Unverified Commit c11633e8 authored by Jonah Williams's avatar Jonah Williams Committed by GitHub

Separate hot reload and hot restart capabilities. (#24122)

parent 9ecb4ce9
......@@ -469,7 +469,10 @@ class AndroidDevice extends Device {
bool get supportsHotMode => true;
bool get supportsHotReload => true;
bool get supportsHotRestart => true;
Future<bool> stopApp(ApplicationPackage app) {
......@@ -209,7 +209,9 @@ class AttachCommand extends FlutterCommand {
} finally {
final List<ForwardedPort> ports = device.portForwarder.forwardedPorts.toList();
for (ForwardedPort port in ports) {
await device.portForwarder.unforward(port);
return null;
......@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ class AppDomain extends Domain {
bool isRestartSupported(bool enableHotReload, Device device) =>
enableHotReload && device.supportsHotMode;
enableHotReload && device.supportsHotRestart;
Future<OperationResult> _inProgressHotReload;
......@@ -336,8 +336,8 @@ class RunCommand extends RunCommandBase {
if (hotMode) {
for (Device device in devices) {
if (!device.supportsHotMode)
throwToolExit('Hot mode is not supported by ${device.name}. Run with --no-hot.');
if (!device.supportsHotReload)
throwToolExit('Hot reload is not supported by ${device.name}. Run with --no-hot.');
......@@ -270,8 +270,11 @@ abstract class Device {
bool ipv6 = false,
/// Does this device implement support for hot reloading / restarting?
bool get supportsHotMode => true;
/// Whether this device implements support for hot reload.
bool get supportsHotReload => true;
/// Whether this device implements support for hot restart.
bool get supportsHotRestart => true;
/// Stop an app package on the current device.
Future<bool> stopApp(ApplicationPackage app);
......@@ -97,7 +97,10 @@ class FuchsiaDevice extends Device {
FuchsiaDevice(String id, { this.name }) : super(id);
bool get supportsHotMode => true;
bool get supportsHotReload => true;
bool get supportsHotRestart => false;
final String name;
......@@ -124,7 +124,10 @@ class IOSDevice extends Device {
final String _sdkVersion;
bool get supportsHotMode => true;
bool get supportsHotReload => true;
bool get supportsHotRestart => true;
final String name;
......@@ -223,7 +223,10 @@ class IOSSimulator extends Device {
Future<bool> get isLocalEmulator async => true;
bool get supportsHotMode => true;
bool get supportsHotReload => true;
bool get supportsHotRestart => true;
Map<ApplicationPackage, _IOSSimulatorLogReader> _logReaders;
_IOSSimulatorDevicePortForwarder _portForwarder;
......@@ -460,6 +460,17 @@ abstract class ResidentRunner {
bool get isRunningRelease => debuggingOptions.buildInfo.isRelease;
bool get supportsServiceProtocol => isRunningDebug || isRunningProfile;
/// Whether this runner can hot restart.
/// To prevent scenarios where only a subset of devices are hot restarted,
/// the runner requires that all attached devices can support hot restart
/// before enabling it.
bool get canHotRestart {
return flutterDevices.every((FlutterDevice device) {
return device.device.supportsHotRestart;
/// Start the app and keep the process running during its lifetime.
Future<int> run({
Completer<DebugConnectionInfo> connectionInfoCompleter,
......@@ -289,7 +289,16 @@ class HotRunner extends ResidentRunner {
Future<void> handleTerminalCommand(String code) async {
final String lower = code.toLowerCase();
if (lower == 'r') {
final OperationResult result = await restart(fullRestart: code == 'R');
OperationResult result;
if (code == 'R') {
// If hot restart is not supported for all devices, ignore the command.
if (!canHotRestart) {
result = await restart(fullRestart: true);
} else {
result = await restart(fullRestart: false);
if (!result.isOk) {
// TODO(johnmccutchan): Attempt to determine the number of errors that
// occurred and tighten this message.
......@@ -541,6 +550,9 @@ class HotRunner extends ResidentRunner {
Future<OperationResult> restart({ bool fullRestart = false, bool pauseAfterRestart = false, String reason }) async {
final Stopwatch timer = Stopwatch()..start();
if (fullRestart) {
if (!canHotRestart) {
return OperationResult(1, 'hotRestart not supported');
final Status status = logger.startProgress(
'Performing hot restart...',
progressId: 'hot.restart',
......@@ -780,9 +792,12 @@ class HotRunner extends ResidentRunner {
void printHelp({ @required bool details }) {
const String fire = '🔥';
String rawMessage = ' To hot reload changes while running, press "r". ';
if (canHotRestart) {
rawMessage += 'To hot restart (and rebuild state), press "R".';
final String message = terminal.color(
fire + terminal.bolden(' To hot reload changes while running, press "r". '
'To hot restart (and rebuild state), press "R".'),
fire + terminal.bolden(rawMessage),
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/artifacts.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/devfs.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/device.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/resident_runner.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/run_hot.dart';
......@@ -94,32 +95,113 @@ void main() {
group('hotRestart', () {
final MockResidentCompiler residentCompiler = MockResidentCompiler();
final MockDevFs mockDevFs = MockDevFs();
MockLocalEngineArtifacts mockArtifacts;
mainPath: anyNamed('mainPath'),
target: anyNamed('target'),
bundle: anyNamed('bundle'),
firstBuildTime: anyNamed('firstBuildTime'),
bundleFirstUpload: anyNamed('bundleFirstUpload'),
bundleDirty: anyNamed('bundleDirty'),
fileFilter: anyNamed('fileFilter'),
generator: anyNamed('generator'),
fullRestart: anyNamed('fullRestart'),
dillOutputPath: anyNamed('dillOutputPath'),
trackWidgetCreation: anyNamed('trackWidgetCreation'),
projectRootPath: anyNamed('projectRootPath'),
pathToReload: anyNamed('pathToReload'),
)).thenAnswer((Invocation _) => Future<int>.value(1000));
setUp(() {
mockArtifacts = MockLocalEngineArtifacts();
testUsingContext('no setup', () async {
final List<FlutterDevice> devices = <FlutterDevice>[FlutterDevice(MockDevice(), generator: residentCompiler, trackWidgetCreation: false)];
final MockDevice mockDevice = MockDevice();
final List<FlutterDevice> devices = <FlutterDevice>[
FlutterDevice(mockDevice, generator: residentCompiler, trackWidgetCreation: false),
expect((await HotRunner(devices).restart(fullRestart: true)).isOk, false);
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
Artifacts: () => mockArtifacts,
testUsingContext('setup function succeeds', () async {
final List<FlutterDevice> devices = <FlutterDevice>[FlutterDevice(MockDevice(), generator: residentCompiler, trackWidgetCreation: false)];
testUsingContext('Does not hot restart when device does not support it', () async {
// Setup mocks
final MockDevice mockDevice = MockDevice();
// Trigger hot restart.
