
test('scroll_with_inf_edge_ends', () {
var spring = new SpringDescription.withDampingRatio(
mass: 1.0, springConstant: 50.0, ratio: 0.5);
var scroll =
new ScrollSimulation(100.0, 400.0, 0.0, double.INFINITY, spring, 0.3);
scroll.tolerance = const Tolerance(velocity: 1.0);
expect(scroll.isDone(0.0), false);
expect(scroll.x(0.0), 100);
expect(scroll.dx(0.0), 400.0);
expect(scroll.x(1.0) > 330 && scroll.x(1.0) < 335, true);
expect(scroll.dx(1.0), 120.0);
expect(scroll.dx(2.0), 36.0);
expect(scroll.dx(3.0), 10.8);
expect(scroll.dx(4.0) < 3.5, true);
expect(scroll.isDone(5.0), true);
expect(scroll.x(5.0) > 431 && scroll.x(5.0) < 432, true);
// We should never switch
expect(scroll.currentIntervalOffset, 0.0);
test('over/under scroll spring', () {
var spring = new SpringDescription.withDampingRatio(mass: 1.0, springConstant: 170.0, ratio: 1.1);
var scroll = new ScrollSimulation(500.0, -7500.0, 0.0, 1000.0, spring, 0.025);
scroll.tolerance = new Tolerance(velocity: 45.0, distance: 1.5);
expect(scroll.isDone(0.0), false);
expect(scroll.x(0.0), closeTo(500.0, .0001));
expect(scroll.dx(0.0), closeTo(-7500.0, .0001));
expect(scroll.isDone(0.025), false);
expect(scroll.x(0.025), closeTo(320.0, 1.0));
expect(scroll.dx(0.25), closeTo(-2982, 1.0));
expect(scroll.isDone(2.0), true);
expect(scroll.x(2.0), 0.0);
expect(scroll.dx(2.0), closeTo(0.0, 45.0));
set -ex
(cd packages/cassowary; pub get)
(cd packages/newton; pub get)
pub global activate tuneup
set -ex
(cd packages/cassowary; pub global run tuneup check; pub run test -j1)
(cd packages/newton; pub global run tuneup check; pub run test -j1)
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