Commit c1caa269 authored by Devon Carew's avatar Devon Carew

fix a mac test

parent e2a6b488
......@@ -128,7 +128,10 @@ All done! In order to run your application, type:
void _renderTemplates(String projectName, String dirPath,
String flutterPackagesDirectory, { bool renderDriverTest: false }) {
String relativeFlutterPackagesDirectory = path.relative(flutterPackagesDirectory, from: dirPath);
String relativePackagesDirectory = path.relative(
from: path.join(dirPath, 'pubspec.yaml')
printStatus('Creating project ${path.basename(projectName)}:');
......@@ -139,7 +142,7 @@ All done! In order to run your application, type:
'androidIdentifier': _createAndroidIdentifier(projectName),
'iosIdentifier': _createUTIIdentifier(projectName),
'description': description,
'flutterPackagesDirectory': relativeFlutterPackagesDirectory,
'flutterPackagesDirectory': relativePackagesDirectory,
'androidMinApiLevel': android.minApiLevel
......@@ -27,34 +27,28 @@ defineTests() {
temp.deleteSync(recursive: true);
// This test consistently times out on our windows bot. The code is already
// covered on the linux one.
// Also fails on mac, with create --out returning '69'
// TODO(devoncarew):
if (Platform.isLinux) {
// Verify that we create a project that is well-formed.
testUsingContext('flutter-simple', () async {
ArtifactStore.flutterRoot = '../..';
CreateCommand command = new CreateCommand();
CommandRunner runner = new CommandRunner('test_flutter', '')
await['create', '--out', temp.path])
.then((int code) => expect(code, equals(0)));
String mainPath = path.join(temp.path, 'lib', 'main.dart');
expect(new File(mainPath).existsSync(), true);
ProcessResult exec = Process.runSync(
sdkBinaryName('dartanalyzer'), ['--fatal-warnings', mainPath],
workingDirectory: temp.path
if (exec.exitCode != 0) {
expect(exec.exitCode, 0);
// This test can take a while due to network requests.
timeout: new Timeout(new Duration(minutes: 2)));
// Verify that we create a project that is well-formed.
testUsingContext('flutter-simple', () async {
ArtifactStore.flutterRoot = '../..';
CreateCommand command = new CreateCommand();
CommandRunner runner = new CommandRunner('test_flutter', '')
await['create', '--out', temp.path])
.then((int code) => expect(code, equals(0)));
String mainPath = path.join(temp.path, 'lib', 'main.dart');
expect(new File(mainPath).existsSync(), true);
ProcessResult exec = Process.runSync(
sdkBinaryName('dartanalyzer'), ['--fatal-warnings', mainPath],
workingDirectory: temp.path
if (exec.exitCode != 0) {
expect(exec.exitCode, 0);
// This test can take a while due to network requests.
timeout: new Timeout(new Duration(minutes: 2)));
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