Unverified Commit c7643cf5 authored by Greg Spencer's avatar Greg Spencer Committed by GitHub

Fix samples so that they present properly in the docs (#97224)

parent 76758ef9
......@@ -28,11 +28,6 @@ function generate_docs() {
# >>> If you update this version, also update it in dev/bots/analyze_sample_code.dart <<<
"$DART" pub global activate snippets 0.2.5
# Run the snippets tool once to force building of the package executable,
# since "dart pub global run" has issues with startup concurrency.
# TODO(gspencergoog): Remove once pub issue is fixed, https://github.com/dart-lang/pub/issues/3165
"$DART" pub global run snippets --help
# This script generates a unified doc set, and creates
# a custom index.html, placing everything into dev/docs/doc.
(cd "$FLUTTER_ROOT/dev/tools" && "$FLUTTER" pub get)
......@@ -8,35 +8,18 @@
<i class="material-icons copy-image">link</i>
<div class="snippet-buttons">
<script>var visibleSnippet{{serial}} = "shortSnippet{{serial}}";</script>
<button id="shortSnippet{{serial}}Button"
onclick="visibleSnippet{{serial}} = showSnippet('shortSnippet{{serial}}', visibleSnippet{{serial}});"
<button id="longSnippet{{serial}}Button"
onclick="visibleSnippet{{serial}} = showSnippet('longSnippet{{serial}}', visibleSnippet{{serial}});">Sample in an App</button>
<div class="snippet-container">
<div class="snippet" id="shortSnippet{{serial}}">
<div class="snippet">
<div class="copyable-container">
<button class="copy-button-overlay copy-button" title="Copy to clipboard"
<i class="material-icons copy-image">assignment</i>
<pre class="language-{{language}}"><code class="language-{{language}}">{{code}}</code></pre>
<div class="snippet" id="longSnippet{{serial}}" hidden>
<div class="snippet-description">To create a local project with this code sample, run:<br/>
<span class="snippet-create-command">flutter create --sample={{id}} mysample</span>
<div class="copyable-container">
<button class="copy-button-overlay copy-button" title="Copy to clipboard"
<i class="material-icons copy-image">assignment</i>
<pre class="language-{{language}}"><code class="language-{{language}}">{{app}}</code></pre>
<pre id="longSnippet{{serial}}" class="language-{{language}}"><code class="language-{{language}}">{{app}}</code></pre>
......@@ -381,6 +381,25 @@ void cleanOutSnippets() {
void _sanityCheckExample(File file, RegExp regExp) {
if (file.existsSync()) {
final List<String> contents = file.readAsLinesSync();
bool found = false;
for (final String line in contents) {
if (regExp.matchAsPrefix(line) != null) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
throw Exception("Missing example code in ${file.path}. Either it didn't get published, publishing has changed, or the example no longer exists.");
} else {
throw Exception("Missing example code sanity test file ${file.path}. Either it didn't get published, or you might have to update the test to look at a different file.");
/// Runs a sanity check by running a test.
void sanityCheckDocs() {
final List<String> canaries = <String>[
......@@ -397,6 +416,22 @@ void sanityCheckDocs() {
if (!File(canary).existsSync())
throw Exception('Missing "$canary", which probably means the documentation failed to build correctly.');
// Make sure at least one example of each kind includes source code.
// Check a "sample" example, any one will do.
final File sampleExample = File('$kPublishRoot/api/widgets/showGeneralDialog.html');
final RegExp sampleRegExp = RegExp(r'\s*<pre id="longSnippet1" class="language-dart">\s*<code class="language-dart">\s*import &#39;package:flutter&#47;material.dart&#39;;');
_sanityCheckExample(sampleExample, sampleRegExp);
// Check a "snippet" example, any one will do.
final File snippetExample = File('$kPublishRoot/api/widgets/ModalRoute/barrierColor.html');
final RegExp snippetRegExp = RegExp(r'\s*<pre class="language-dart" id="sample-code">.*Color get barrierColor =&gt; Theme\.of\(navigator\.context\)\.backgroundColor;.*</pre>');
_sanityCheckExample(snippetExample, snippetRegExp);
// Check a "dartpad" example, any one will do.
final File dartpadExample = File('$kPublishRoot/api/widgets/PhysicalShape-class.html');
final RegExp dartpadRegExp = RegExp(r'\s*<iframe class="snippet-dartpad" src="https://dartpad\.dev.*sample_id=widgets\.PhysicalShape\.\d+.*">\s*</iframe>');
_sanityCheckExample(dartpadExample, dartpadRegExp);
/// Creates a custom index.html because we try to maintain old
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