final List<FlutterDevice> devices = <FlutterDevice>[
FlutterDevice(mockDevice, generator: residentCompiler, trackWidgetCreation: false)..devFS = mockDevFs
final OperationResult result = await HotRunner(devices).restart(fullRestart: true);
// Expect hot restart failed.
expect(result.isOk, false);
expect(result.message, isNot('setupHotRestart failed'));
expect(result.message, 'hotRestart not supported');
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
Artifacts: () => mockArtifacts,
HotRunnerConfig: () => TestHotRunnerConfig(successfulSetup: true),
HotRunnerConfig: () => TestHotRunnerConfig(successfulSetup: true, computeDartDependencies: false),
testUsingContext('Does not hot restart when one of many devices does not support it', () async {
// Setup mocks
final MockDevice mockDevice = MockDevice();
final MockDevice mockHotDevice = MockDevice();
// Trigger hot restart.
final List<FlutterDevice> devices = <FlutterDevice>[
FlutterDevice(mockDevice, generator: residentCompiler, trackWidgetCreation: false)..devFS = mockDevFs,
FlutterDevice(mockHotDevice, generator: residentCompiler, trackWidgetCreation: false)..devFS = mockDevFs,
final OperationResult result = await HotRunner(devices).restart(fullRestart: true);
// Expect hot restart failed.
expect(result.isOk, false);
expect(result.message, 'hotRestart not supported');
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
Artifacts: () => mockArtifacts,
HotRunnerConfig: () => TestHotRunnerConfig(successfulSetup: true, computeDartDependencies: false),
testUsingContext('Does hot restarts when all devices support it', () async {
// Setup mocks
final MockDevice mockDevice = MockDevice();
final MockDevice mockHotDevice = MockDevice();
// Trigger a restart.
final List<FlutterDevice> devices = <FlutterDevice>[
FlutterDevice(mockDevice, generator: residentCompiler, trackWidgetCreation: false)..devFS = mockDevFs,
FlutterDevice(mockHotDevice, generator: residentCompiler, trackWidgetCreation: false)..devFS = mockDevFs,
final OperationResult result = await HotRunner(devices).restart(fullRestart: true);
// Expect hot restart was successful.
expect(result.isOk, true);
expect(result.message, isNot('hotRestart not supported'));
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
Artifacts: () => mockArtifacts,
HotRunnerConfig: () => TestHotRunnerConfig(successfulSetup: true, computeDartDependencies: false),
testUsingContext('setup function fails', () async {
final List<FlutterDevice> devices = <FlutterDevice>[FlutterDevice(MockDevice(), generator: residentCompiler, trackWidgetCreation: false)];
final MockDevice mockDevice = MockDevice();
final List<FlutterDevice> devices = <FlutterDevice>[
FlutterDevice(mockDevice, generator: residentCompiler, trackWidgetCreation: false)
final OperationResult result = await HotRunner(devices).restart(fullRestart: true);
expect(result.isOk, false);
expect(result.message, 'setupHotRestart failed');
......@@ -127,9 +209,29 @@ void main() {
Artifacts: () => mockArtifacts,
HotRunnerConfig: () => TestHotRunnerConfig(successfulSetup: false),
testUsingContext('hot restart supported', () async {
// Setup mocks
final MockDevice mockDevice = MockDevice();
// Trigger hot restart.
final List<FlutterDevice> devices = <FlutterDevice>[
FlutterDevice(mockDevice, generator: residentCompiler, trackWidgetCreation: false)..devFS = mockDevFs
final OperationResult result = await HotRunner(devices).restart(fullRestart: true);
// Expect hot restart successful.
expect(result.isOk, true);
expect(result.message, isNot('setupHotRestart failed'));
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
Artifacts: () => mockArtifacts,
HotRunnerConfig: () => TestHotRunnerConfig(successfulSetup: true, computeDartDependencies: false),
class MockDevFs extends Mock implements DevFS {}
class MockLocalEngineArtifacts extends Mock implements LocalEngineArtifacts {}
class MockDevice extends Mock implements Device {
......@@ -139,7 +241,9 @@ class MockDevice extends Mock implements Device {
class TestHotRunnerConfig extends HotRunnerConfig {
TestHotRunnerConfig({@required this.successfulSetup});
TestHotRunnerConfig({@required this.successfulSetup, bool computeDartDependencies = true}) {
this.computeDartDependencies = computeDartDependencies;
bool successfulSetup;
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