Unverified Commit c11440ae authored by stuartmorgan's avatar stuartmorgan Committed by GitHub

Remove the Windows 'flutter create' warning (#66113)

parent 480a0827
......@@ -506,15 +506,6 @@ To edit platform code in an IDE see https://flutter.dev/developing-packages/#edi
'directory in order to launch your app.');
globals.printStatus('Your $application code is in $relativeAppMain');
// Warn about unstable templates. This shuold be last so that it's not
// lost among the other output.
if (featureFlags.isWindowsEnabled && platforms.contains('windows')) {
globals.printStatus('WARNING: The Windows tooling and APIs are not yet stable. '
'You will likely need to re-create the "windows" directory after future '
'Flutter updates.');
return FlutterCommandResult.success();
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